Ricky Gervais is an absolute cunt

Ricky Gervais is an absolute cunt.
The only reason why he managed to deliver such an excellent performance in The Office and Extras (as well as writing such a believable wanker in those series to begin with) is because he is that much of an egotistical douche in real life.

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Extras was only tolerable because of the guest performances

Everything else about it was embarrassing, the dramatic elements felt like they were written by a high school student

stay mad cunt

Hes not relevant enough to deserve his own thread

I liked when he went to church to impress that woman.

>upset christian
everytime kek

God *BUUURP* isn't real

who gives a fuck about gervais literally everybody only cares about karl plinkton

Found another one here

He's definitely less likeable than he used to be.

The smugness was part of his comedic schtick. Now it seems to be a genuine part of his personality.

The Office and Extras were brilliant. Everything else is subpar. His new Brent film is proof of how important Stephen Merchant is to his creative process.

Making fun of religion worked 10 years ago but seems extremely stale now, which is something that has led to him being made fun of instead. In fact there seem to be people who make a living out of making fun of him.

I was saying this when the first episode of The Office aired. Glad the entire world caught up. Only took the best part of twenty fucking years.

The smugness was always clearly faux-ironic - ie., not ironic, but with a layer of "irony" to redeem it in the eyes of, bluntly, people who should have known better. And Karl Pilkington is as real as wrestling. Gervais: Not Even Once.

It seemed stale then, you just grew up.

He's drinkin a beer! What's he gonna do next?!

Ricky is just a smug unfunny cunt
Karl is like a living meme

Someone post the picture of him.

Watch Derek. He plays the opposite of a smug condescending douche.

Yeah but he's funny. Not sure why you're whining to us about it though. Did you meet him irl and he ignored you?

T. Offended Christian snowflake.

Into the trash you go.


t. atheist buttblasted that his way of thinking went from being edgy and mainstream to being shamed into withdrawal by memes of a fat guy wearing a fedora

>When Maggie tried to hide the Gollywog
>Every scene with Ian "Bunny" Bunton
>Steve Merchant clogging up his toilet on his date with Maggie
>When the whistle blows

Extras was based


>When he starts to clap after the prayer
Not in the clip but that's my favorite part


biggest fall from grace ever?

He achieved 2 things in his life: accidentally starting a great franchise he had nothing to do with (Office US) and accidentally discovering a great comedian (Karl).

Settle down, Karl.

Extras was better than both of those things

>being edgy and mainstream

Buzzwords can backfire if you're a dumbass.

and , most famous people are egotistical, whats your point. you need to be a little egotistic to act, are you crying because you didn't become famous

>(Pointing at a rhino) Biggest thin- second biggest thing on the planet. Yeah, there's a fact for ya if ye want. Y'know, it'll look good.
>What's the biggest then?
>Elephant innit? . . .It is! Don'- Why do you question everything? I know some facts!
>Haven't you been whale watching on this series?
>Karl's face when
Karl has perfect comedic timing and he doesn't even know it.

>accidentally starting a great franchise he had nothing to do with

He created that style of comedy. You're deluded if you think that rip off would exist without Gervais.

Karl is Buddha

ricky was never funny


>that style of comedy
He didn't create mocumentaries, they were a thing for a while. He just made a pretty bad one that was adapted in a far superior one.

Yeah but then he discovered Senor Orange Head so all is forgiven.

>believes in the most edgy shit possible, like hell, Satan and demons, God nuking entire cities or his son being tortured and crucified before being resurrected
>calls other people edgy