Why did Netflix have to shit this up?
Netflix got distribution rights...
But it was kickstarter funded. They filmed/recorded everything in like a week because of scheduling.
If Netflix produces a second season, it will be better.
>If Netflix produces a second season, it will be better.
Keep dreaming, faggot.
It was garbage. No Mike/Kevin = SHIT.
If Netflix is intent on taking everything we lobed as kids and digging up their corpses can I get a Perfect Strangers reunion season?
holy fuck how old are you
Dude it's terrible. So forced.
This show was around the same time as Full House that wouldn't be farfetched
It wasn't that good to start with, netflix just tried to shove nostalgia down everyones throat
they should reverse it, pinchot's been naturalized so long he's lost his old country ways and larry whatshisface went abroad and became foreignized.
Where's my Netflix remake of Testees, or Code Monkeys? When will they get around to ruining those series', too? You know what's more realistic though? They recover Firefly. Guaranteed to have every "geek" go nuts the second it's announced.
DAE like having nostalgia shoved down their throat? Fucking loved Thimbleweed Park
>Reed Hasting owns Netflix
>former member of the California State Board of Education
Because the owner is an SJW and if it's one thing PC soccermom faggots can't have it's good product.
They are too old and Balki looks nothing like Balki anymore.
Disagree, I like a lot of the new episodes. I even like most of the host segments. The mads are less than stellar, but who knows, maybe they'll improve with a second season.
I would watch that.
he looks like a 100% americanized balki and the other guy looks like some writer who's sequestered himself for decades in the hills or something. My reverse idea could totally work.
WTF Balki looks like Nathan Fillion now.
It's obviously not nearly on par with the old stuff, but it has potential. I was encouraged by the fact that it got better after each episode.
I feel MST3K is not something that's good right off the start; the human, servo and crow get used to each other and nail down the pacing over time. I hope there's a second season, as I can see this becoming at least on par with the better Joel episodes in time.
Shitting things up is what they do.
>on par with the better Joel episodes
So on par with shit
Seems about the same quality as the old shows to me. I don't know what people are complaining about. I think people only remember the good episodes of the old episodes and not the shitty ones.
Anyway, am I the only one who thinks it looks like crow is facing the camera instead of the movie?
No, as in a notch below Manos.
And that's lowballing it desu. They just need to work on the pacing and tweak the formula a little. From what I understand they are very receptive to criticism.
I really like the new crow, he even SOUNDS like a mix of old crows.
New host is OK, I think he'll just need to grow on me.
I'm iffy about new Tom. He can be funny but I feel he's the weakest link. I think the whole flying tom thing is a little overdone.
Gypsie having a regular voice bothers me, but other than the comparison to the old show she's OK.
The Mads could use some work, but it's surprisingly decent overall. I'm shocked I don't think Day is completely shit.
Overall I came in expecting nothing, it's a shockingly good reboot for a show like MST3K, and I'm cautiously optimistic about its future.
>From what I understand they are very receptive to criticism
i really hated this...but i think all those twitter activists in it really made it hard for me to give it a chance.