What's your favorite Alex Jones meme? Mine is the one where we pretend like he deserves to be treated with respect.
What's your favorite Alex Jones meme? Mine is the one where we pretend like he deserves to be treated with respect
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I don't like that normies know about him
He married a hooker but he still deserves more respect than you, Reddit
he isn't as fun to listen to now that he knows he is a meme
t. r/thedonald
He was never built for the rise of Trump/pol/alt-right youtubers etc. His whole shtick worked much better back during the Obama years when he was a lone outsider shouting at a government which was hostile to his worldview. 4 years of "I like Trump but I'm worried about the DEEP STATE" is going to get stale pretty quick.
You're just wrong. His peak was during the W Bush years and Clinton-era Jones was way better than Obama-era Jones.
He is in over his head now though.
plebbitor confirmed, gtfo my site
The one where he has to pay 44k alimony a month
shit, he was making that much?
So fantastical.
Hes a real man
Can I get a basic gestalt?
He was fun to listen to while he was only a conspiracy theorist. Now he just says whatever inflammatory political garbage he can think of for views, knowing perfectly well that he now has a legion of alt-right babbies who will unquestioningly believe whatever he says.
Plebs, best Jones is pre-radio Bush Senior era Jones.
and yet he's right 89% of the time. really makes you think
I doubt there are nearly as many of those as there are leftie college babbies unquestionably believing anything Colbert or John Oliver say.
One of the main things about the new conservative movement is to NOT trust any single media outlet but instead double and triple check your sources.
You Pop pop pop them open
says who? Practically nothing he says is ever true, not even he believes it. Grow the fuck up
The one where he killed fiddy men.
This. The real conspiracy though is that the new (((alex jones))) is not who he claims to be
No argument
I dunno man picklegate was fuckin kino
What exactly do you think Alex Jones says outside of the funny, out of context youtube clips Colbert and co use to ridicule him?
He's saying pretty much the same things liberals have been saying for decades. That the American government has too much power and is spying on its people. That America starts pointless wars in the middle east. That the global elite is above the law, that the MSM is funded by said elite and corrupt.... Those were all mainline liberal talking points during the Bush era and now you suddenly pretend like all of it is bullshit? Really?
>Practically nothing he says is ever true, not even he believes it. Grow the fuck up
I beg to differ
>whole schtick is sitting on the outside throwing barbs at those in power
>never have to defend yourself or your crazy ass ideas, literally encouraged to go crazier and further down the rabbit hole to get more viewers
>most money comes from pandering survival supplies and worthless supplements to the most paranoid and ignorant members of society like a redneck Dr. Oz
>suddenly start gaining mainstream notoriety
>dumbasses taking you seriously start doing stupid shit like shooting up pizza joints you claim are hives of pedophilia
>authorities start noticing your bullshit, have to tone down or outright apologize to avoid lawsuits
>have to argue in court you're a performance artist to avoid losing custody of your kids
Surprise, being a crazy dickhead has drawbacks.
>thinks Sandy Hook was a hoax
>government behind 9/11 and the Oklahoma City Bombing
>gave credence to pizzagate
>thinks the government is poisoning everyone's water
Dude's a nutcase. Even the courts agree at this point.
Actually he was one of the few people on the alt right who outright said there wasn't enough information and that Pizzagate is a distraction strategy by the MSM right before the election. BEFORE the shooting happened mind you. He even fired one of his reporters who didn't want to let go of the story. So either you are misinformed or you are outright lying about this whole situation.
He always seemed more like Kinison to me.
Except he didn't lose, at all.
You should be more forgiving, considering his wife went nuts just like your bi-polar single mom.
Wasn't even Michael Moore a 9/11 truther once upon a time? Back in the mid 2000s, that was like the most mainstream conspiracy theory there was. On both sides of the isle. People on the left pretended it was an inside job so GWB had an escuse to start a war to get more oil, people on the right thought it was Saudi Arabia... Very few people to this day think it was just a ragtag group of terrorists.
Also, just for the record, Hillary and Bernie were even asked questions at the debates regarding poisoned water supplies. AJ is most certainly wrong about it being poisoned on purpose, but he isn't wrong about the fact that there is a lot of shit in tap water that shouldn't be in there. Again, kinda something liberals used to talk about all the time. It's a legit environmental talking point, not a crazy conspiracy theory.
Whats your favorite share blue failure? Mine was losing Hillary the presidency.
>So either you are misinformed or you are outright lying about this whole situation.
Nah, I'm just taking Alex at his own word:
>The volume of stories was substantial, generated national headlines and came to be known across the country as “Pizzagate.” We at Infowars became a part of that discussion. We broadcast commentary about the allegations and the theory that the emails contained code words. We raised questions about information in Mr. Podesta’s emails and the Comet Ping Pong restaurant. We believed at that time that further investigation was necessary.
He wouldn't have had to apologize if Comet Ping Pong and their lawyers didn't have his ass dead to rights.
>sodium fluoride isn't a poison!
Delightful. Go by some rat poison (look on the back, you'll see the sole ingredient is sodium fluoride) and prove once and for all that Alex Jones is a kook! I call it The Fluoride Challenge, you might get hella youtube bux, make sure to monetize.
>questions at the debates regarding poisoned water supplies
were these in regard to flint or the gay frogs?
The Fish People bit was his greatest performance.
>Wasn't even Michael Moore a 9/11 truther once upon a time?
And? Anyone who believes the government was involved in 9/11 is a dumbass. Alex Jones, the guy this thread is about, is a dumbass.
>It's a legit environmental talking point, not a crazy conspiracy theory.
Maybe for shit like Flynn Michigan but in general it's nonsense of the highest order. The government has stricter regulations for water than people like Coke who bottle the shit. Jones peddles that nonsense to sell water filters to gullible morons. The government is not purposely poisoning your water to control your mind.
What's your argument here exactly? How long has the government been poisoning hundreds of millions of people and to what effect?
Not that guy, but as I said before, AJ is right about the thing itself, but comes to the wrong conclusion, or plays the conclusion up for his crowd, I dunno.
There IS fluoride in tap water, it's just not a nefarious government plot to poison us, but simply the unforseen side effect of millions of dental products being used every day.
>I dunno.
Take a wild guess, this is a show where people tune in to hear about George Bush murdering 3,000 people to get some oil in another country. You think they hear about their water having chemicals in it and assume it's " the unforseen side effect of millions of dental products being used every day"? You think if Jones talked about contrails from airplanes that his audience go, "why is he talking about water vapor?" No, it all feeds into a paranoid narrative about our government and the world around us. In Jones world literally basic necessities for life are a threat and completely innocuous or reasonable facets of everyday life are signs of a nefarious worldwide plot against lower class farmers in Oklahoma by God even knows what.
.t share blue retard who has never listened to an alex jones radio show
What's the story behind this?
Basically Alex Jones was killed because he knew too much so they replaced him with a puppet working for (((them))).
>the new conservative movement is to NOT trust any single media outlet but instead double and triple check your sources
Sure buddy. That's why they by millions of $ worth of snakeoil from Alex Jones every year.
*buy god dammit
did americans actually fall for sandy hoax?
to the rest of the world it just looked like an obvious gun grabber stunt
Mine is the one where he triggers shareblue redditcucks by exposing the truth about their golden idols
Alex Jones is still one of the funniest people alive. I like stand up and everything but Jones is hilarious even when he's not joking
what are some alex kinos
my fave is when brainlet leftys think they understand him and are supposed to hate him
>Edit: thanks for the gold!
Jones is never not joking. At least he's like that on his show.
Stop using alternative facts, alex
>le 5d monopoly meme
My "fave" is when "brainlet" alt-right babbies think they are smarter for believing all the crap this maniac spouts without any reason or conviction.
I'll admit I don't know that much about Alex Jones or Info Wars until now but I checked out his website because it sounded interesting.
One article states that Info Wars is being censored by google and that you cannot find Info Wars anymore through google search.
>search Infowars on google
>first hit is his site Infowars.com
Is this one big elaborate joke?
goes both ways commie
fake searches
he's the most dangerous man in america
they could shut him down anytime but they are too scared of him
sure he's been active for 20 years now, but he could be killed and shut off any minute cause of how dangerous he is to the government
Hillary Clinton sends her regards. The Clintons rarely forgive and never forget.
I don't watch InfoWars and I can't say I care much for the dude but he's good for a laugh.
The people who are celebrating his Jew wife's win and wanted him to lose his kids over his politics/on-air character are fucking sick though.
I'd say I hope they end up in their own custody battle but of course these faggots don't have any kids.
>I'm a performance artist and I made this all up jk lol. ;)
every time.
Was this before or after his poignant message on the fish people? I sure do wonder why I stopped listening after that.
Suddenly I see why fat weebs can identify with this retarded sack of shit.
the joe rogan podcast
Has anyone posted this one yet?
classic jones kino
Nobody cares
Why do you act like this is something to sperg about?
>implying they don't just read headlines on breitbart and jump to conclusions on Sup Forums
interdimensional child molesters
good luck on your community college intro to sociology class buddy
hope you get an A for shitposting online -- the highest stage of enlightenment
Copying The Hour of the Time was not Best Jones, sorry.
>The government is not purposely poisoning your water to control your mind.
>t. shareblue
Well, they aren't.
>Trump will win
He has more credibility than you so far.
>guess A or B
>Alex Jones was right about Trump
>well shit, that must mean the fish people were real too!
Yeah because I'm going to list every little single thing for you
Kek, it would be a short list you gullible faggot.
>fish people, sandy hook false flag, fetuses in pepsi, transdimensional vampires, immortal elites, faked moon landing, Obama is a child murderer, PizzaGate, Y2K....
I can't imagine why you haven't killed yourself in embarassment.
Listen, I know you're paid to discredit him here and you're doing a wonderful job but I've watched every single one of Alex Jones' documentaries and I have to say, he makes a good case for what he argues and always provides impeccable evidence, as far as his documentary films go.
So, continue on, you have a job to do and that's obvious, but know that I, for one, do not believe you. I believe Alex Jones.
How sad do you have to be to think that obvious criticisms of his literal conspiracy theories, makes you a shill?
Yes, yes, invoke the thought-stopping term "conspiracy theory" in the Internet age, mockingbirder. Surely it will still work.
why is it 44k a month? thats an insane salary.
> make sure you visit Sup Forums and not /po/ as it is not politically motivated
They are conspiracy theories though... You need to come to terms with that now, so you can have a functional life and friendships later.
>you need to subscribe to the media narrative or you'll never be happy!
this is deep
Convenient, isn't it? How you can just dodge criticisms.
Indulge me though, give me one concrete thing he has proven.
post more jones kino
I Believe Alex Jones.
deal w/it
you lose
So is he merely pretending or is he serious about the stuff he says?