Stranger Things

what went right?

>Unique storyline
>Child actors are actually good
>Awesome 80s synth sounds
>Comfy 80s vibes everywhere
>Good pacing, built up right to end of the season

I couldn't watch past the second episode because the kids kept overacting.

And not in the fun, Prison Break-campy sort of way.

idiots got hit with that nostalgia bomb

Have you ever interacted with a kid in real life? Spoiler alert: they all 'overact'.

No, they don't.

not much. at least it reveals the plebit crowd.

Daily reminder that Lucas was shoehorned black character that added very little to the story.

kys pedo scum

Nothing. Hackneyed piece of shit. Rips off 80's films without adding any creativity to make the finished product unique.

If you like this show you're a retard.

how much of a contrarian do you have to be hate on something good just cause reddit likes it?

>Unique storyline

How much of a literal retard do you have to be to like Stranger Things?

Watch a fucking movie that's not on Netflix you pleb piece of shit.

It wasn't that good though.

>My interest in tv make me a better person than you
Stop being pathetic

It wasn't bad though.

Natalia Dyer

>my interest in tv

I'm talking movies here you piece of shit. Kill yourself, honestly.

Your taste in media doesn't make you special or better user, hobbies will never fill that void in your life mate.

>he doesn't have productive hobbies

get off Sup Forums and do something meaningful, you loser.

>Maximum projection

Thinking someone is projecting is only you projecting your own insecurities.

It's okay, sweetie. Now you realize what's wrong with you.

>Says the guy who literally derives a sense of self worth based on what he watches

straw man lmao

You're both faggots. Stop posting.


Yeah fair enough