Was it laughable, forced drama or was it kino?
Was it laughable, forced drama or was it kino?
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Whole movie is kino. The twist in the end was fucked seeing it for the first time.
It made me laugh out loud because it was so gratuitous
I'm not sure whether I like it but the movie is good on the whole
it was so ridiculous I couldn't help but guffaw
the timing was just too fucking perfect
Forced drama for sure. I literally don't understand how anyone can take that ending seriously. Such shit.
I liked the soldier on the tank pointing his gun even though it was artillery in front of the actual tanks
It makes sense, soldier could react faster than a crew inside.
I was chuckling to myself once the credits started rolling
Felt like I had just be masterfully trolled
I haven't seen this movie since I was 14 or so but even then I found the ending a bit forced. I feel like he resorted to killing his family too quickly, it didn't feel earned.
Overall I loved the movie though.
No they paid for the fucking tank props and instead they bring out the cheap British SPG in the fore
Maybe it was just cgi tanks in the background
>redditor alone on a Saturday night
So it was just a hallucinogenic gas?
>Every soldier in the scene has a gas mask
>Tank commander in font doesn't
I thought it was cool, my flatmates laughed and said it was retarded and the over the top score made it worse.
it was good until sherminator got kill by cgi
Those tanks are all NBC proof so if they actually run into anything the tank command will just close the hatch.
At least show the bugs trying to get in the car to rationalize him killling everyone. And then let military roll up and clear the place.
If you don't make your film with the pentagon you have to settle for whatever sort of privately owned tanks that can be hired out
There is a prop company in California that has a bunch of old Centurion tanks purchased from Australia that they have modified to look like Abrams, made them for that Denzel Washington movie Courage Under Fire when the pentagon wouldn't lend them real Abrams because of the films content
They've appeared in other films since
>getting into the car
They did it because they had gone as far as they could, the alternative was waiting to die or going of into the mist where they would be killed
Half life 1 is based on the short story.
There's also a guy that owns an old Cobra helicopter that appears in a lot of films, he managed to obtain it quite ingeniously: after the army scrapped their cobras back in the 1980s he went around buying every single part needed to reassemble one
They finished full tank and not once were attacked, they had the supplies to wait, yet they decided to off themselve - all of them. Not one person thought that it was worth to wait a fucking hour or two.
There are literally bug noises outside the car before they kill themselves
They hear it all the time in the store - and weren't attacked sometimes for days.
The next easiest thing to write after a cliche is the exact opposite of a cliche, it's not impressive or inventive or whatever the fuck at all
it was contrived shit
darabont is a hack
yeah people dont get that
>exact opposite of a cliche
>not impressive or inventive
What do you mean?
This and The Shining are the only true Kingkinos. Thank Darabont's brass balls for that glorious ending.
>was it kino?
Yes, in similar to Binding of Isaac sense. The old crazy lady was telling the truth - God needed a sacrifice.
deliberately making the most unexpected twist just for the sake of the twist, nothing impressive or inventive about it
Thanks OP I needed a movie to watch.
It's so depressing that it crosses into laughably absurd territory when you realize that if they'd done literally nothing and just waited in the mall they'd of been fine and no one would of died.
Now hold on, I could've sworn there was an edit to this that had Smashmouth's All-star playing as the tank rolls in. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
already got you senpai
it's a one-scene wonder, but very atmospheric for the initial watching
Except the crazy lady was high on wanting to sacrifice people.
Fuck yeah. Thanks man.
Shawshank and Misery are bretty good
who's your daddy and what does he do?
Only because they main guys 'sensible' actions kept leading to people dying and things getting worse for everyone.
the kid was a bitch im glad he died. I laughed
I liked the ending when I first saw it, but in retrospect, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. The fact that they left the store at all would imply that they were okay with the risk of dying horribly if there was a chance they would find a way out of the mist. I guess you could argue that things were a little different when the car broke down because they would have been at much greater risk and things seemed hopeless, but why not wait a little while? Things were pretty quiet when it happened. That Cthulhu thing went right past them, and there didn't appear to be any monsters in the immediate vicinity. It does seem a bit contrived.
Still a really good movie, though.
All 3 at same time
>people are dying, time for sacrifice
I would kill you first just in case
I remember an edited ending of a movie (or some other video) where a woman is being hanged. It was supposedly from some movie about muslim human rights or something. It had smash mouth playing
Wait, why does the army roll in with self propelled howitzers?
Given the chaotic situation they probably use whatever available.
> not including stand by me or shawshank
kill yourself
because the streets are so slippery cause amerilards are so fat so the streets are all slippery because the amerilards died and thats what made the streets so slippery
see, no need to propel anything
>The fact that they left the store at all would imply that they were okay with the risk of dying horribly if there was a chance they would find a way out of the mist.
Did you miss the part where they would have horribly died in the store as well because the other people there wanted to kill them?
The ending was shit but it was EXTREMELY gratifying to see the religious bitch die.
>dat cast too though
It was absolutely perfect, it succinctly made the point of the film in the most effective way possible. When cut off from the whole picture you are incapable of acting rationally because you're reasoning with an incomplete set of information. It is the human condition to be in a state of unknowing and only when the fog ascend and we have that complete picture can we see how irrational all our previously ''rational'' decisions have been.
The fact it gets such a visceral reaction be it tears, rage, or laughter is a testament to it's genius. One of the best endings of the 20th century.
Certainly one of the most memorable endings at the very least. I can't think of many endings in the last decade or so that stick as much as The Mist's does.
Notice that everybody stopped dying right after the kid she wanted to sacrifice died?
The entire movie is shit. They should have followed the mother who left the store to find her kids. She's the one on the military vehicles with her kids at the end. Maybe a sequel can be made about her adventures.
Maybe not on the same level as The Mist but The Grey has a fantastic ending that elevates the film as a whole.
>The entire movie is shit. They should have followed the mother who left the store to find her kids
If they had the ability to see the future, sure. But from what they knew at the time their actions were sensible enough.
Cool, I'll check it out.
It fucked me up the first time I saw it. This guy finds out in a span of a couple of seconds that:
1. His whole party, including his son, would've survived had he just waited a few more seconds
2. He could've avoided the whole thing if he followed the lady to her car
3.He JUST killed his fucking own son for nothing.
No, I mean the film crew should have followed the mother and not stayed in the store. Like an entire movie based around the mother instead of based around the morons she leaves behind in the store.
>elevates the film as a whole.
>a bunch of men do literally all the wrong things and get killed for doing all the wrong things
>great ending!
The entire movie is shit.
There's only so much you can deviate from the source material tho.
I mean, the book is about those people hiding in the store.
I don't care about the shitty book. What they did sucked. It had great ambience and potential and they wasted it. They should have gone full Lawn Mower Man and said fuck the source.
fucking smug carol
Where did you get this idea?