Anyone else here still a virgin?
Anyone else here still a virgin?
No just you
Do you never talk to women?
Everyone can tell that you are, OP
>Do you never talk to women?
yea but they don't talk back, and when they do they try to end the conversation quickly.
The trick is to not think about it and it'll come.
How old are you OP? I didnt get laid until I was 21.
i didnt get laid until i actually tried to get laid
really activates the almonds doesnt it?
get a hooker
>Anyone else here still a virgin?
Um, is this the right board for this? Lemme check:
>Sup Forums - Television & Film
I guess it is. Just checking.
I'm not a virgin but I feel the pain of being a virgin. I just wanna connect with people on some level.
take that to Sup Forums, they are experts on that subject
Yes, only because using a jimmy hat doesn't count
So most are virgin here?
You know, people have to be rather observant in themselves to make this kind of image, as it's not something you would notice in other people, so the only thing I'm getting from this with certainty was that it was by a virgin.
Why do you think it hasn't happened yet?
I put my dick in the lips before
Does that count?
Gonna have to ask you to delete this image, my man.
>tfw to smart to have sex
nah dude its easier than you think
my genes. I'm a manlet
It won't change much at all. If you feel like shit sex won't get rid of your depression
You're dealing with women after all, the chances of you having some life changing experience is very low
Also you can gratify yourself better with your own hand. The only downside is not having anything other than your dick to fondle
>stuck my dick in
>pumped a few times
>lost my boner because nervous
>chick got mad saying I didn't find her attractive
>haven't been laid since
life is suffering
Does my mom count?
Does it count if you lost it to a relative?
>some people on Sup Forums have never had sex and don't have a girl to cuddle tonight
wat haha such sad losers
Yeah. If this were a femanon board than there wouldn't be a virgin in sight but we're mostly dudes here so, sex to us is pretty much like winning the lotto
the only reason it hasn't happened is your mind bro. You're just telling yourself it's your height because then you get to feel put-upon by bad luck and circumstance, instead of acknowledging that you may need to make a fucking effort.
>You're dealing with women after all, the chances of you having some life changing experience is very low
kek, underrated post
>but we're mostly dudes
like 99% dudes
Yeah. Going to be 22 in a few months.
No friends and I'm a NEET living at home too.
yes. to make the situation even worse i have fallen deeply in love with best emma and don't even find other women attractive. i dont even fap to her, shes too perfect. i wish emma would just make me her eternal slave already
>this much cognitive dissonance and desperate justification
Bro, I'm 5'10 and have no issues. I've got a mate at work who's about 5'6 and hes banging hotter women than I get.
Seriously since the invention of Tinder, pussy is easy if you want it. You just need to get your shit together and find some confidence. Women are attracted to confident men. Good luck.
And 40, at that
You realize it's only downhill from here on out right? If you're a NEET and haven't found a job by the time you're 21 it's pretty much a death sentence.
caden moran on the right
are you me? i turn 22 next month and am a neet as well. do you want to fuck? we could lose it to one another, might be cool
get off the internet. take antipsychotic medication.
Yeah, he's fucked.
I don't want to wagecuck anyway.
I'm currently trying to make money for myself with the funds I have left from two previous summers of work, and if that doesn't work I'm just going to wander the earth for a few years and hopefully die.
Is there such a thing as a born again virgin? If so I have to be one.
Sup Forums's secret ingredient is self-hatred
it really helps to live in a big city
oh yeah tell me how my 5'2" height isn't a problem. you probably think you have it hard cunt. I would give anything go be 5'7". ANYTHING. I would even chop my cock off if it meant I could be treated as just another manlet instead of a literal dwarf. Then I would have more career opportunities at least.
>get off the internet
literally h o w this shit is worse than heroin
A-are you a girl?
I mean I already know the answer but hey
I was a 22 year old NEET. Now I'm a 30 year old NEET whose dead dad had life insurance, so now I have business cards that say I'm a producer, investor, and entrepreneur.
shit totally gets better.
Why do you type like that? Any girl who might read that is going to think you're a huge bitch.
I admire that you like her but seriously, not fapping to her?
Fapping to her means you find her physically attractive. You must be pretty disgusted with yourself to not think yourself worthy enough to jerk off to her.
You can like someone AND jerk off to them.
Yeah I think it's like if you go without sex for more than 2 years or something like that.
High five leech!
it's actually not
going to be seen as the biggest epidemic in human history
>tfw finally lost mine at 23
feels kind of bad but I'm proud of myself for overcoming a lot
Probably because I don't give a fuck about trying to meet girls on the television board of a Laotian meme forum
fuck off, chad
Emma is cute as heck but I'm not down for beatings or literal femdom.
Enjoy the syphilis and child support my normie friend
The only reason to seek sex with a female is to grab some tit and booty.
Your own hand can flex, contort, massage and squeeze in ways a human vagina can never compare. I heard the closest thing to an actual vagina that lives up to expectation is dolphin pussy
Don't forget rape accusations.
Bow down to your job creator faggot. Society says I am measurably better than you because my dad's dad started a machine shop during ww2.
You missed out on teen love
Kissless virgin actually
i am pretty far down the rabbit hole. she does make me hard, i just cant bring myself to defile her by jacking off. its not a lack of attraction/desire. she is the most attractive woman ive ever seen
well it feels that way at the moment
i wouldn't doubt that. imagine how many young boys are losing their future to the internet as we speak. heartbreaking desu
thats a very nice picture of her. different strokes, different folks etc.
i just feel like i have so much love to give and no one else to give it to. ironically i seem incapable of giving it to myself either.
this kills me the most
all I can do now is try to experience it vicariously through film
Wtf, is this Emma? Her face looks fucked up. Maybe she gained weight?
24 here
What ARE you down for user?
Mate, you could have it way worse. You could be born with a fucking limb or some shit and never have a chance at touching a female. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and find some 6/10 desperate chick on tinder.
teenage love is a meme
don't fall for shit tier bait
Somewhat regrettable, but I fucking despised the girls at my age, so "love" wasn't really an option.
>t.normie who takes things for granted.
think of this image every day
26 reporting in, on a 3 day nofap streak and hoping to ask a girl out tomorrow
I won't
enjoy not having novel adventures and not having life memories imprinted in your psyche making your perception of time longer. What memories are you imprinting in your life that you'll remember 30 years from now? The less immediately recallable life events the faster your perception of the passage of time and the quicker you die.
Sex is biologically and neurologically and existentially the best way to fight the void.
No... i wish i was though. if i was a girl i would spend my life fucking virgins who never had a shot. i would be a dirty slut, but i would fuck the guys who actually need it.
That's some normie shit that will expose you to people you may know irl
Fuck off you normal piece of trash.
NEET virgin waster here, life is great. Mommy is cooking up a nice big Sunday roast right now, she gave up on me ever finding work a long time ago.
Wouldn't trade it for the world, lads.
maybe its just an odd angle idk. looks fine to me
who gives a shit? Nothing matters and time doesn't exist. Fuck worrying about what people think of you. Fuck someone.
>Sex is biologically and neurologically and existentially the best way to fight the void.
Keep telling yourself that, normalshit.
Oh it's way more than that. I put it at a cool decade. I'm talking literal revirginization. Zero euphemism.
>Fuck worrying about what people think of you. Fuck someone.
Isn't this a contradiction?
>they don't do anything productive with their time
Why? You've got 16 hours a day, do you really just watch TV and movies while shitposting?
Learn a new language, learn how to draw, learn to play an instrument, or learn programming. All of these things can be done for free, and you've got more than enough time to spare.
If it makes you feel any better, I'll fap to her for you.
>Fuck someone.
Sure thing chad thundercock, let me get a girls number. Ask her if she's down to smash
It's so easy bro, you just gotta believe in urself
Confidence and all that
i feel that way too. then i shitpost on Sup Forums to distract myself from it.
cuddling, regular sex, fingering her pussy while eating her ass, those kinds of things
>work at supermarket
>still living with mom
too scared to live life. too cowardly to kill myself.
I'm 25. I just don't do anything about it, I keep myself busy by being shitty at school. All my hobbies are nerdy tech bullshit too. The shame of it is what holds me back, I can feel it.
Anyone of you lost it my age or later? How'd it happen? What did you finally do to make it happen?
26, kissless virgin, got a job and an apartment with a friend about a year ago. Pretty sure I'm gonna die a virgin. Shit sucks but oh well.
No? Girls want to fuck people for personal reasons too. Some girls like to fuck strangers. You sometimes just have to be a swinging dick on offer. They don't care about who you are at all.
I've gotten back into getting my dick wet after a few year slump and shitty relationship and I'm super intrinsically motivated and not depressed anymore. It's almost like when you behave like a biological human you feel better or something. Almost like improving behavior improves cognition or something.
Yes, but only because I don't count gay stuff
and really, why would you?
>Girls want to fuck people for personal reasons too.
Those reasons:
1. "Is he a chad?"
---- end of reasons----