Well Sup Forums what should i watch?

Well Sup Forums what should i watch?

The Burbs, obviously

Eyes wide shut

leon for cunny kino


It's so incredibly embarassing when people share pictures of their pirated digital collection

It's not like you had to spend any effort or money getting those, watch whatever the fuck you want.

Hot Shots!

The dark knight rises

I'm watching Unbreakable right now, and although I didn't have any interest in split, it's making me want to give it a watch, since they're supposed to both be connected and unbreakable is reminding me of how good m.night can be

Hot Shots! Part Deux

No one gives a shit what you think.

hot shots 1 and 2. right now!

then Clue.

fuck it, everything except eyes wide shut and split. burbs is shit, but a lot of people liked it.

Where's your blacked folder?

1. im not a nigger
2. im not a cuck
3. fuck off

Just recently watched Unbreakable for the first time its a god damn masterpiece.

>that score
>that ending
>splits ending

ending of Unbreakable actually made me emotional and Splits ending made me hyped as fuck

M.Night better hit a homerun with Glass in 2019

Leon or Eyes Wide Shut

>t. Blu-ray cuck


Rest is a bunch of old movie garbage.

>split is finally out
thanks user, forgot all about it, just downloaded it

Why do you have a folder of every film/kino/movie?


Starship Troopers. Classic thinking man's kino