What is the oldest movie you have ever watched?
pic rel is mine
What is the oldest movie you have ever watched?
The Wizard of Oz
I hope that's bait.
Oldest "movie" I've watched was the great train robbery (1903), but I was a film student so that's understandable.
What's not understandable is for some fuckhead to come here on a board dedicated to film fans to state that the oldest film they've ever seen is Star Wars. You're either seriously really underage (not that that matters considering people born in 1999 are old enough to post on this stupid site, or that underagefags really uphold rules) or trying to stir up some shit.
Well consider my shit stirred.
Intolerance from 1916
It's pretty great.
Gif related. If you don't count that than A Trip To the Moon would be it.
Dunno. Probably one of Buster Keaton's silent movies.
Now you're all as classy as this faggot:
Yep, film is old as shit. The gif I posted is from 1892, and the movie I brought up is from 1902.
What's your problem bucko.
Yes, I mean the 1903 film, if you could call it that by modern standards.
But I'm not that much of an idiot, you're just some stupid kid who thinks he's more clever than he really is.
>Oldest "movie" I've watched was the great train robbery (1903), but I was a film student so that's understandable.
>What's not understandable is for some fuckhead to come here on a board dedicated to film fans to state that the oldest film they've ever seen is Star Wars. You're either seriously really underage (not that that matters considering people born in 1999 are old enough to post on this stupid site, or that underagefags really uphold rules) or trying to stir up some shit.
excellent taste
Is it though, or is it just the same old over-reverence of a long dead slapstick comic praised by hundreds of thousands of normies for le funee gag xD
This 1896 version of Rip Van Winkle: youtube.com
If it has to be a full blown movie, then probably Birth of a Nation.
Don't know why people wouldn't watch it, it's only 12ish minutes.
Either Metropolis or the one about those idiot dandies going up to the moon.
forgot link
The Dark Knight Rises
Or if it counts, generic old timey Australian pornography.
about what?
I think it's on Netflix too, as well as a colorized version.
literally hundreds of filmmakers and comedians have copied Buster Keaton in the last 100 years, i'd say he was somethng special
Yeah, it's on there colorized with a weird fucking musical score over it.
saw it when it came out, meh af tbhq
Nice dubs, pal.
For me, it's Birth of a Nation.
In terms of oldest movie that I've seen that I think has actually aged well, however, is Battleship Potemkin.
The 1930s-1950s is possibly my favorite era of film.
I also doubt Star Wars is the oldest movie you've seen, animated Disney movies like Snow White and Cinderella are older than you might think (the former being from 1937). And if you managed to have a childhood and go through American public school without seeing Disney movies like that, you're an extremely sheltered individual.
pic related.
Now you can all say 1888
Battleship Potemkin?
The first Matrix.
Didn't really like it. I don't like old movies.
If this doesn't count as one, then perhaps the oldest one I've seen was All Quiet On The Western Front (1930).
Here's your (you)
its being remade so you might like the new version
now you can all say 1878
The Adventures of Millie McGrew (1835)
The oldest movie I had ever seen was zombie land and I had never seen another movie since. Seriously movies are a fucking waste of time to watch. I have an entire room with a library of over 1000 dvds that have never entered a dvd player, I have studied them and broken them down but I'll never watch them.
thanks, but that's an action flick, Roundhay is Kino.
I'm not sure which was earlier and don't care enough to look.
iirc Nosferatu is 1920, but I also don't care enough to verify
Not sure what the oldest is but recently it would be Sherlock Jr. (1924)
still fairly spooky too imho
Yeah, but it goes from being spooky to pants on head retarded pretty frequently.
One of the scariest films I ever saw was this Norwegian or Swedish silent film from the 20s or so that had amazing effects for it's time, but I never caught the name of it.
Phantom Carriage?
Google proves you right, thank you. I'll have to watch it again now.
Sometimes you're alright, Sup Forums
Scarface as far as I remember.
Aside from meme flicks like Workers leaving the factory and stuff, I think the first real old thing I saw was some really old film (1900-1910 probably) about the sun and the moon. It reminded me of Melies but I don't think it was actually by him. Was about 6 minutes long iirc. Or maybe 12. Dunno, watched it in film class a long time ago.
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937 film)
Start to finish, may be this (1959)
Die Nibelungen: Kriemhild's Revenge (1924)
The third man
a trip to the moon probably. honestly if you're on Sup Forums and you haven't seen that film you should probably get the fuck out. it's mandatory viewing. it's only 13 minutes long. watch it
as a kid i used to watch a lot of hitchcock movies, but i can't remember them, the only one i remember is this.
I probably watched something older tho.
Frankenstein (1910)
Cleopatra 1963
Based movie
This guy beat me to it
Passage de Venus, 1874
check mate all of you, you fucking plebs.
My oldest film is Metropolis but I want to watch more older films. I think the oldest film Ive seen bar metropolis is the 1933 scarface
yes i know i'm a pleb.
Dracula with Bela Lugosi
The Jazz Singer. First talkie. I've seen some parts of Battleship Potenkin and La Voyage la lune. But The Jazz Singer I've seen from beginning to end, and I loved it. The historical and cultural impact that film had.. Simply amazing
Beat me to it. Named our son in honour of Le Prince.
For the purposes of this thread, let's define "Movie" as "a series of contiguous images photographed on a flexible medium and projected on a screen for viewing by an audience".
Otherwise we'll be citing zoetrope shit and flickbooks ere long...
Honestly probably this.
I had to check and this the earliest I remember.
Guess I'm a pleb.
Surprised no one has Snow White that's a old pleb movie.
I've seen a handful of silent movies, but mostly just clips. Or ones too short to really be called "movies"
So maybe The Extraordinary Adventures of Mr. West in the Land of the Bolsheviks (1924)
538 mental images from the Finno-Korean hyper war (8245-6172 BC) forming a 15 frames per second film that lasted for 32 seconds when it was transmitted through time and space into my mind.