>there are more bait threads than .webm threads (which is usually 1) wtf
.webm thread if you please
There are more bait threads than .webm threads (which is usually 1) wtf
No thanks, this board isnt even about film anymore. It's just political shitposting. And honestly good riddance because Sup Forums has terrible taste and can't even analyze film. Instead of being disappointed at the collective retardation of this board you can get a giggle out of it.
I don't have much that doesn't require sound...
man but I just got here 2 months ago, thought there was something good occsionally
There is but really everyone on this board are newfaggots like yourself so people who have been here since the beginning gave up on discussing film with you underage retards. Seriously its pointless, might as well shitpost and hopefully you leave and go to reddit.
internet fights aren't my bag, this board you prick. seemed like a good place but in the past week you're right. never been, never will
Good. Fuck off.
what because I don't ask if someone is /ourguy/ or if something is kino? go like shit film somewhere else, this is where I like shit opinions. contribute
What did you think of Straw Dogs
Nice webm
Lynda Carter and MEW in one webm
>twink christopher walken
What is this feeling..
and keked
It was great to see many anons testing out webms a few threads ago.
OC always welcome
We have had a really good run recently
>webm thread on a board that can't have sound
Just doesn't feel right
Posting is a spectrum. It's not just binary with film posts and shitposts.
>2017 sweetie
mew more like wew
lurk first post later
Quite right user
True that
Sheesh that part of the movie was rough.
>he's a mew fag
Why was Satan in Xena?
Because Ancient Greece was actually Hell
Apparently Bacchus is Satan in the Xena universe.
This show was so fun
I still come here about three days a week with hopes of finding an actual film/tv thread with more than one reply
forgot to add:
I got an idea. We should reverse the reddit meme. Talk about how reddit's so much better and funnier than this board, and how it has many "based" anti-SJW subreddits. Maybe they'll go (back) there and this board might stop being Sup Forums's circlejerking echo chamber
>thinking you would fool Sup Forums
Oh damn what movie?
But reddit is unironically better than Sup Forums
Problem Child 2
well Sup Forums get fooled by jews all the time and got fooled by the Daily Stormer, plus MANY are t_d redditors anyways so it wouldn't be that hard
that's the spirit
fair point
This has good remake potential
You know, some religions think that the egg is the symbol of the soul.
what religions?
3 pumps and dump
I've came toi this webm more times than I really care to admit
the sound design was what made this scene. it's really nowhere near as chilling without it
Did Chris-Chan do wardrobe for Rusty in this?
Wtf is this from?
what is this
I bet that's Russian
>whoever keeps their hand on the car for the longest gets to keep it
>youre meant to taunt and insult contestents on TV so they leave and stop touching the car
>the girl tried to annoy the guy by waving her shoe in his face, but a heel hit his head
>he let go of the car and attacked her
Actually her being a cunt had been going on for hours. But yeah, as soon as contact was made he dropped the bitch.
dam this is hot