Disney is fucked, Carrie Fisher filmed all Episode 8 scenes before she died...

Disney is fucked, Carrie Fisher filmed all Episode 8 scenes before she died, but her character doesn't die in it and she was meant to appear in Episode 9, it's all over, folks


Don't worry, Disney have now mastered bringing people back from the dead using CGI. I'm sure we'll get at least one scene with her in 9 looking all glossy and pixellated.


like that matters

Who gives a shit?

She got back into her coke habit, didn't she?

>Sudden resurgence of fame and money, and invites to parties and shit

Spoilers are that Leia is put in a coma and these scenes filmed.
So for 9 they can just say she died while in the coma and joined the force

first thing I thought of, because what timing

Dying in the middle of one of the projects would have been worse. As it is she will just die offscreen and they will minorly rewrite 9.

more likely the weight loss regime she was on put too much strain on her already damaged heart

I'm glad she is dead.

>what's a little bump gonna hurt?
>60 rails later

would you like a pat on the head?

>"what happened, where's Leia?"
>"she died, after her son killed Han she lost the will to live, just like her mother."
This will be in the script, guaranteed.


It's weird, I remember watching her at Episode 7 premiere and she was very active and lively, it was even a little annoying because she acted like a teen and then year later she died from a heart attack

>because she acted like a teen

i wonder why...

So Disney are going to pull a Poochie?

Biology is a complete bitch. The body wears out way before the mind does and, yes, she abused hers pretty badly but even that's not fair since she had gotten herself back on track.

Would cocaine even work if your heart is already almost dead though? I mean all those people who do cocaine are young and healthy, I imagine old and not so healthy people would probably feel like shit after taking it

It's pottery, Harrison Ford looked closest to death out of old trio, but he is gonna outlive both Luke and Leia while starring in shitty movies and complaining about his roles

They'll be fine.

Even before she died they were planning to sideline her in Episode 8 and make new character played by Laura Dern new leader of Resistance

Are most people autistic? Why is this goofy shit acceptable?

Do you not understand how drugs work

Disney probably regrets hiring old actors, because Luke and Han openly crisize new movies and Leia died in real life, they didn't even do anything intersting with their characters


At least Peter Jackson had planned enough of the story in advance and had the good sense to film all of Christopher Lee's parts first just in case for The Hobbit. It might sound morbid but it was practical.

>12 year old shitposting timmy finds out that people die

thats why i didnt answer his post

not OP but im glad she is dead

>TFA is the third highest grossing film of all time accounting for inflation
>mark will get paid a million bucks once autumn starts this year to go full shill and stop talking out against the films
>trailers 2 and 3 will drop for TLJ and people will be hyped again

disney doesnt give a shit what mark and harrison say

Mark Hamil is clearly only talking shit for media attention

>she be a good girl going to church getting her life back on track she din take nuffin

Yes, I'm sure getting off drugs undos all the damage you did taking them

cause disney has 5,000 CGI animators on standby, they gotta get the most out of them

Underrated as fuck

>Don't worry, Disney have now mastered bringing people back from the dead using CGI.

This you'd be surprised how much they use CGI for makeup effects on normal actors too. Sometimes they look nothing alike so it isn't hard for them to make a CGI version of Fisher either. Heck they even have the tech now to create speech as is by analyzing someone's voice, Adobe was presenting that shit a couple months ago and everyone went apeshit. They only needed some lose words or sentences and they could construct entire new ones based on the analogy.

>more likely the weight loss regime she was on put too much strain on her already damaged heart
That's not likely at all you fucking idiot.

or maybe he thinks the films are trash. hamil was by far the most invested in the star wars fandom over the years

no one cares about your spelling error, reddit

but ben kenobi died in a new hope and still appeared after, what's the problem?

That feel when almost every actor older than 40 who has been in Star Wars openly hated it, Alec Guinness, Liam Neeson, Sam Jackson and now Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill

>Leia was on planet Lucas scoring crack when it was blown up, may the force be with her

everybody with a brain hates fanboy shit

How about Jake?

then do something about it faggot !!!


What the fuck do you expect to be done ? Riot in the streets ? Plane bombing the studio ? Fucking retard, either go see the movie and enjoy it or don't

>Where's Leia?
>After Han died, its like she lost the will to live. Kind of like how her mom died giving child birth with a robot doctor that apparently only had 17th century Earth technology. The deathrate during pregnancy is still around 70% despite our seeming mastery of science.

Lucas is a shit director, and SW has a horrible fanbase.


>, Disney have now mastered bringing people back from the dead using CGI
Tarkin and Leia were both fucking pathetic

>Are most people autistic? Why is this goofy shit acceptable?
the nuwars faggots on here will defend disney to death.

Do plebquels count as nuwars?

>Liam Neeson
>Sam Jackson
they hate Star Wars? Wasn't Jackson practically begging Disney for an old Mace Windu role in the new movies?

no faggot, just disney shit

dying on camera would be worse, and having the director work it in to the plot would be the worst.

>Sam Jackson
he said he was willing to play a stormtrooper in the prequels. he should have, mace was human garbage.

Yeah but they'd have way more good material to work with with mature fisher. Possibly even mocap data? She'd only need to appear briefly for a "note Princess Leia died on the way back to her home planet" scene anyway


mark only hates disneywars

He planet already died though

Weird, Windu was one of his blandest roles, did he really like it?

Ok, just verifying the thread for autism.

>not understanding the plebquels being the lowest point in the franchise. Worse than the holiday special tbqh

he was terribly miscast

Can someone show me the interview where Hamill rips into star wars? Can't find it.

You're a fucking pleb user.

I've seen many shitty Sam Jackson movies where he tried to make his role work, but he was close to Harrison Ford levels of not giving a shit in Star Wars

well i mean there wasn't much to work with with windu, he has no personality beyond being stern and wise

I don't think he was suited for the movie at all and having nothing to react too wouldn't have helped him either


sam jackson is a pleb and loves star wars. He sought out the role

Say what you will about the prequels at least they had original plots, at least the had a new setting, they weren't just total rehashes of the original trilogy. If you can't see the difference there's no hope for you, enjoy your reheated shit.

Boba Fett comes back and kills her.

Is Boba surviving Episode 6 still canon?

actually, compared to modern day (((acting))), the CGI is preferable

Shouldn't Anakin notice 3 dead jedi in that scene?

you know that guy isn't Tarkin right?

>Disney is fucked, Carrie Fisher filmed all Episode 8 scenes before she died, but her character doesn't die in it and she was meant to appear in Episode 9, it's all over, folks
It can be explained.

>"General Leia has become a part of new Senate. Together with them she tries to form a new Republic."


VII should have been better.
I, II, and III were complete retarded garbage.
You have autism.
That is all.

kys for trying to make your autism other people's problem.

can we just get the proper OT in high def already?

Supposedly the red beam they shot made a blast wave strong enough to obliterate the trees, but somehow his hearing remained unharmed?

Yes, why use logic at all when conspiracy bullshit is much more fun.

>they'll use her real corpse as a prop set

god will it

Go back to bed, George.

90's born queer continue to enjoy your marvel movies with a star wars veneer and i'll enjoy the real star wars movies

You can't judge acting from a still, faggot. What the fuck has to be wrong with you?

prequels had a good story, george just ruined it with shitty dialogue, some acting was good, sheev, dooku, but the main cast was pretty damn awful, shitty cgi, and too many gimmicks to sell toys - so yeah mostly garbage

TFA looked pretty and that is all it had going for it. Shitty quips, mary sue, fucking death star V3, shit to sell toys as well, completely raped any meaning return of the jedi had - so yeah mostly garbage

Fine, but the prequels are the worst high-budget movies ever made.

>prequels had a good story
No, they didn't. They were borderline incoherent.


>that smug satisfaction I get from seeing these threads and remembering that I stopped watching SW shit

>Beam containing the energy of a star
>Doesn't annihilate the atmosphere
>Is safe to look at
>Emits no heat, or heat at safe levels to stand right next to


It's a beam, not radiation.

What do you think light is?

If it was a true laser you wouldnt even see it. But then again lightsabers exist and they only harm by touching them, so I guess this is the same or similar tech. space magic

I mean the overarching story in general, not how it was told, if that makes sense. It's a simple story though: chosen one, falls, gets redeemed at the end. It's classic stuff but with laser swords and magic. George just sucks at telling it though.

End it, you millennial faggot. I saw the OT in the theater. You only have nostalgia for the plebquels because the nigger who was cucking your dad took you to see them.

>I mean the overarching story in general
Vader's turn to the dark side was told in the most simplistic and idiotic way possible. Don't start with this.

If they don't CG her in 9 they'll kill her off screen.

This may have thwarted their plans with Luke. He was probably supposed to die and may have been killed off in 8 since Hamill has been pretty cranky this year about the film.

Now what will they do with no classic characters other than ghost Luke for 2 minutes in episode 9?

If Luke isn't killed off in 8 he will survive this series. Disney won't want to kill off every old character.

>Disney won't want to kill off every old character.
I thought that's the plan.