If lightsaber is almost weightless and fucks up shit just by touching it then why Jedi Master Agen Kolar who is according to his Wookiepedia page "was known for his skill with a lightsaber and his willingness to use it" raised his lightsaber above the head, exposing his belly and allowing Sheev Palpatine to kill him with one strike?
If lightsaber is almost weightless and fucks up shit just by touching it then why Jedi Master Agen Kolar who is...
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Sheev force pushed his arms that way.
LIghtsabers are not weightless. They generate weight or matter if you will. Just like a balanced sword.
If light sabers are just sabers made from light then why don't the blades pass through each other when they're sword fighting?
And how are they able to deflect the lasers from laser guns?
Because it's sci-fi solid light
because he sneezed in the middle of battle
God bless him
They still require exertion as whatever you push them through provides resistance. Same theory as a sharp knife. It'll go through paper easy, but an arm will take more exertion. The difference is a lightsaber destroys the matter it contacts, rather than separates it like a knife would.
Refer back to qui gon ising it to cut through the blast door. It went through, but it took a lot of time and effort because metal is more resistant to intense heat and energy than flesh is.
Also its a sci-fi movie.
>sci-fi movie.
That would have made it more realistic.
Apparently, real lightsaber fights would be far less aggressive and be based on sudden movements. There's also nothing realistic whatever about the fights in the prequels, designed to be as flashy as possible, even if anybody who knew nothing about sword fighting could see they looked like bullshit
because he was a good friend
afaik sheev was moving really fucking fast and they just conveyed it really poorly in the movie
Yeah, this was it. Palpatine is meant to be using Force Speed here but the choreography/fact that there's no effect used make it look Nolan tier until someone finally parries him.
Because half of the shit made up outside of the movies is even more bullshit than the movies. There's stuff on Wookiepedia that says that lightsabers just ooze plasma and jedi's use the force to create a force field around the plasma to form a blade. They they say that Han could use Luke's light saber because he was force sensitive or some shit. And they try to cover up the parsecs thing by saying that Han went close to black holes or some shit to make the Kessle run over a shorter distance and the Falcon was considered fast because only a fast ship could do that.
tl;dr: the more you read into star wars the more dumber it gets
Funniest part of that scene is how Windu and Kit Fisto join fight only after first two jedi are already killed despite turning their lightsabers before Sheev does that stupid spinning move, instead of it hack Lucas could have made cool scene of Sheev parrying 4 lightsabers at the same time with no effort
>If lightsaber is almost weightless
They aren't.
because he's reys fther which mens she super streng
Lucas can't direct a fight scene to save his life.
Jesus, the rotoscoping of sheevs head on the stunt double seems super obvious
Sheev does his own tricks though
Who had the high ground in this fight?
>light saber
>generates mass
That's so fucking stupid I hope that's not canon
Why the fuck is Sheev CGI. Was that really necessary?
because the crystals they use make a photon only light that has a mass
It isn't.
It was stated by some actor- can't remember which offhand- that "George wanted moving the lightsaber to be obvious that you were transferring a whole lot of energy" in regards to the reason for the prop sabers being as heavy as they were.
Not to justify a the momentum of a laser sword making any less sense.
The fight scene is fucking ridiculous. Fucking brown guy there is actually facing AWAY from Sheev after the spinning moment. And the pig looking mother fucker had the PERFECT opening to strike Sheev in that shot in the OP, but doesn't because Lucas sucks at choreographing fights.
the dude looked away from sheev, what the fuck
Sheev turned his back to both Windu and Fisto, but they didn't attack him until he killed two other jedi
Ian McDiarmid is so old so it's understandable he doesn't have the greatest flexibility.
Don't get why Lucas okayed that scene though, it stands out as really bad.
As a fellow Jedi Master he was probably a good friend of Obi-Wan
Nope. The weightless explanation is now legends. The canon version is lightsabers have mass to them as explained in Star Wars Rebels season 3.