Americans will be absolutely terrified by this

>americans will be absolutely terrified by this

fruit thread

Why are americans unable to digest lemon?

Lemons don't contain high fructose corn syrup, you dummy.


>americans think eating limes is a bad thing

People eat lemons?


excellent post

Yes it's a common dish in Europe, people often go to work with lemon in their pocket in case they're hungry, it gives a fresh breath too

I am a big fan of oranges

Why didn't the vietnamese just equip their planes with lime juice water blasters?

>spent a year in the US
>saw an American eat a fruit once, maybe twice during that whole time
Really joggled the noggin.

Don't forget to brush after eating lemons, while tasty and nutritious, they are very hard on your enamel.

Who else LOVES clementines.

I eat a couple every day

they're alergic to oranges themselves


>he doesn't eat his lemons
Look at this amerilard and laugh fellow eurobros.

Can someone explain the point of this thread?

americans are fat and stupid

I eat them when I can

This is relevant to every thread

Me, clementines + walnuts + dried figs = comfy Christmas feel

very good fruit
it's about fruits

My family always puts an orange/tangerine/clementine in the Christmas stockings. It's an old tradition from when fruits like that were expensive and very difficult to obtain most of the year. For my grandparents it might be the only one they ate all year long.

Guys what the fuck stop posting this shit it's fucking creeping me out.


i eat raw lemons

can americans digest tomatoes

Yes in pizza

looks like the vagene hahaAAAA

Only when processed into ketchup or pizza

Sup Forums tier reddit posting. It's all the rage on Sup Forums now.

I get it, foreigners are absolutely obsessed with Americans.

As a matter of fact, I have various fruit trees on my property, as well as several bushes for blueberries, and raspberries.

Yes but you don't eat them.

Actually my weird aunt would eat lemons. She'd dip them in sugar and eat them as if they were oranges.

>orange/tangerine/clementine in the Christmas stockings
i thought that it was a commie tradition

oh yes, I certainly never do, I simply like the pretty colors :^)

That sounds tasty actually. People dip oranges in sugar? I just ate them raw.
Nah we do it too. But we also throw in nuts

No, it's a poor people tradition, my grandpas did the same with tangerines, peanuts and nuts

>b-b-b-but i have fruit trees!
Potatoes aren't fruits nor are they trees, educate yourself fellow ameribro.

Some wild species of oranges have a sour taste, almost like a mild lemon. Some people dip those in sugar, otherwise enjoy the sour taste.

Polish intellectuals present how "vegetables" look like to American delegation led by Melania Trump.

Your aunt had to be healthy as fuck with all this vitamin c

Anyone else like papaya?

>this shocks and confuses the american

>tfw the only raw fruit I enjoy are bananas

I think it tastes like cat piss, but probably we aren't getting the top quality stuff here

More than likely. I've found the papaya that comes with bags of mixed frozen fruit to be better than the "fresh" stuff here in Arizona.
Gotta thaw it out of course.

>not having lemons for some fall color in your yard

is this your dog?

That's a cactus

I'm just going with the joke. You don't have to be a curmudgeon all the time, you know.

Shh, go back to bed child

That's pretty cool.

Do you use them for anything?



got to prune that guy


And this one

kaki fruits are great.