This 80s robot design

This 80s robot design...

How does Number 5 compare to other movie robots? Discuss his power level compared to others robots and his usefulness for the military in general.

If his sense of self awareness makes a big difference for you, please state how and why you took it into account.

-powerful shoulder mounted laser, capable of cutting through military grade armor
-flexible case, can be reduced in size so you can transport several in a small truck
-can be repaired with spare parts very easily
-plug and play capabilities so far evolved that you can throw together a whole unit from scratch and it will be operational in just a few moments
-high movement speed over land

-vulnerable to most forms of damage, even brute force melee fights
-low maneuverability
-programming vulnerable to malfunction or hacking

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It actually looks like a robot

Not just a Humanoid shaped shitfest

>one of the last few remaining J5 robots got painted pink and had dildos strapped all over it for a porn movie

have not seen it for years......could he do stairs?

yep he can (slowly), plus he had a grabbling hook

Johnny is still the most believeable movie robot ever made.

i like when he goes edgymode

Johnny 5 is better than any robot from the last 20 years

I think hes an assassin, not a soldier. If you get what I mean. His weapon is very strong but his armor is very low and hes cheap


I love those movies

>Johnny:"I must stop Oscar"
>System Failure countdown
>I need a hero starts playing

They were supposed to be parachuted in behind enemy lines.

remarkably far-sighted.

this post gave me nostalgia

you will note that in earlier videos, Handle got about with its arms stretched out like it wanted to strangle you. they changed that when everyone said they thought it looked creepy.



when i was a kid for some reason i thought it was the robot model used for E.T. just without the skin on it mainly because their heads are a similar shape.

*blocks your path*

what do you do?

kinda wish they'd just build a johnny 5 that could spout one-liners and do john wayne impersonations

Yes, but can it do garbage compaction?


-intimidating af
-dual high powered machine gun arms
-officer of the law that old Detroit needs

-squeals like a faggy pig when on its back
-sometimes uses excessive force

In a one v one match I would probably side with Johnny 5. Sure he fragile but with his high intelligence and laser gun I think he has a good chance assuming he finds cover first.


he'd probably tell you to go back to redd it


>when i was a kid for some reason i thought it was the robot model used for E.T. just without the skin on it mainly because their heads are a similar shape.
That's because the movie is an E.T. clone

Fuck off, this is a Short Circuit thread now

dat coke nail

fuck yourself

I loved these guys in Republic Commando


>Fuck off, this is a Short Circuit thread now

Which could easily be turned into a Robocop thread with a few more memes I have on stand by :^)

Although a machine endowed with superhuman strength and futuristic weaponry, he often displayed human characteristics, such as laughter, sadness, and mockery, as well as singing and playing the guitar. With his major role often being to protect the youngest member of the crew Robot's catch phrase was "Danger! Danger! Will Robinson", accompanied by waving his arms. He was a good friend.

It's criminal what happened to Terminator

yeah come to think of it johnny has a pretty good battle reccord

the only reason he got fucked up in part 2 was because it was somebody he trusted and because he chose to disarm himself

>It's criminal what happened to Terminator

It truly is but it also warms the heart knowing that nothing after T2 is cannon and Cameron is getting the rights back.

Robby the Robot


-fiercely loyal and protective
-nigh indestructible
-capable of manufacturing several gallons of alcohol in a single night


-hamstrung by 3 laws of robotics, will shut down if ordered to kill.

Modern Japanese movie robots are pretty good looking.

I really hope he does do that T3 he was talking about recently that will make it a closed story trilogy.

>Not just a Humanoid shaped shitfest
m8 humanoid is literally the best and most efficient design possible unless they can incorperate anti gravity so they don't need arms or legs.

can you make booze?

I'd like to know how much of its processing power goes to overplaying human body language

that's just the standard problem action films have with escalation.

terminator: bad robot vs humans

terminator 2: badder robot vs good robot

terminator 3: slightly badder robot vs another good robot (and you can see it's starting to slip)

salvation: good robot vs skynet and a shitty script

genesys: shit strewn all over the place like raccoons got into your trash

what can you do? add more robots? bigger robots? they tried that with iron man.

I did like T4 though, mostly because it focused at what it could be like in the future.

technically, not robots, but cyborgs. why would a robot need dat ass unless it was designed to distract humans? it's there to play to the egotism of the human brain riding inside.

> i'd still hit it

>m8 humanoid is literally the best and most efficient design possible

did you not see ?

>salvation: good robot vs skynet and a shitty script

I would argue that in Salvation, Marcus did not know at all he was a robot until he was shown to be one, if he was never shown he would still believe he was human.

Why robots always tryin'a kill a brother?

>I did like T4 though,

Johnny5 has to get the first shot. If his opponent can hit him first he's basically toast.

In RL military he would be glorious. He's able to act without human control for a long time and can take out every weapon system of the classical military arsenal (tanks etc). Even slow moving aircraft should be possible.

Would be vulnerable to common infantry thou, as firing at a single soldier is overkill, but the others blast him to trash in a few second. Not cost efficient.

On the other hand, if he is as easy to repair as it's shown in the movies, you could easy reuse its parts could be reused over and over. You could assign a few bots to every squad, send them in first and with a 1h introduction during boot camp, every normal soldier can fix them.

Do BD go out of their way to design the eeriest robots possible?

Its all ogre, Johnny 5.

Maybe if someone got a hold of it, it could be salvaged and restored ala mowhawk Johnny 5.

>We are creating AI not Terminator

Whoa whoa whoa, Boris no one said anything about Terminator, why the fuck you talking about Terminator?

>why would a robot need dat ass unless it was designed to distract humans?
maybe some subtle physiological warfare

Imagine in the future you're fighting an war and the enemy is using fembots to fight you and when you get one cornered it makes crying noises and screams like a real woman, and even when you capture them you can't rape them like men always did to female prisoners. it would fuck with your mind!

Trust it be the russians to do this shit, kek.

No, Ivan, Nooooo!!!

you stupid fuck

>T3 he was talking about recently that will make it a closed story trilogy

Did he drop any other plot details? First I'm hearing about this.

I didn't care for it. The bad heavily out weighed what was actually good. Everyone wanted night battles, laser guns, and gorilla tactic using rag tag barely fed resistance soldiers. Instead all we got was modern warfare during daytime using bullets. WHERE'S THE GOD DAMN LASERS! FUCKING DICKLESS ASSHOLES! WE WANTED A FUTURE WAR! FUUUUCCCKKKKEERRSS!!!

You guys can shit on them all you want, but these guys (Naboo ones, not clone wars ones) are some of the best war robots ever imagined.
>easily mass produced
>give no fucks and walk towards their target fearlessly
>can communicate with each other to coordinate attacks
>only weakness is if you destroy their command ships which are protected by a shield
If the republic had no jedi or clone army, they would be fucked.

>he doesn't get the implication

The cgi in that bottom left photo is a fucking disgrace. WTF is up with those big white teeth in bottom right photo? Fucking tragic

>if the government had no army to fight with they'd be fucked

No shit, Sherlock.

have a better looking gif

Yea because T1 showed laser battles and the humans literally surviving on rats alot did expect that.

I would say that with T4 if they did a sequal to it then it should and would definitely show that skynet procced to advance and expand at a super rate and that the humans were only just able to survive off the scraps after skynet had hammered them to the point.

At the time i thing MCG wanted to do a new trilogy with Bale as the lead, possibly we could have got laser battles but we will never know.

I was referring to the fact that they would have had to recruit/draft actual people to fight, but you know what?
You're right.
Even with the clone army, they're still fucked.

The only reason battle droids looked weak is because the jedi have fucking lightsabers that can cut right through them.
Then again, a fucking lightsaber can cut through anything, including a clone, can't it?

everyone should experience that feel

I wanted to use that gif but was told the file size was too big ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ so I opted to use shittier one

The absolute perfection of robot design.
And all from a fever dream Cameron had in Rome.

>Did he drop any other plot details? First I'm hearing about this.

Just that everything so far after T3 is not canon and the Deadpool director is directing it, not himself.

Los Locos kick your ass!


>Just that everything so far after T3

Sorry I meant everything after T2 is not canon

It's weird posting in this thread and having to click "I'm not a robot".


A robot like EVE is literally the perfect design