what did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
thats the correct thing to do though you fucking cuck
>defending animal cruelty because of le edgy teenage psychopath persona
Grow up hun
not defending animal cruelty at all. though if an animal attacks you you should give the message that you are the dominating person of this family. Your dog should be beneath you and not be in the position to ever bite you. I would never hurt any animal if it wasn't necessary.
>animal cruelty
>"oh nooo poor doggos biting humans :((((("
Kill yourself.
"Kids, don't do it at home. Hire me, will travel."
Who knew he went to shows?
>your gardner, he come and kick my dog
Is this some kind of show only Americans watch, like the one with terminally overweight people?
I found this but it ends shortly after the bite. Is there more to it?
come here little dogie i have treat FOR YOU
>kicking a dog hard in the ribs which can potentially kill it because it caused a boo-boo on your arm that has no potential to kill you
>kill yourself
*tips feathered trilby*
>im coming to your house to kick your dog in the fucking ribs, ese
What was wrong with him?
>Feeding a dog cheese
You don't even need a nail for that to end badly.
My husky loved cheese. Had him for 16 years
I love dogs but sometimes a swift kick to the ribs is what they need.
>top 10 anime betrayals
>kicking a dog hard in the ribs which can potentially kill it
Are you an idiot? Was your last dog made of lego or something?
What a retarded asshole
He's unfamiliar with this type of dog so he was trying to figure out it's sex.
Probably owned a Chihuahua. Owners of those are always of low intellect.
If a dog attacks, you attack back to establish your dominance
Also he has literally been doing this shit all his life, I'm pretty sure how hard he needs to kick to kill a dog vs making a point.
*braps in the dog food bowl*
*punches the dog in the throat*
*curbstomps the dog when it tries to eat*
alpha as fuck
>kicking a dog in the ribs can't kill it
Go be a 13 year old edgy contrarian on Sup Forums
1 billion dogs are killed in China everyday let that sink in. why dont you go save them you white knight fag. Someone post that webm of the dog getting shoveled to death
in 2017 stopping a dog from biting you is animal abuse.
An animal like this shouldn't be aggressive around it's food. You're the type of person that would let a lil kid get bit by a dog just because he didn't know not to go over to the dog while it's eating. The same dog which the kid has probably fed scraps of food. So the child doesn't know or understand that the dog will bite. All it takes is one bite to fuck a kid up badly or scare him for life. You'd side with the dog. Not understanding that dogs aren't suppose to act this way and it's something training takes care of, which in this case didn't happen until it was older.
In other words you're a typical publicly educated US citizen who doesn't know jack shit about the subject. You just want to tell your opinion because poor doggy.
Lol calm down captain 17 year old.
29th post best post
>mfw thinks the dog was punched in the throat
Do you even know how to throw a punch?
me on the left
>would let a lil kid
And stopped reading. Learn not to talk like a fucking retard next time and I'll listen, buddy.
You can also eat dog meat in 44 states. State laws vary but most of them just state it cannot be a pet raised dog. As in you can't just decide to eat the family dog one day.
You don't sink to the animals level to train it. it's called positive reinforcement, sadistic assholes
>mfw begins a sentence with And then calls someone else a retard
Good job proving user was right about your public education.
Ok lol. Sorry you're mad about getting called out on typing like a cringe ass nigger.
>ok lol.
Keep going.
Holy fuck you sure are assmad. Not even him. Just came by to tell you that.
>gets called an edgy child
>lashes out in an edgy childish way
>mfw bitches about lil but uses lol
>what did he mean by this
cesar kicking dogs and chill
>looks like it's another case o for positive reinforcement
Well. That escalated quickly.