This gets remade in the near future

Who do we cast?


Idris Elba as Aragorn


Idris Elba as Frodo


Idris elba as galadriel

Legolas would be played by a woman, and either Aragorn or Gandalf (not both) would be black.

Idras Elba as every single character.


>ywn see lesdawg riverdance



>Remakes instead of a Middle Earth Extended Universe

I know that WB only have rights to produce movies from Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit but what is stopping them from adapting from the Appendix of the Return of the King book?

The Chronology of the Westlands literally covers the entire history of Middle Earth during the 2nd and 3rd ages

whoever seems most likely to sustain our whinging the longest, I imagine

Make a movie out of this vidyakino.

All the elves are now Dark elves so niggers

Gandalf portrayed by Danny Glover

>Gandalf portrayed by Danny Glover

I'm almost okay with this.

The skill tree was too big for such a short game, too bad cause it was great

Christopher Tolkien would never allow this.

>The skill tree was too big for such a short game, too bad cause it was great
I just remember that fucking Rohan Plains area. After that it went too quickly.

Would rather see this in kino form

Oops, forgot pic