What a good goy
30 years later still fuckable
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throw it in le garbage
I have the biggest crush on Janeane Garofalo and have had that crush ever since I was a kid.
I can't explain it. She's not particularly hot, but something about a tiny smart-ass from the 1990s in glasses fucking turns me on.
aging hipster cunts are my fetish
>That time Norm and Gilbert Gottfried blew her the fuck out
Same dude, I wanted to watch Mystery Men so bad as a kid just because of her
You see that red velvet rope in the background? My company sells them. I most likely touched that rope in my lifetime and sent it out to wherever this has been taken.
Its a small world
>52 years old
>no kids
haha what
About 20 years ago at a bar I had a choice between meeting her or Thurston Moore and I went with him.
saw her live about a year ago and she looked great and was crazy as fuck. it was less standup and more ramblings and observations of a hermit that was forced to go out on the road again.
I want to be an important comic
She's a strong independent woman!
Was actually the best thing in the West Wing run she did late-on.
When interviewed she does seem pretty beaten down to be honest.
not a hard choice
at least he's known for something
>>That time Norm and Gilbert Gottfried blew her the fuck out
when, I find her insufferable
>About 20 years ago at a bar I had a choice between meeting her or Thurston Moore and I went with him.
trust fund hipster>frigid faux intellectual
>saw her live about a year ago and she looked great and was crazy as fuck. it was less standup and more ramblings and observations of a hermit that was forced to go out on the road again.
this guy gets it on a level where he should be in charge of the nation's school system and probably the army too
Le quirky beta chick clinging desperately to her youth / relevance - how dare you all
Sarah Silverman is also a vampire I suppose
Same boat over here. Growing up I always thought she was the perfect '90s liberal waifu. She perfectly hit that Gen X attitude of ambivalence and grungy-alternative pop culture.
She's too old to be considered a hipster. Gen X was grunge, the new punks, the new hippies, mallrats... But hipsters are entirely a Millennial thing.
Some people don't want kids, get over it
she's even hotter now, too
You're talking to a white trash Sup Forumstard who hasn't evolved past the tribal idea of outbreeding your neighbors.
>Sup Forumstard
hello redddit
>butthurt white trash
That's a shame. She could have been hot.
She's gone full on old lady now. After a certain point women (particularly without children) get very brittle and scared of things. You're never far away from them kind of freezing up and quietly crying. She is 100% in that area. Its hard to explain unless you've seen it happen to someone.
She did a podcast interview where she said she couldn't handle being hated and men around her had said she should toughen up and she couldn't do it. And maybe men and women are actually different but she didn't know that then. Was pretty interesting.
Wilt thou
You've never touched a woman
im not even white lmao
We can tell bey the way you type.
I love important comedy
Same user you replied too.
I've seen this happen before, actually. Kind of sad to watch.
what time though? I've watched this before but don't remember anyone calling Garagabe-Awful-o on her shit.
Please please please
Enjoy your herpes
>That time Norm and Gilbert Gottfried blew her the fuck out
I liked her better in the 90's when she was chubby and cute. Now she looks like a scrawny skanked out stripper whore complete with disgusting tattoos!!!FACT!!!
im watching stella right now and shes in it cause i just got done with a 105 citation 3000 word law paper and i need to become retarded so i can function again
>Has a husband
>Has been married twice.
I was 100 PERCENT sure she was a lesbian.
At what point does a ceremony stop meaning anything?
I get when rich guys marry more than once since he might be a pussy doing anything to keep pussy, but still...