Why do Russians suck at building stuff?

Russian built military plane goes missing .

>plane is 20 years old
>upgraded by Ukraine a year ago

That's the last time we arev buying from them


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Russia sent a probe to Venus in the 70s. I think they're pretty good at building things

they do not suck, you suck at maintaining it

>still no india made ceramic thrones

>Russians suck
>upgraded by Ukraine
I hope ukranians upgrade your toilets too

Buy French and make India great again.

Buy Russian and crash.

Buy American if you don't want your government to be toppled by a (((democratic))) uprising.

Buy British if you are too poor for any of the above.

>I think they're pretty good at building things

and they are. but it seems that lots of their aircraft look "off" in some way, which should not matter; if it performs well, it is a good design. but almost every other aircraft designer in the world seems to also try to have a pleasing look.

>plane is 20 years old
Oh wow, is that supposed to be impressive?

here's an ugly american plane

strategical effect > looks

>he fell for the 'lets save money by buying Russian' meme

just steal blueprints make our stuff yourself like the Chinese do

You're just jelly ours are white, nigger


their early MIGs looked rather chunky.

>upgraded by Ukraine a year ago
Well, fug.

>implying they have any toilets to upgrade

lol. the american nickname for the B-52 is buf, which stands for Big Ugly Fucker.

It's your plane Ivan , Ukraine is a minime for yourself .

Nah, the dude buys the most expensive junk in the market . He pushed for the 40 rafale deal

Each rafale is around 250-300 million

>Why do Russians suck at building stuff?
Because they didn't get help from ayylamos like the US

You talk shit about our grandpa?

>>upgraded by Ukraine a year ago

it's a misstake

Russia is good at designing cheap machines which you can make 10,000 of in a year and have 5% of them break. We make expensive machines which you can make 1,000 of in a year and have 1% of them break.

You guys know what a Russia butt buzzer is? It doesn't fit in the ass and it doesn't buzz.

just his looks. you were always competitive, and that's all that counts.

but your fighters started looking a lot nicer when you started copying ours.

>upgraded by Ukraine a year ago
so all the copper wires are missing?

Russians were building things 60 years ago that India is just starting to learn how to build today. One of those things is called a toilet.

Be-12 a cute

look at the ak-47 you can litearly leave in in mudd for a month and it will still fire, eventualy something will break but you can just tractor parts and duct tape and it will work again.

>One of those things is called a toilet.
he is from india he doesn't know that term

i think that looks fairly awesome. but I know fuck all about planes

>Russian tech looks a little bit "off"

I'm guessing that it had mostly to do with manpower limitations in the design bureaus, as well as computing power limitations later on, which led them to choose designs comprised of simpler shapes that were easier to run the design calculations on. Our early jets like the B-47, etc, had the same sort of simple, slightly "off" look.

It also might have had to do with keeping the shapes simpler in the name of streamlining manufacturing, since simpler shapes are easier to tool for.

All this stuff likely lost them a couple percentage points of aerodynamic efficiency, but for them, the financial efficiency was more than worth it.

you get what you paid for bro
like you could afford a western plane and the maintenance for it

Didn't you just ask India to launch your satellites after NASA blew their rocket ?

You guys mass produce stuff too, even Pakistan threw the f16 deal after congress said they aren't going to subsidize the cost. And pak's military has deep pockets.

>upgraded by Ukraine
Here's your answer.

>rusisan plane
>plane is 20 years old
works fine for 20 years
>upgraded by Ukraine a year ago
>plane go missing
what are the odds ?

>upgraded by ukraine
>maintained by poos

gee i wonder where the problem is

>no freedom of speech since tsars
> so no independence judgment and thats goes to corruption

pic- typical cities. moscow and st pete sucks out all money from regions. in 90th there was 50/50 tax system/ "thanks" to putin.
putin is russian erdogan, but erdogan makes roads and infrastructure, Turkish economy is more balanced.
pic- center of host WC18 city 1.5mln!!! Yekaterinburg. one of the most rich region donor

We only buy stuff that we can't afford to build in a time span , India has been building HAL since the 60's

Ukraine is basically mini Russia

Shill harder.

>mini russia
bro you sent a plane to ukraine for "upgrade" in the weakest ass period of ukraine
ukrainian loan is below afrika level now
I guearantee you that they have torn out all the copper and replaced fine instruments with old broken shit so they could sell the working stuff

Zamkadysh ne chelovek i dolzen stradat.

Wait, your country made the INSAS. How can you possibly criticize any other nation's military hardware?

>>upgraded by Ukraine a year ago

Bad idea,

>plane served 20 years
>upgraded by Ukraine a year ago
>plane is lost

Investigation is over.

>Ukraine is basically mini Russia
Our military trade is very limited because of ((civil war)) there, they think they're at war with russia for some weird reason. So you basically sent plane upgrading when they had no spare parts.

idiot. i mean that in 90th tax system was better. but than dickhead putin took a seat.

Indians can't talk shit when they refitted this abortion from a Russian carrier. Started working on it in 2008 and plan to finish it by 2018. That's 10 years to remove all the toilets cmon...

That's a big plane

>Ukraine is basically mini Russia

A scandal is unfolding in Croatia after it was revealed it had bought Soviet-era MiG-21 jets – now unable to fly – that were assembled from dubious parts by Ukraine. The Croatian defense minister has threatened to shoot himself if any wrongdoing in the deal is proved.


here your answer

Nice picture.

Fuck you, Trimotors are fucking Deck.


even at summer cars in dust and shit.


Don't get too cocky
The concorde is a tupolev ripoff

>upgraded by Ukraine a year ago
Thats a problem.
You niggers let niggers to do white people jobe.

Of all the weapons in the vast soviet arsenal, nothing was more profitable than Avtomat Kalashnikova model of 1947. More commonly known as the AK-47, or Kalashnikov. It's the world's most popular assault rifle. A weapon all fighters love. An elegantly simple 9 pound amalgamation of forged steel and plywood. It doesn't break, jam, or overheat. It'll shoot whether it's covered in mud or filled with sand. It's so easy, even a child can use it; and they do. The Soviets put the gun on a coin. Mozambique put it on their flag. Since the end of the Cold War, the Kalashnikov has become the Russian people's greatest export. After that comes vodka, caviar, and suicidal novelists. One thing is for sure, no one was lining up to buy their cars.

>but it seems that lots of their aircraft look "off" in some way
Foreign strategic bombers always look evil.

typical city in september/october/november/march and april.

21 century.. still no outfalls

Very R.Lee Ermeyish

>and suicidal novelists
Thats a lithuania.

>no one was lining up to buy their cars.
Now that's not true. We sold cars like M412 to yurop.

Quote from "Lord of War."

Worth a watch but wholly unrealistic as no trucks are used as weapons.

for you

Russian literature is absolutely top tier. Film as well

It has shitskin protection system



Dirt back roads in the middle of fucking nowhere in the US aren't that awful, you really need to get your shit together.

>"upgraded" by Ukraine

If by upgraded you mean stole anything of value of it, and replaced with cheap counterfeit, then yeah. Ukraine did a stellar job.

We keep our roads that way intentionally in case you invade.


> they don't know AN is for Antonov which is based in Kiev

Lel, morons

>Buy French

>Why do Russians suck at building stuff?

It's from a movie, Lord of War if I remember right. He wasn't actually commenting on your cars either way.

There another ukranian upgraded tech

That's space X

engine cooling systems were upraged by ukranian space agency.
guess what happand.

>Ask a Russian engineer to design you a shoe, and he'll give you something that looks like the box the shoe came in. Ask him to design something that will slaughter Germans, and he turns into Thomas fucking Edison.

If you don't think the bear has a pleasing look then you're a total homo bro.

>upgraded by Ukraine a year ago
Why does literally everything that country touches turn to shit?

Wow, seems like ukrops are broke

>india so shit they can't even build their own military equipment

Fuck off retards.

>armored lada niva
now that's pod racing

Your problem is Ukraine rt.com/news/245145-india-warplanes-missing-ukraine/

Not sure if it was also the same batch of planes but I remember reading that when planes were sent to Ukraine they were replaced by older airframes (well beyond operational usage) instead of upgrades, Ukraine even shipped them back instead of flying them home which meant as soon as pilots took them up they started experiencing critical failures, some weren't even able to take off.

like comparing a noodle with a sausage