Pitch me your original idea for a Star Wars Anthology movie
Pitch me your original idea for a Star Wars Anthology movie
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Just after Ep III ends. Darth Vader and the Emperor start conquering the galaxy, killing all left of the senate and remain Jedis (or Jedi's friends), Darth Vader learn force-using stuff that we never saw. That's the act I
It takes place in a galactic diner. Three friends. One old jedi and one old sith, and a younger grey. Discussing not the philosophy of the force or politics, though implications creep in, but rather, just chatting about life. Ends with each character peacefully ordering dessert.
Knights of The Old Republic.
Sheev youth
fuck off kathleen
The Good The Bad and The Ugly but with Boba Fett instead of Clint Eastwood.
Star Wars: Kessel Runnin'
The galaxy's wiliest smugglers compete in a no-holds barred race across the galaxy for a rich purse put up by the Hutt cartel. Burt Reynolds stars as the cocky, odds-on favorite, while Sally Field plays his love interest. Featuring a force-ghost Jerry Reed and cyborg Jackie Gleason as the hapless villain.
I want a Vader/Inquisitors bonding movie
>Not a Podracing prequel-prequel starring Elijah Wood as a plucky Gasgano taking on Sebulba (Jeff Bridges) and young Watto (Woody Allen) to win the grand prize in the Boonta Eve Classic.
Vader and the first days of the new Empire. No red lightsaber fanfiction slaughter house, but more along the lines of what we saw in ANH and the prequels.
A spinoff showing how Dexter Jettster built his 50's cafe
I literally forgot mads was even in that movie.
Man rogue one was shit!!
Give me a full on political drama. I don't even care about the era. New characters in a political ToR film, or one starring Mon Mothma in a more recognizable setting. I don't care. I just want my space politics.
Pic related was a step in the right direction but even it had a bit too much action for me
KOTOR movie. Thousands of years before OT. No references to Skywalkers or prophecies or destiny.
The first game already hits the broad strokes of a modern SW movie, even with the big tweest. It's a relatively small scale story but would probably work best as an HBO or Showtime series.
Let's rewrite Rogue One with one condition: you have to use the same characters.
> Galen Erso accept the imperial proposition, convinced at first he's working for the greater good.
> The first 15 minutes of the movie are spent in a research station working on the Death Star, with Galen and Krennic being actual friends but having clearly conflicting world views but pretending not to. Jyn and her mother are there as guest/hostages.
> Jyn grows up and since her father can't really criticize the empire, she became an imperial idealist and a T-fighter pilot. Krennic is fine with her joining the imperial army since he still got the mother as hostage. She also has no idea what the Death Star is about.
> Her first mission is on Jehda where she witness the brutal destruction of the last Jedi temple. Horrified, she tries to talk with some surviving monks to apologize (Chirrut) but they capture her and give her to Saw Gerrera who doesn't kill her since he's a friend of her father. > He doesn't trust her at first and she has to prove she doesn't belong on the imperial side, slowly joining Gerrera rebels.
> After a while, Galen with imperial troops arrrived on Jedha. Krennic wants to get Jyn back and use Galen to lure her. He ensures Galen's loyalty by saying he'll kill Galen's wife at the first sign of treason.
> Galen tracks down Jyn and she's afraid her father is actually on the imperial side. Galen corner them and Saw confronts him but instead Galen finally choose to reveal what the Death Star is and how he built a design flaw. Jyn must flee and find a traitor pilot Galen sent to the Rebellion with the Death Star plans.
> Meanwhile Tarkin realise the mess Krennic made, make Krennic execute Jyn's mother, capture Galen and destroy Jedha with the Death Star, killing Saw who stayed behind.
> Jyn's and the asians witness the Deathstar power from orbit and find the Bodhi's ship waiting for them with the plans but he screws up and panics, get detected while trying to run away and get capture while the plans are destroyed. Jyn's pilot skills manage to save her and she decides to find the Rebellion to get rescue her dad and get new plans.
> Few rebels believe her story but Mon Mothma knows about Galen and send Cassian with Jyn to secretly kill Galen and not rescue him.
> Galen and Bohdi are getting tortured at the research station, the operation fail pretty much the same way and Galen's get kill while Bohdi is rescued.
> Now they know the only way to get the plans is to go to Scarif
> Final chapter is pretty much the same.
kotor 2 better. dark atmosphere, small scale not like"bla last jedi bla bla save the galaxy blah". with good writing but not too deep and real villians this time pls. still remember darth nihilus talking giving me creeps. kreia best star wars character ever created.
That's what they gonna make dude. That's young Han Solo movie.
My dude. This first post is the exact plot of the prequel novel. Just replace the death star with imperial research facility
Seriously worth a read. Honestly one of the best star wars books I have ever read.
I have a link to the audiobook if you are interested. Full musical score and solid voice work by the narrator.
Make KOTOR and KOTOR II (along with what happens between the two) into a new trilogy heavy on philosophy and with a very flowery script and a grim, dignified aesthetic (rated r)
> audiobook
Thanks but I know how to read.
Either way I think you will like it based on your ideal version of RO. I just recommended the audiobook version because as it turns out, most people on a television and film image board aren't the biggest fan of books.
I'd be interested by a DL link for the book though
Film adaptation of the Darth Plagueis novel
>Republic Commandos
>Boba Fett spaghetti western
>R-rated IG-88 movie in the style of Terminator/T2
>Horror film where massive Lovecraftian species devour star systems in the outer rim.
Isn't that implied in the movie, though? Galen says he left when he realized he was helping the bad guys, and Krennic treats him like they're supposed to be friends. There's even a flashback showing Galen and Krennic hanging out and having fun in imperial uniforms.
>Star Wars Books - Adult - Catalyst, A Rogue One Novel
All the other canon books are there too if you care
Kelly's Heroes set amongst a group of rebels after Endor's battle and during the Empire's fall. A group of disenchanted rebels who despise the new rebel generals (Luke, Leia, etc...) and the "let's dance with ewoks" attitude choose to rush beyond the frontlines, taking advantage of the Alliance army and find a weird stoner alien captain with 3 refitted star destroyers, to crack a galactic bank in Nar Shadaa where Dark Vador use to stock his personal fortune.
KOTOR Adaption or Darth Bane or Exar Kun Movie
A low-budget adaptation of the Star Wars: Empire comic.
I'd watch those
If the character = Revan isn't hidden from the audience at any point, only the main character. Add Atton Rand as a minor Sith character to link it to KOTOR II better. Still it'd be a really difficult adaption. Completely different and formulaic structure
>Everybody Hates JarJar, a sci-fi comedy about the life and death of Senator JarJar Binks, directed by George Lucas and co-directed by Adam Sandler
wait this guy actually had a name????
I've always wondered what happened to Untu Boontu
Stormtroopers the Movie. In the style of Dirty Dozens, Kelly, Kelly's Heroes and Three Kings. Maybe even The Magnificent Seven if you want them to be a reall heroes. They are your typical grunts stuck in a fight with some xenos scum and Imperial incompetence.
Adventures of a cynical former Jedi who turned bounty hunter after surviving Order 66
Redeems himself somehow by sacrificing himself fighting Darth Vader for others
Instead of Stormtroopers-turned-Rebel have a Rebels-turned-Empire story.
Yojimbo remake. Maybe with Boba Fett or Obi Wan.
>Opening scene, the classic roll credits
>2.5 hours of full penetration
>The classic ending theme
Young mid 20's boba movie where he's still building his own rep, throw some shit in at the end referring to ANH and you're good.
>takes place after ep.9
>implying that MaRey restored Jedi Order and brought peace to the Galaxy
>some crisis will occur
>people in the Galaxy are disappointed and angry now
>so there will be new group of rebels, but now from the dark side
alt-Siths, huehue
>main hero is Skywalker descendant
>secretly joines them wishing to fix things
>gets more and more involved
>kills his/her Jedi master
>takes his place in the Senate as a new villian's puppet
>goes full Palpatine
>but at the end eventually realizes that he/she fucked up really bad
>commits sudoku
A young down on his luck hut by the name of Jabbba concocts a series of wild criminal scemes to gain money and power. Watch as this lowly hut descends deep into the tatooene underworld, and is transformed into the galaxies most notorius criminal.
Twi'lek Tales - focuses on the struggle of a young stripper. Rated R with gratuitous nudity.
Han Solo, peanut butter and a hungry Wookie.
A bawdy comedy where Han Solo hits puberty.
I'd like to see a good, old-fashioned heist/con movie (think The Sting or maybe The Great Train Robbery). Era doesn't really matter, as the goings-on of the galactic government are only on the periphery and don't really matter to much to grifters. There will be no Jedi, no Force, no lightsabers, and no Skywalkers or other characters from the existing canon.
I'll take the link to the audiobook, if you don't mind. Oughta make my daily almost 1 hour commute each way a lot more enjoyable.
Gotcha covered. Should be in the canon folder.
Like before, the other audiobooks are there too if you are interested
Very much obliged, amigo!
Darth Vader and his army of bad guys plan to build a death star soooo big it makes other death stars look like asteroids and Luke Skywalker has to gather his friends Han Solo, Princess Leia and CP30 one last time for the ultimate heist
There's a few ways you could approach SW Anthology.
You can make an entirely original story about a band of Jedi surviving Order 66, on the run from the empire, and the empire tracking them down with Vader and a special elite squad of "Jedi Hunters".
The story would have multiple set pieces as the Jedi run from star system to star system trying to get to a "safe house" somewhere deep in the old republic/the resistance, only to be betrayed by someone within the group who is promised safety by the Empire. All the runaway jedi get slaughtered in the end.
long long time ago in Japan samurais draw their lightsabers *woosh* but then evil imperialist west come and pew pew them with new weapons but in the end the last samurai comes(Tom Cruise) and saves the world.
the end
>Let's rewrite Rogue One with one condition: you have to use the same characters.
Fuck that, let's rewrite The Force Awakens.
>Starkiller base is a giant machine designed to revive a long dead Sith: Snoke. Not a death star.
>The nu-Empire are a rag tag group of separatists that fly Tie Inteceptors 2.0 because it's the future.. They perform a series of terrorist attacks that disenfranchises Finn, who leaves and leaks news about the base to an inefficient nu-Republic.
>Republic doesn't get its shit together in time to stop Snoke's revival, so Luke Skywalker montage-trains Rey so that she is strong enough to take on Kylo Ren in a suicide mission to stop The Revenge of the Sith™.
>Luke, Rey, Finn, Chewbacca and some droids or whatever fly to the Empire base. Han Solo lends them the falcon but doesn't do shit because he's fucking old and not force sensitive, he fills Lando's role of betrayer in the next movie.
>Team Luke infiltrate the base but OH NO, Snoke is woke. Snoke and Kylo ruin them, though Luke holds his own and gets ready to sacrifice himself. Chewbacca dies.
>Leia, Poe Dameron and another Admiral turn up with a Republic 2.0 fleet. Start fucking up the base. Space Battle.
>Snoke overpowers Luke, traps him in a macguffin then rushes to KYLO REN'S TIE ANALIZER STEALTH FIGHTER™, leaving Ren to deal with Rey, who has picked up Luke's saber and is ready to rumble.
>Boards the biggest ship and single-handedly takes the bridge. Has a few open fire on the smaller ships and starts popping other captain's heads with long distance FORCE BRAIN HEMORRHAGE™.
>Starts a chain reaction where Imperial boarding parties are able to take a large amount of battleships, finally becoming a real threat once again.
>Rey beats Ren and saves Luke and Finn, but the Sith have returned and a sequel with bigger stakes is now set up.
A bounty hunter movie where a big ass bounty head gets posted and every hunter worth a damn shows up to claim it. The movie climaxes in a running gun fight between Fett and IG-88 that levels a city block of coruscant.
Think smoking aces in a galaxy far far away.
Movie that focuses on stormtroopers
The Umbara arc remade into a feature length film. It aint me in space.
Mace Windu is alive, hiding in the shady underworld of Coruscant nursing his wounds and kicking ass. Could possibly feature Boba Fett as a villain. In Episode X it's revealed Windu is Snoke.
Star wars is dead to me.
spaghetti space western with the bounty hunters is the only answer
Max Rebo vs. the world
How did they have Under Armour in space? Really breaks the immersion.
It takes place before Episode 1, chronicling the life of a wanna-be gangster spice smuggler, but early on in his career he gets wrapped up in some of Bib Fortuna's shady prospects but ultimately wrangles his way up to become Jabba's right hand man shortly before the events of Return of the Jedi. It would basically showcase Jabba's rise to power through the eyes of a Corellian lackey.