Post favorite shots

Post favorite shots

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>ribcage sticks out more than tits


It still gets me when I rewatch it.





The Third Man

The Third Man

Disturbing as fuck scene.



>Arnold feeding a deer with his qt daughter in one of the most ridiculous and awesome action movies ever

How can it possibly get better?

this is one of the 2 times a film has ever gotten a real reaction from me. I jumped from my seat and screamed "FUCK NIGGA" loudly.

You're a real card, user.

What film?

>The Third Man
its that shitty mafia predation something something movie isn't it?


Business as usual for a skeletor


Fucking great stuff here.
I think I watched this 100 times when I was a kid

ted cruz documentary


It's crazy to think how much work must've went into that film.



i lol'd


10/10 movie.

Do you think Sofiko bullied Sergei for being a faggot yet still being in love with her?

I'm so glad I was too dumb to foresee that twist.

>He's really gonna make me ask what movie it is

Paris, Texas

Excalibur fucking kicks ass

True. Totally bizarre movie though, but it is great.

caught this gem on s2 of leftovers last night

i like that you start a Sup Forums thread with cuck kino.

its almost poetic.

>for being a faggot

what makes you say that, user?

fuck sorry here's the leftovers shot

was thinking no country for old men. thanks


>muh symmetry


kinda basic but it is my A E S T H E T I C

>I knew these people, these two people...
10/10 soundtrack too. I don't usually like when they include soundbites on albums, but that monologue is just amazing.



What is this? Looks like Gary Cooper on the left.

Was gonna post this. I think we can all agree that this is probably the best shot ever


Road to Perdition

delet this


y tho
It's a good movie.

What's the best 'down the barrel' shot in film?

[delet this in ebonics]

Based Tarks

This shot from Nostalghia is legitimately one of the most awe inspiring images i've ever seen.

>Still no shots of the plane scene
WTF, What are you and what did you do with Sup Forums?

So many of these are just simple one point perspective shots aka pleb shots.

So fucking what? They look good, they're good shots. This isn't film school we're not here to jerk ourselves off about how artistic we are.

how come she didn't get it right on gits





This looks fake for some reason.


First time I saw the movie I kept rewatching the ending for like 2 weeks. really fucked me up.

Good shit.

This shot together with the music just looks too good.


Isn't it weird that you can instantly tell? Because it also does look pretty real


Uncanny valley

You spend most of your life looking at faces and your brain is specialized to recognize faces.

so good

>literally nothing special about it
>240p quality


Also literally everything from Hero

Mine is similar


b-but that's pretty all of it


ok there's just a little bit more

haha imagine what they smell like after she does a few hours of intense ballet haha

spamming like a faggot




This one always gets me

There should be more Hershlag spam desu

Cool pic man post it again!


Barry Lyndon

Kubrick had a special lens ordered to film this scene using only the candle light for lighting


GOAT ending

Want to participate in this thread, but I gotta go beat off.

The best.

thanks reddit
