So are neckbeards still going to vote for Drumpf even tho he will ban videogames?
Trump will ban videogames
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They're degenerate. Next thread.
>Banning a source of profits
there's plenty of shit you can throw on this candidate from current year. why try to confuse the discussion by necroing old posts?
>bans violence from vidya
>creates Trump City
>playing video games
>over the age of 10
Still against banning them but they are a waste of time if you're an adult.
Posting an almost 4 year old post from the Trump, back when he was still a democrat.
>imblying that's not a good thing
He said so on his twitter
So? It shows he's anti-free speech and thinks violence should be censored because MUH BAD INFLUENCE
Nope, this is outdated because he later went on to say it's a mental health issue.
When did he retract his statement? PROVE IT
And even if so it shows he's willing to ban things without knowing all the facts
So? It still shows he's willing to ban things he doesn't like.
all modern tech is degenerate
do you see people playing video games in nazi germany?
everyone works and they stop being degenerates
wtf i hate trump now
>still playing FPS
fucking disgusting
>If a socialist changes to a capitalist and switches his beliefs too, does that still make him a socialist with his ideas?
wasnt he an anti-vaxxer too?
Video games are an abomination, a total waste of time, any good society would ban them along with pornography.
Get lost kiddo
everything that can create monsters should be banned :DDD anime videogames and of course firearms
i'm surprised he said that but i kinda agree. well i suppose it's hard to censor "art" but if it's proven that most players of ultraviolent and realistic games like GTA V are under 18, and i bet it's true, then there's something to be done. this hypocrisy makes me sick and these developers/publishers shouldn't be irresponsible
weak b8
not even giving you a (you)
Video games are shit now days. I wants video games banned because I am sick of my once favorite hobbies being shat on by shit like Cod and battlefield
>implying limitations and or restrictions on useless activities is a bad thing
This shouldn't come from the government. This should come from within.
>ree stop enjoying things
fuck off retard
there have already been dozens of studies that prove that video games are not related to violence.
I think he's right, video games have become needlessly violent and edgy over the years. Mature themes are fine in adult games, but even the games people buy for their children seem to be exceedingly inappropriate for children to be viewing.
That isn't to say I want to use the federal mafia to stop this, but I believe raising awareness and offering alternatives to these violent games to parents is important.
the ESRB exists for a reason, not their fault parents buy their kids GTA instead of Mario, it's all shitty parenting.
People were very degenerate in that society. People drank alcohol and had sex without marriage.
>not liking videogames
Disgusting, freaks like you are mentally ill.
>you can't play video games and hold a job
What does he mean by this. Does he want to censor video games like the SJWs do? Thats fucking retarded.
Good, now he just needs to ban Sup Forums so I can finally be free
ESRB faults aside, parents still buy games for their children against the suggested age group. That's a fault in parenting not in games, but trying to educate parents on this "issue" could still be a valid interpretation of Trump's tweet.
when were these studies made? games have changed, kids are more and more exposed to them and parents have less and less authority
>Drumpf even tho he will ban videogames?
who gives a flying fuck
"Once a socialist always a socialist"
I agree with that tho
get lost freak
obvious bait
Are you kidding me? You make me sick French people do a SHIT ton of degenerate shit. You drink under 18 and have sex under 18. It's a disgusting society.
>posts on Sup Forums
>calls video games a waste of time
Ok you're a troll, a bad one too, enjoy bans
Wtf are you talking about? I agree some videogames should be banned like shitty ones pre-2008. Any videogame made before 2005 is total garbage
Yet Sup Forums brags about doing degenerate activities like sex and drinking
Video games have been ruled as creative expression. They can't be banned any more than books or paintings.
>games have changed
not really over the past decade. And they were done shortly after GTA 3 came out, when the whole
was at it's highest.
It has nothing to do with the games, as much as it does the parents, shitty parents breed shitty kids. I played violent games as a kid and I turned out fine, only times I ever fought was in self defense.
>coming from a burger
People in America drink and have sex under the age of 18. Pretty much every American parent is shit and you attack videogames? Get your priorities right.
hes also going to ban internet for citizens
no more frogs for his fanbois
a six year old shouldn't be playing violent games, it's not appropriate, they should be playing kiddy shit, it honestly bothers me because kids are missing out on a shitload of good kids games because
>hurr durr need muh GTA and muh COD
>Any videogame made before 2005 is total garbage
You got it the other way around kiddo. I understand you are underage and I will let this slide
No only violent games. Whereas sjws want to ban women being sexual but killing men is ok.
weak fucking bait
1/10 I replied
So Trump is anti-freedom of speech
I've been to America kids did pretty disgusting things. My grandparents live in America and when I drive down the street there are always kids playing soccer without supervision and shit.
Bad troll, still having you banned
You got it otherway around.
>needing supervision to play fucking soccer
what the fuck leaf
talk about coddling
Kids shouldn't be outside at that age unless they are watched. It's a law in Canada a children under 10 has to be with their parents at the park. That's why kids have videogames.
>It's a law in Canada a children under 10 has to be with their parents at the park
no wonder your country is full of fucking betas, you couldn't even play poverty ball or apehoop without supervision
I am not attacking anything, and I believe sex out of wedlock and drug abuse is a serious issue for Americans of all ages.
Pre-pubescent to tweens should be playing Spyro, DK, or Zelda. Not Gears of War, GTA, or Lolipop Chainsaw
You don't need to be playing soccer and shit anyway. Videogames can keep kids busy
As opposed to Hillary's feminism that totally supports misogynistic oppressive videogames that keep harming the rights of virtual women?
I'm sure people like Sarkeesian will definitely vote for Trump.
>Pre-pubescent to tweens should be playing Spyro, DK, or Zelda. Not Gears of War, GTA, or Lolipop Chainsaw
mah fucking nigga, all kids do now is play COD and GTA, I fucking wish the little bastards would play shit like Luigi's Mansion or Ratchet and Clank.
busy yes, but not active you idiotic leaf, I know you're trolling but you are just so shitty I have to keep responding.
funny thing, Hillary tried to make violent video games illegal in New York.
It failed miserably mind you.
sure use a black and white fallacy
Wow! You so edgy and original. Did you think up the name Drumpf by yourself? You are super cool and super original. You would never steal stupid jokes from a faggot on TV. You are to original for that. Wow! Drumpf. Soooo cool and soooo original.
>thinking kids should play soccer by themselves
I normally don't have trolls banned but your bait is weak
It's up to us to show them the error of their ways. Reach out to a child or parent near you.
>17 Dec 2012
Here's your (you), leaf. Suck my fucking dick
Shit that won't happen so who gives a fuck for $500 Alex.
This canadian cuck keeps on about "sex and drinking before 18" and "sex before marriage".
Nigger are you for real? Do you really think that shit doesnt happen all the time in canada? Or the entire world for that matter?
Always has and always will?
Are you muslim?
already did, gave my brother my NES and games so my nephew can grow up with some taste
Leave troll
Actually nope. That is pretty much restricted in Canada because parents watch out for that and mainly always have a parent at home while their kid is home.
except the one doing that is OP, not me.
We don't know the extent Trump is going to enforce this mentality, meanwhile all sorts of liberals are already shitting all over videogames nowadays.
Sure GOP has nutjobs overly concerned with morality just like the left, the only way to have a completely open market without restrictions was to have a best of both worlds, as in a right-wing leaning pro-market candidate that also promoted freedom of all kinds of morally / religiously offensive expressions about all genders / sexual orientations and shit, that is, as long as they were kept in fictional grounds.
stfu nutjob.
Reminder that we are being raided by Shills4Hill.
You yanks better not cock things up for yourselves. Go on, make your dad proud.
Doubtful. He says alot of things to promise people just like all presidential candidates do.
Its important to check consistency, and body language. What does he actually believe.
Well, it's not like I even need to say anyting else anyway. This is already enough to show you can't argue back.
This tweet is from four years ago.
it worries me because of shit like this
look at this shit, 255 votes and she doesn't even have to fucking TRY because libcucks will vote en-masse for her.
Video gamez are addicting. They will either do smething productive or find some other form of degeneracy.
Trump is Schrodinger's candidate.
The Copenhagen interpretation implies that the cat remains both alive and dead until the state is observed.
You don't know what Trump thinks until you ask him.
And then you don't know what Trump thinks until you ask him again.
There's no good reason to believe that Trump still believes this, or any other position he has previously held.
People have been conditioned to this. That's why he's such a great candidate.
Why not ban the other kind of degeneracy.
>video games are addicting
t. retard
>videogames aren't addicting
>It's a "videogames aren't an artistic medium" episode