Are you excited Sup Forums?

Are you excited Sup Forums?

Could they have come up with more generic names?

>I will be 30 when Avatar 2 comes out
What a disaster.

pick one

>32 here
Kill me

why the fucking 11 year gap between 1 and 2?

Perfection takes time. You want dross? Put out 10 a year like Disney

Capeshit is finished.

Based Cameron is saving us all.

I'll be 31

tfw no gf before avatar 2?

Jim is so ahead of his time that he has to wait 10 years for technology to catch up with his ideas

Where did you get this OP? I wasn't aware the names had been made public yet.

>The Abyss
>Judgement Day

Hackmeron is the King of generic meme names.

not really, no

I was a teenager when Avatar was released. I'll be in my mid 40s when Avatar 2 comes out. What the fuck Cameron?

You retarded? Even if you were 19 when Avatar came out you'd be 30 when Avatar 2 came out.

>Into the Deep

deep sea confirmed? or is it deep space? i want The Abyss 2

It's Cameron, 90% it's the sea.

>Into the deep
of course. should have seen it coming.

Literally who?

So many people that saw Avatar have since died and will never see Avatar 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Lucky bastards

0/10 you're just butthurt

everything is possible, user

That part in Avatar when Quattrich was in his mech fighting the lady Avatar, and he pulled out a fucking mech knife. Me and the guy next to me laughed really fucking hard.

Only thing I remember about the movie.


Avatar fucking sucks, I only watch MCU flicks

Disney pajeets are literally shaking right now

It looks internal, and the titles haven't been announced yet, so either fake or a leak.

This will be the GOAT sci-fi saga that everyone remembers in 50 years.

>The Terminator
>The Abyss
>T2:Judgment Day
>True Lies
>GOAT sci-fi SAGA

is there anything this man CAN'T do?

>ill be 37

I'll be 65

>is there anything this man CAN'T do?

As long as it brings Abatap back to Sup Forums.

Literally nobody is fucking asking for this films.
STOP James. You could be making much better original ideas that aren't sequels

>Into the Deep
Deep what? Johnny Deep?

Go watch A2 in the cinema, if you dare.

Nah I'll pass

Will Abatap return though?

I assume he's dead.

I bet you'll be seeing Avengers Infinity and Star Wars 8 though right. late sequel I can be okay with. Terminator 2 style. But 4 movies, is he fucking senile?

Avatar wasn't even good. Who the fuck is giving him this pile of money?

Nope. They'll be just as bad and boring. I'd prefer James making something that actually has the potential to be interesting. What the fuck is there to do on Pandora? What conflict could there possibly be? All the clans worked together. There's no other type of being on the planet

Leaked photo of Jim directing the sequels.

>$2.78 billion dollars

>What the fuck is there to do on Pandora?
This is why you'll never be as great as the visionary James Cameron

>James making something that actually has the potential to be interesting.
Calling him James. Kill yourself.
>What the fuck is there to do on Pandora?
If you knew that you'd be a billionaire director, you don't and you're not.

You seem pretty upset over someone you've never met. Fuckin loser

not gonna lie i wanna shit myself with my mouth wide open

>20th Century Fox


>posts profinity
>calls another upset

calm down mate

Meant to reply to the other sperg freaking out. Sorry pal