Marvel Nu males BTFO
Why does the DCEU trigger ppl so much?
Marvel Nu males BTFO
Why does the DCEU trigger ppl so much?
All these pictures remind me of the old series.
Gal Gadot is a talentless hack who has the body of a holocaust survivor.
I enjoyed BvS, was disgusted by sue sie skwad, and am probably going to despise this piece of shit too, I mean come on, seriously, a woman director?
>10 threads about Wonder Woman
What's up, shills?
There are actually some good women directors. Patty Jenkins is a hack though. She made one decent film over a decade ago and since then has directed TV show episodes and a segment of a fucking Lifetime original movie. The only reason WB hired her is because they wanted to look progressive.
Actually, they hired another director who dropped out and she was the next choice and they were already almost into pre-production
lol only disney shills movies, DC movies are actually discussed intelligently, Marvel maymay flicks are just pajeets and numales getting 10 cents a post
I'm just so glad they went with the mini skirt. Fucking sexy as shit. I was worried they'd get progressive and go with the pants look. Suprised it has gone unprotested this long
Who was the original director?
>muh DC vs. Marvel
Michelle MacLaren
Granted she was exclusively a TV director... but she directed better (and more) stuff on TV than Patty that's for sure
Affleck Batman is dumb edgy bullshit with no moral center
Sup pajeet
Sup pajeet.
Super hero movies are for retards
>Why does the DCEU trigger ppl so much?
It doesn't. Some of the best fun to be had on Sup Forums over the past year as been poking fun at it's perpetual failure.
pic related just keep getting better, shame the feminists will ruin it this summer
>mfw I made both threads and took that screenshot to falseflag and just to trigger the capeshit "shill" conspiracy theorists
Yup, the company wars bullshit is the ultimate proof that capeshit is cancer. Marvel fanboys are normies and DC fanboys are pretentious faggots.
>just to trigger the capeshit "shill" conspiracy theorists
So you aren't actually a DCuck?
>implying I'd ever be a MCUpajeet
>Captain America is the best kino
>mfw I made both threads, falseflagged a screenshot, falseflagged a trigger marvel drone, made a new thread to feign anger, and wrote Marlels on suicide watch just to get trigger replies from mousekeeters
>implying there are only two sides
so /reddit/ the general?
Dc films are poo poo and have abysmal quality
Marvel is like cheeseburger tier safe as fuck cashmovies,but it works
When dc try to pull that kinda move they end up with suuh swide quaad
>redditors think Batman v Superman is the 3rd most underrated movie of the 21st century
Top kek
DCEU is marginally better but they're both guilty of pandering to legbeards and left wing virgins
Is anyone else surprised by how highly Whiplash is rated by reddit? It wasn't massively popular when it came out and it doesn't get a lot of discussion nowadays.
For the first time in life I wanted WW to be covered in burka and shit. Don't want to see that skeletors skin
I'm hype
Try harder at sounding like a faggot, maybe you'll sound more believable and less cringe
Wew spotted the kike
Whiplash. I'm sure only 10% of the people who say they like it have never even seen it.
I love they slowed it down lmao and the asian dude is like damnnnnn
Wonder bump
Doesn't look any different to me
My daughter finally has a role model. Gal is perfect! Slay queen!!