WTF is going on with this anti-American artworks? Who is imposing that negative perception of modern Americans...

WTF is going on with this anti-American artworks? Who is imposing that negative perception of modern Americans? The boards are being flooded with those for months now.
What happened?

Soros is funding an army of leftist globalist shills to demoralize the based Army of Kek.

t. $5 richer thanks to him

Mr. Soros pays me 0.04€ per shitpost.

its soros
t. soros on vacation

I think it could be that someone wants Americans to hate the rest of the world.

I'm not sure if it's working, but I certainly do find it annoying, they're like an insane man smearing shit everywhere and laughing about it.

fake news

people got sick of Sup Forums tards and the majority of the retards on their seem to be

1. american
2. oblivious of trolling
3. accuse everyone of being a shill

with a deadly mix of those 3 things it was the perfect meme to be spammed endlessly.

I'm not the tinfoil guy, but I feel a strong teamplay behind this. That's why I'm interested.

1. America has many more dark skinned people than Europe (50%+ including Hispanics as opposed to 10% Arabs/Africans on average in Europe)
2. Many Americans used the phrase "Whiter than you Muhammad" to reply to a European in a thread about the white race
3. And thus this meme appeared as a counter to their hypocrisy

it basically aims at repelling amerifag kekistani Sup Forums retards

I don't agree with that, as most everyone on this board puppets stale pol memes

I fucking hate the "mutt" meme. Its so shit. Thanks Russbro

I personally enjoy the meme because it really gets Sup Forums types worked up.

Jealously, simple as


Why the disparity in pay? Is the Canadian a higher % than the Fin?

you think

Nigger, your meme will NEVER be funny.
Its so forced!

Can someone make an aylmao mutt.
Sup Forums now believes that jews are aliens and shapeshiters are in charge

A man's gotta eat and Soros pays well

What is that pic? Sauce

It’s psychological warfare. The real mutts of the internet want Americans to think it is really them.

One was talking about his total gains, and the other was talking by post.

My total gains are around 2K euros this month.

couldn't find the exact thread.but they realy are on it

ssee -> me and trudeau agreed that leafs will get paid more, as an economic stimulus

t. soros on vacation

that's even more insulting than the shitty forced meme that you would think anyone that doesn't like it is a poltard

off yourself


The psychological trick being employed here is that if one looks at the general outline, shape or color of the mutt memes it looks like it could possibly be realistic in terms of matching up to what one sees in real life, this acts as a sort of psychological bait to get the person to let down their mental defenses thinking the mutt meme could be true, but then they look at the distinctive features such as the hideous face and stink lines and are taken aback. It’s sort of a bait and switch mechanism at play

the original author seems retarded

>t. 14.88 %

Now I’m going to show how to do the opposite thing to get back at the people doing this. Ultimately this traces back to the Chinese. One has to do the opposite - make the distinctive features look true to reality but make the general outline something they don’t want to see. Chinks will be very very offended if you try to imply that they are blacks

L' disgusto.....

La creatura...

>Chinks will be very very offended if you try to imply that they are blacks
Nah just ozzies and canucks.


L' vuoto d'umanità....

All in all there is a sense of hypocrisy to this meme. It only looks realistic because of all the illegal immigrants telling their sob stories and Americans thinking “okay maybe you could be an American”, but what is offensive about it is the sense of dishonor there is to being a mixed race individual that the meme attempts to impute upon Americans.

L'infernale vuoto tenebroso...

el bellaco...

Il subumano......


L'abominazione infernale...

Il terribile...

Il diavolo......l' bestemmia....

Go on pol now. Retards are debating about how italians and spaniards aren't white.
I know I'm probably a mutt and I wouldn't waste time debating how Europeans aren't white but I am.


It causes the most butt-hurt because too many Americans relate to it. You'll see defenses with "I have only a little bit of [x] blood, but I am white!'' When so many American's are fat, ugly, and stupid (backed by statistics), they have to cling desperately to their race.

You know the procedure:
Link so we can hijack it

No, you clueless fuck, this board is crawling with fuckers from Sup Forums, like you, and this meme brings them to the surface so we can tell them to fuck off.

Fuck off

i was a skinny frail kid when I came to America, within one year I was up 70 lbs. I gain about 5 lbs a year, and for every 10 pounds you gain you can use as a tax write off, so I try and gain as much as I can around the end of the year.


>Chinks will be very very offended if you try to imply that they are blacks

who wouldn't? the problem is establishing the link between the 2 things, we don't have a problem with blacks here so by implying us as blacks is degrading, yes, but it also doesn't make any sense.

I agree with the opinion in this thread that this american goblin meme was produced with an exterior purpose, the other Sup Forums memes that were produced (and caught on) had their basis in fun and something that's often discussed.

someone is pushing this shit, I feel it in my bones.

L'abominevole disgustosa vuoto oscuro infernale.....

Oh, I get it, you're just being an aggressive troll, well, I'm sorry you're so addled and everything.

Il divoratore di mondi...

>someone is pushing this shit, I feel it in my bones

America also has more white people than most of Europe'

150 million whites = more than France, Germany, Belgium, and the UK combined

No, really: you fucking vermin have ruined soo many fucking boards by this point and you need to be told just how unwelcome you are outside your containment board, so fuck off


There was some Swede posting a few weeks back that claimed he made the majority of them. I don't really mind the meme, but I think if people want to "troll" Sup Forums they should do it on Sup Forums rather than here.

I did become suspicious when looking this morning and seeing almost the whole 1st page taken up by anti-American threads, then I realized that I have been seeing this in waves, rather than constant. I'm not saying this is Soros or shareblue or whatever, but it does seem a bit orchestrated

yeah but how many of those 150 million """whites""" are really white?

stop relying to people who just mindlessly redirect you to Sup Forums.

they are either extremely new or came to this site with an agenda.

I don't have a single white gene in my body, posting this against me literally doesn't affects me.

Who cares, it's just a meme. You don't see Frenchposters constantly whining about surrender memes.

>nevermind found it
>The Spanish at least still look human.

Godspeed, mutt

Most funny one.

150 milioni di vili.....di blasfemi...di umiliazioni per l'umanità.....di orchi

This is from the FBI's old crime data, where they didn't have a category for hispanic. They changed after 2010. Also the census has counted hispanics as separate for decades. And for what it's worth, the number isn't 150 million. It's around 200 million.


>he means people that don't have black curled hair

Brazil has more white people than Austria, I guess Brazil is white now.

This is the first one I ever saw, so I associate the image more with Bongs

>dat gif

>I'm not saying this is Soros or shareblue or whatever, but it does seem a bit orchestrated

Trump. Basically.

you see, this happens every 8 years. And I'm not talking about Sup Forums only. It happens in USA every 8 years. For 8 years they trash talk their president, make fun of him, thinking how well things would be once they elect this other guy from the opposing party that's completely different and will change things forever for good. (remember, 8 years rep, 8 years dem, unless there is a surprise independent candidate).

So now, from a white supremacist site, Sup Forums is going back to equality and anti-fascism just like it was before 2008. In 7 years a guy from the democrat party will get elected and you'll see this turning back into a pro-right strawman imageboard once again, be patient.


IMO this is an attempt by your liberal side to force a "meme" that can counteract the right-affiliated memes a la pepe.

good Sup Forums memes like shitposting aussies, SWEDEN YES, pooinloo felt to me that they have a 50/50 balance of malice/humor, to me the goblin meme is pure 100% malice, and I am speaking this as someone who's as far away from being white as possible.

Would bang.

>there's a strong teamplay behind this

>(remember, 8 years rep, 8 years dem, unless there is a surprise independent candidate).
The presidential term is 4 years. If the president gets re-elected then he serves 8, it doesn't always happen. George Bush Sr only served 4 years, Trump will likely only serve 4 as well.


>Sup Forums is going back to equality and anti-fascism just like it was before 2008

that would be the case if some form of fascism actually exists. people who call others who have political opinion they don't like as "fascists/nazis" isn't good enough.

this site is infected, the "liberal" left is pushing an agenda on this site and some of our dumber users of this site (e.g. Sup Forums) has fallen prey to it just because it has been spammed often enough.

You can have it in real life

>They are NOT the indigeous Spanish/Italians, but they are the product of MOORS from hundreds of years ago. So basically, they are MOORS that live in spain or italy.

I think you're overthinking this. It's just a meme that pisses off American white supremacists.


I hope they make a banner with a mutt in it

>good Sup Forums memes like shitposting aussies, SWEDEN YES, pooinloo felt to me that they have a 50/50 balance of malice/humor, to me the goblin meme is pure 100% malice

You sound like you're pretty tone-deaf, tbqh

Isn't it funny how it's Italians and French posting the most of these?

Finland I can understand, since 80% of their population has blue eyes.

But swarthy French and Italians haven't been considered actually white in 300 years.

Wasn't this meme first made for the brits?

Argentinians have been mocked for years. Brazilians have been for even longer. Germans are the joke everyone already knows, the brits are constantly bullied, the finns are always made fun of, russians are low hanging fruit, japs/koreans/chinese are easy to make fun of too.

But in all these years, the most that's ever been flung at americans is that their government is shit and they're controlled by israel. Not exactly banter, outside the american bear comics. It was just america's time on the chopping block and the ameriorc meme brings a level of verisimilitude to the banter that the american bear lacked.

So what if it's orchestrated? Just fire back with your own memes and banter. The fact that so many people turn to conspiracy theories, whining and asking the mods to intervene just shows you how creatively bankrupt Sup Forums has become. No-one gave a shit during gamergate and the american electoral period when rightist forums coordinated their shitposting and forced their own memes.


The roots of this tree should be sought in Tel Aviv.


>I agree with the opinion in this thread that this american goblin meme was produced with an exterior purpose
>someone is pushing this shit, I feel it in my bones

A lot of people are pushing this shit, because it's a perfect caricature.

Anyone who goes on this site on a regular basis know how it started. And it caught on because it was hilarious.
The initial mutt threads were among the best Sup Forums have produced.


What's up finnbro

>for months now
Back to pol

I think it is hilarious that this is still getting a reaction out of yanks, best meme of 2017.

The butt pain is out of control

my Saints Row 3 character looked like that mutt