what does Sup Forums think of Rick and Morty? Favorite episode?
What does Sup Forums think of Rick and Morty? Favorite episode?
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To intelligent for me
He's a pickle, user. Don't you get it? A pickle!
Literally to abstract and confusing for me
Gerry in Gerry daycare was funny but I can't for the life of me remember what everyone else was doing.
The parasite that made more and more characters and the party episodes were top notch.
Reported for trolling and rule breaking you know perfectly well this belongs on Sup Forums.
The only reason you post it here is to troll why else would you make a thread knowing full well it's going to be shitted up with 99% of haters when you can enjoy a thread where everyone likes it on Sup Forums .
No other reason than to gets some attention and to troll because that is how sad lonely and pathetic your lives because trolling and attention whoring is all you have in your lives you sad little pricks.
You seem to be triggered
>defending reddit and memey
favorite pasta
The one with all the parasites was pretty good.
I liked the Total Rickall one. The cousin Nicky part was funny. That's the only episode I have seen though.
i guess you're too stupid to realize they savaged themselves as well when Rick was praying for god to help him when he didn't have any other option
>getting butthurt from pasta
top zozzle
rick and morty is the best thing to ever happen to Sup Forums
not only does it trigger the christcucks, but it also draws the redditors (who try to fit in by bashing reddit) out of the woodwork
it's the hero we need
I have never watched this show. Why is it so beloved?
It appeals to those "fuck yeah science!" type of nerds
this show is like the later seasons of the Simpsons and Family Guy, it has some really good jokes that stand out but the rest is just unfunny filler content.
I think the mini universe episode was good
the same like big bang theory. Stupid People think they are smart because they understand this pseudo intellectual hogwash / they get the """"pop culture""""" references
SZECHUAN SAUCE LMFAO, I member this (even thought i was born after Mulan came out)
My favorite is when Rick Cronenbergs the world.
I hate Reddit and Normie because it has mass commercial appeal and I define myself by disliking things that other people like rather than judging things on their own merits.
You too?
Hello R*ddit!
the jerry daycare episode was the krombobulous michael/fart cloud episode, literally a GOAT episode