/BonnieandClyde/ General

How come the MCU (14 flicks) in doesn't have a ride or die powercouple that was a cultural phenomenon?

>let's completely cut out all the abusive parts of the HarleyJoker relationships so as not to trigger anyone, also Joker will have less screentime than Scott Eastwood and Harley will have a motorbike and a katana

They look very attractive in this fanart.

this iteration of the joker has gotta be the worst one ever

what is he supposed to be some guido mob boss?

Fuck off, he is much more refreshing than the same old boring joker every other piece of media shits out.

>inb4 le hedger meme

Nolan joker's pussy ass would have been found dead in a random alley within a week of entering DCEU gotham

Yeah, aside from the fact Harley's hair looks all fucked up.


>wavy hair
>fucked up

Dini's writing them as a power couple for real now.

exactly what a powercouple is and should be desu

The whole movie was made 40 years too late. David Bowie would have absolutely killed it as Joker.

Here on the Sup Forums we hate the me mes

they deserve a movie portraying their relationship

but hollywood is too retarded for that. we've got to settle for a third wave feminism birds of pray bullshit.

It looks all messy and ratted up.

>C'mere and sit by daddy
Enough of this tumblr shit!

He's a club owning power mobster.
Then again we only see him a few scenes.
I'm sure if we saw more of the cut scenes he'd be more clear.

Because they need I C O N I C characters first

Joker has been referring to himself as daddy for years though.

Their main characters are men, so they don't have to rely on shipping bullshit to make people care.

Jared Leto looks good as the joker, too bad his acting is garbage

I was at the flea market yesterday and saw a young guy with a ninja turtles tank top who had a Leto Joker tattoo on his bicep. He had a neon pink haired girl with him and was looking at cheap $5 knives. It made me sick.

>also whenever harley isn't around, people will ask "where's harley?"

why? Who doesn't love plywood inflused beenieweenies?

go back to tumblr or twitter