Thoughts on Joss Whedon?

thoughts on Joss Whedon?

A literal cuck.

He's so emasculated that he developed a micropenis

>Kicked out of Marvel, soon to be kicked out of DC before he even got in the door

loving every laugh, why can't they just shut the fuck up?

Tries to pander to SJWs

and fails, EVERY TIME

Grows a beard just so it can collect more black man cum when he goes down on his wife.

He's an incredibly lucky buffoon, pisses all over Ringo.

even his apologies are cringy as fuck

>proclaimed male feminist
>fires a woman for being pregnant

I laugh every time I remember he spent 500k of his own money trying to stump trump, how do you think he reacted when he found out trump won lads?

He's a huge faggot


The luckiest show runner alive, somehow got popular off of shows that were complete shit.

Astonishing x-men was his least painful piece of work

he donated half a million dollars to Shillery

Man, sjws truly are batshit insane. Is joe sweden a sadomasochist or something?

>"I'm sorry i was trying to offend other people"

what a cuck

Hork Hork


what an asshole

his behavior makes me hate that I enjoy buffy

He's a pedophile. But they overlook it because he makes feminist material. Everything he touches has inappropriate relationships in it. Esp all those years of pedophilia via Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

More like JUST Whedon hehehe


Whedon's goal in life to let all his loved ones get barebacked by some mandingo

I think he's going to make a great addition to the DC cinematic universe and I can't wait to see what he has in store for the Batgirl movie

>facial Hair
>male feminist
>white/male built

yeah he's a numale

His downfall since 2012 has been a sad one.
>Hired to co-write/direct a huge tentpole movie for Marvel
>Avengers turns out to be a mega success
>Joss's name everywhere, including on trailers and teasers, such as a The Worlds' End TV spot
>Joss uses his mega success to state why he hates The Empire Strikes Back's ending and Steven Spielberg's gags.
>Joss hired to write/direct Avengers 2 proudly

But then...

>Joss suddenly confronts many issues as he's writing the movie, like self doubt
>Joss bashes heads with Marvel's leaders
>Joss struggles to piece together what he believes to be a good Avengers sequel
>Angered and frustrated, Joss starts to shitpost to the point of retardation on twitter.
>le 1970s sexism! xD
>le getting angry with Anita xD

And finally:
>Avengers: Age of Ultron released
>Thousands of female fans and SJWs alike hate Whedon's portray of a minor, nearly worthless character named Black Widow, and literally cal lhim many derogatory names and even threaten his life
>Joss rage quites twitter and is never seen again until the rise of Trump
>Now Joss makes fun of cancer surviving patients, wants a rhino to fuck Paul Ryan, and gave Hilary $500,000 of his own money

What went wrong?

social justice waterboy... jesus christ he's too beta to be a SJW