ITT - Films That Require 130+ IQ to Fully Appreciate
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every single kino really
Synecdoche, New York
I'm planning on watching Predator later today
Is this better and should I watch it instead and leave Predator for later?
Watch both
Batman v Superman
Unironically good answer
I literally do have a 134 IQ and it took me three watches to fully appreciate it
What a fucking great movie
only legit answer
>tfw too intelligent to not like interstellar
came into this thread to post both of these
>new trend to use AI as a vehicle to discuss a variety of issues
>98% of it will suck
>the remaining 2% will go over people's heads
Mixed feels.
bad example really.
Average people can fully appreciate this movie too, it's not really that complicated. Still a great movie though.
He said to appreciate, not to understand
>bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks
I think this is actually easier to understand the lower your IQ is
How about movies you have to be sub-115 to appreciate?
Nathan pls go.
I didn't understand this movie. Am I a genius?
Womb is literally for 150+ IQ.
filtering the plebs since '92
not even kidding
pleb garbage
I'm smart and this movie was terrible
You've got to be kidding... this movie is MUH STRONG INDEPENDENT WOMAN WHO DONT NEED NO MAN
>tfw 126
im dumb and this movie sucked
More like 13- IQ lol
how so
brainlet detected
>twist literally explained in the first 5 minutes
y tho
>tfw test result said 140 IQ but I took it in a language other than my first so I'm not sure if the results are trustworthy
Recommend me shit /redditv/
>tfw too french and sophisticated for anyone under 240+ IQ
any F&F or Transformers movie
Wes Anderson flicks.
Swiss Army Man was literally too smart for most of the people who watched it.
The fact that it wasn't even nominated for a golden globe for Comedy was absolute bullshit. One of the most human stories of the decade.
The characters were phony, the story took huge leaps out of nowhere, and there was no point or connection in any of it. It was a messy movie, and not in a good way.
reddlt has arrived
>fart art
eeeh... kind of boring sounding stuff
This user here.
Primer was shit and incoherent. If you think that you need to be "clever" to understand it then you're an idiot. I posted it merely as bait. The Physics is laughable and the entire scientific concept is pop-sci.
It truly is a piece of shit.
imagine having a sub-150 iq lmao. Can you even perceive images on a screen or does it just look like static to you (like some other species)
Technically you just need to write down the different timelines properly
Resident Evil wasn't exactly high brow
Spring breakers
Only the true patrician realizes that it's all a criticism to society and a deconstruction
So many people didn't get that movie, it's so baffling
They Live
Lmao anyone with an IQ over 130 doesnt give a fuck about films.
144 reporting in
Most of flushed away was an allegory to British classism throughout the past centuries, most of this went above everyone's heads
136 IQ here
This, why would I care what hidden "message" a movie conveys? it's not like the creators have some amazing shit to tell you, and if they did they could just tell you it instead of hiding it in a movie
The Valley of Gwangi
Upstream Color is better. Primer is good, but I really didn't think it was particularly hard to follow until the last 15 minutes.
It's good, but anyone who's ever heard of the director should know exactly what they're getting. It's entry level arthouse.
You've got a big IQ
Agree with Transformers, but only the recent FF movies.
anything tarkovsky
time for a re-re-re-re-re-rewatch
Get out brainlet.
ex machina actually has a very generic ending.
Just watched, explain please
Nah, Stalker and Ivan's Childhood are pretty accessible. I'll give you Solaris and Mirror though
ma niggah
2001: Space Odyssey
The Handmaiden
(btw this is one of the best trailers of all time)
ITP: movies that dumb people think you need a 130+ IQ to appreciate
>Total Recall
stalker is more philosophical than solaris and mirror watch it again and ivans childhood is not about war or pointless violents watch them again
Ex Machina is great. A couple other good ones that I've seen recently are Sunshine, Silence, Moon, Arrival, and of course Calvary.
Ex Machina is for dumb people who think they're smart about artificial intelligence, the way Donnie Darko is for dumb people for think they're smart about quantum mechanics.
That you skim popular mechanics for 5 minutes while taking a shit at your uncle's house does not make you intelligent.
this. most overrated movie of my peer group, the rage I had to suppress when being condescended to with "you don't get it"
every movie to a certain extent requires infinite IQ to comprehend when you think about it
considering this is powerful joe rogans all time favourite film, i very much doubt that OP
Why is she balding?
Why his cock was so small?
Perfect nipples tho
Obviously the star wars prequels.
Actually user I've studied Physics for almost 20 years and have also watched around a billion movies.
Primer was utter shit. That's why I posted it for the (You)'s.
So, did the nerd that ruined everything just died inside the underground mansion, or did he manage to build more, better waifus after a while?
2,345,356 IQ reporting in, your an massive faggot.
low energy shitpost
>being less that 1.5 million IQ
Yeah of course you wouldn't have been able to understand the deeper meaning to my post, bum head.