Lonesome Wyatt's Euro-American Risk Thread Continued

Disease plagues the east and south while war destroys Europa.

Focus on YELLOW

Quickest route through Frederick, cede back lands once passed

Thinking about it, sure

OP, the Hardinians are dead, so I want a NAP with the Frederick-Boudicca sex ring

Take Angleterre

Eradicate all diseases!

Wish me luck tonight lads

Gl my dude
Alliance? you can have Iberia, I want France

For fucks sake OP, I said kill the disease in aleppo, in Syria.
Fuck, now do it right and invade Georgia

Actually OP can you go through Iceland to Sweden, quickest route.



Why couldn't I get one of these against the Romans?


Eradicate the Diease and go Attack the Caliphate since they are going near my Land

That cool nigga!

Alliance? You can take Italy, I jsut want France

Can you join us in our rightful war against the slave trading whiteys in England?

Oh man if a guy I was dating posted my pic on 4chins I would cut off his dick and balls. lol

Well im dead well played ill stick around to observe

I have a NAP with the Krauto-Anglo alliance
I won't interfere

The day London has been conquered. Also ROASTIES GET OUT REEEEEEEEE

Attack Yellow!

Yea nigga. That sound cool. Fuck dem witeys.


Hey are you going to attack me after you kill sweden

Everyone save these maps so we can play them sometime.
Most new threads are the same couple of maps over and over.

Invade Iceni Hispania!

Take back London and rest of UK

Use my roll to fill africa

My last roll Fuck up Canada

Conquer England and Spill France
L'Armée de Libération est ici

Spread to Europe

Attack the Icenis.
We've been worse off, we'll handle this bitch


Ok, now I'm mad
Kill the fucking fingolians

And they're going to make my borders look like shit

No, I don't really have an issue with you

OP it is not in my interest to use my Plague now, can i count this roll as a reroll and save my plague?

You're dead, wish to unleash the plague?


Redirect my Roll to Attacking the Caliphate

Lurk the thread, I'll bring you back in a bit.

Thanks Jimmy I luv you xoxo


Attack Blue

KILL WHOEVER IS KILLING BOUDICCA, sorry just found the thread

Yes. Unleash it in Purple. A last slap in the Iceni face.

The Swedish fall was as quick and decisive as it's uprising. It's been an interesting war.
I now lend all my energy to the Finnish Empire.

attack blue, shit sorry boudicca my shit was glitching and didnt find the new thread in time

Attack purple

Fingolia mus perish!
Focus on cutting off their access to Europe

THANK GOD we're focusing on Blue completely and utterly just attack Blue

How long do you think it'll be until infection overwhelms europe?

Finish off Romans.

Get those Muslims out of my Land

Yes rosbif, it's only blue whos attacking you.

Continue to attack BLue

VS Tsk Tsk Bad move Finnish.

Jimmy !!

You have a disease let it loose in Canada please :)

I'll stick around. This is interesting

For peace I want all of France and all of Quebec as well as Belgium. I will cede all my land elsewhere to other nations.

release my disease on blue

8 rounds or so.

Specify in Canada

Did the date go that badly?
Did she try to castrate you for posting her pics?


Kill the Finns once and for all

sail to greenland and attack blue then canada

Continue to Attack Canada

Destroy all diseases!


TAke France only.

I'm gonna go take a nap before work, good playing with everyone.

VS Finnish are fighting back.

i will attack blue on a northern front, you in europe and southern UK, if jimmy can keep rolling toward canada that will help

Godspeed Canada.
Thank you for your supports and priceless efforts.
Justice and goodness will win next time

Can the Hardinian empire still play?

frig off
Want peace so you can kill that disease?

and i agree with boudicca though bro... hope that really isnt the chick bro... that is a bit over the top to post it on 4jizz

Disease and war. Let's see who will win.

Ah wait

I gotta go. See ya.

Continue taking UK

I doubt he even has a date

Before I go, can we have large Euro map later on tonight? 8pm eastern?

Kill the Disease in Canada take the last little bit of
gray in canada

Yeah but with full middle east.

Once i get my Land back sure

defend from blue then take two tiles in scotland and cede them to boudicca, then attack that disease before it spreads west and north

Check out my new map. It's Risk with luxury resources from Sid Meier's Civilization.

GG Poutine

any territory bonuses bro?

I like it if you op link thread here ill join

Defeated this time, next time France will rise again.

This looks really good if anyone wants to host it

I like.

Keep killing the mongols


Purdy nice



Never forget

This maps my favourite desu
Gonna save tonnes of French regimental pics now

I love it. Will you OP it now? I have to commute home it will take like an hour :(

This Map, yes i want it.