Then kill yourself.
Other urls found in this thread:
>retard southern
no thanks
what a waste of get
>muh culture buah buah people are so apathic they don't care omg
>thousands of refugees dying drowned on the Mediterranean? who cares, NOT OUR PROBLEM!!
>thousands of refugees dying drowned
not Sup Forums related
>"But you care about A and not B!"
Unrelated issues
yup, I know you are probably americans and know fuck all outside of your country, but there is a war on syria
*economic migrants being taken advantage of by human traffickers as a direct result of Angela Merkel and the European Union making promises they can't realistically keep
Typical cultureless white boy thread
Having no culture makes you depressed and volatile hence the faggot nazi shit
>We don't need to fix our birthrates, suicide rates, overdose rates! We just need to kick out immigrants!
Not our problem.
Last I checked there was plenty of Muslim toilets around there to absorb those things.
how dare they move explicitly racist statues to another place
they're not fucking destroying anything you stupid cunts. moving a statue does not destroy history. secondly a bunch of that history is about fighting for rights to own slaves. like sure leave the R.E. Lee statue up, who cares. but a bunch of them literally say shit like "who died fighting for one white race" or some shit like that.
Back to pol
>Laure Jewern
Why is her head so huge?
And why are there no good pictures of her feet?
Really makes you think...
She is a dumb cunt, only poltards don't get it
She didn't even knew what sharia law is, despite meme'ing it in every video she makes lol
just trolling some shitskins
Wait wait wait.
Why should I care more about any other culture than my own, again?
>Jewish Grandparents
That girl is trying so hard to sound articulate and intellectual but she's retarded as fuck
So she's finessing the shit out of retarded altright fuckboys for the youtube money
Based desu
I mean Sup Forums worships trump who is an Israeli dicksucker
She literally got pissed on by antifa lel
They are actually receiving lots of people
Get your facts straight and not from breitbart or infowar you dumb fuckboy
>After initially moving the statues to storage, the City will seek a museum or other facility to relocate the statue.
About the monument:
> In 1891, as the Democratic legislature passed laws that disenfranchised most blacks,[9] the city government erected the Liberty Monument to "commemorate the uprising" of 1874, in the city.[4] The monument was prominently placed in the neutral ground (median) near the foot of Canal Street. In 1932, inscriptions were added to the monument which attested to the battle's role in establishing white supremacy.[4]
>On July 16, 1993, the New Orleans City Council voted 6 to 1, to declare the monument a nuisance. It was taken to a warehouse, with the intention to move it to an indoor museum.[11] They eventually allowed the monument to be installed at a less prominent location, a short distance off Canal Street (at the river end of Iberville Street) between the One Canal Place parking garage and a floodwall.[12]
>White supremacist David Duke cited the monument as a symbol of "white pride" and, in 2004, tried to stage a rally by it. The monument is frequently vandalized, the subject of anti-racist and anti-Nazi graffiti.
Quit being a crybaby bitch.
All non-whites want all whites to die. You should live your life with that fact in your mind.
She did a 23andme and isn't Jewish, not everyone who escaped was a Jew
>removing statues of traitors
The Alt-Right ladies and gentlemen
>claims to be a traditional anti-feminist woman
>still not married with children, and staying at home taking care of them instead of pursuing a career of a wannabe-journalist
>still attention whoring on every single social network in existence
also milo who is jewish
also ayn rand who is jewish
The only good people left on this planet are southeast Asian nationalists and white nationalists.
it's the US, who cares
You don't. Culture is a dynamic, mutable set of habits and other stuff that keeps getting assimilated and modified throughout the years, so I don't get this alarmism.
They don't care about eachother but, rather, focus their destructive empathy outward towards those refugees -- who should stop coming en masse; though, there is a case to be made that they're being trafficked in.
Eitherway, you still don't get it.
can someone give me the rundown on why these literal traitors are even worshipped in the first place?
the reddit is strong in this thread
they brought this shit on themselves. it's beyond saving at this point.
Because the only good white peiple are white nationalists that hate non-whites.
someone please post the webm of her tight as fug shorts before the Sup Forums alt left report bomb this thread
history has always and will always be rewritten using the medium of the day, look how many historical/period films and shows set in europe npw feature non-european characters
Sup Forums is a left leaning board dipshit. Pol Nazi posters are a loud minority.
I want to have sex with Lauren in missonary position with the lights off for the sole purpose of procreation
Good, so what's the problem?
If they need more space send them to colonize some shithole in Africa, because there's plenty of those.
Leftists belong on Reddit.
i bet shes a dead fish in bed
Check it
can you prove to me you were here on Sup Forums before me(2009)?
can you please post her shorts if you have it also?
why do they look so similar?
>send people in need of security and care to a "shithole"
grow up
Don't gnomes live only in South America?
MFW Sup Forums is Sup Forums`s BITCH just like every single board in Sup Forums with the exception of /k/ and /s4s/
The vast majority of "refugees" entering Europe aren't from Syria. And actual Syrian refugees could seek safehaven in neighboring countries like Lebanon or Turkey, or in geographically close countries like Cyprus and the those in the Balkans but they make the choice to flee to Western Europe as that's where the best welfare states are located.
>memorials honoring losers
but why?
Fuck em. Not my chair, not my problem.
Then I'll do it by force
Sup Forums used to be a hipster board when I came here
when "Sup Forumstards" started wandering in and derailing threads the complaints started. They were told regularly to fuck off back to their containment board
Back to their "cesspool"
Beggars can't be choosers.
It's not the obligation of the world to house and feed every sympathy case.
Yes, instead of sending them to colonize part of an underused continent to literally create a new country to live in, we should round them up into concentration camps in Europe to spread crime and terrorism, brilliant.
I assume you won't be paying for it either.
Sup Forums was never a quote unquote "hipster" board. we had plebs like you that came here for flavor of the month flicks and meme tv shows that called people with taste "hipsters" but that's it
please post it
>Our home blew up, we need a new one
>No, not THAT one
Military age males.
o i am laffin
Oh fuck, as an architect who is very much so involved with historical preservation I've never thought about emphasizing the fact that it was WHITE MEN who erected virtually all of our historic architecture. This sounds like a spectacular way to infuriate the 90% of historic preservationists, who are liberal.
Oh look, the truth gets no replies.
I feel depressed
Sup Forums was always pleb as fuck, been here since 2008 and i used to browse Sup Forums and Sup Forums, Sup Forums had a more refined taste
>inb4 kanye meme grips and viper
yeah Sup Forums loves their post-ironic shit.
but Sup Forums unironically enjoyed and enjoys children flicks like the avengers.
this. cut the shit you look like a clown in makeup whore
only female faces are allowed there
imagine being so insecure about your races lack of achievement that you have to tell yourself white people have no culture as you use all of our technology, watch our TV and movies, play our sports, eat European food, read our boo- oh wait, maybe not that last one
whats sadder is he is probably white
(((they))) have already won
You white people are a bunch of hypocritical shits. You did the same thing when you came to this land. Why didnt you stay in Europe? No you want this one that is already inhabited by natives. You are okay with killing millions of poor native Americans but when others come here asking for help you play the victim. God I fucking hate conservashits.
tfw no sexy blond rightwing commentator gf
Yeah, mudslimes have been killing one another for 2000 years. Almost as if the ideology is the bigger problem and not the wars stemming from it.
I live in New Orleans. I could care less about these stupid fucking confederate statues. They're being moved, not destroyed, so all the conservatives pissing themselves (that don't even live in the city by the way) can fuck right off.
Also, get the fuck back to where this garbage belongs you cunt.
>Sup Forums is getting its information and political insight from a 21 years old leaf kike coalburning bleached whore
REALLY implores one to ponder
>The vast majority of New Orleans residents supports removing Confederate monuments
>Some Canadian bitch has a problem with it
But but she's blonde and white like my nazi wet dreams surely she'll be my wife