anyone else remember when Sup Forums trolled the shit out of Hal Turner? He was sort of the mack daddy of Alex Jones.
It was like 10 years ago. How the pendulum has swung.
anyone else remember when Sup Forums trolled the shit out of Hal Turner? He was sort of the mack daddy of Alex Jones.
It was like 10 years ago. How the pendulum has swung.
Ah yes, those were good times.
Didn't he end up going to prison?
that's because stormfront and the other nazi forums openly raid and have now taken residence on Sup Forums
you can just search "Sup Forums" on their forums and you'll see that
The world was better ten years ago..i was fit, had friends, got laid from time to time, loved movies and tv, now i think about heroing myself every single day...also this board is shit.
think so yea
I was 13 at the time haha. My life is better than it was then.
The fun never stopped. We just have new players.
Yeah, people used to make fun of that jpg were the nazis were preparing to infiltrate this site but looking back, it became the Pearl Harbor of 4chin.
Also, Gamergate completely fucked this website ability of talking about anything that doesn't ends in an orgy of sjw/pol/faggotry memes.
yes this board is horrible now. Can't go 5 posts without DA JUICE or cuck shit. I don't know why I come here anymore.
Jesus Christ, times really do change.
Remember back before Sup Forums had a political identity and we were all just trolling for lulz?
wasnt he a fake nazi and an actual fbi informant?
>He was sort of the mack daddy of Alex Jones.
Like fuck he is you retarded falseflagger. Alex Jones is a real American, Hal Turner is a piece of shit.
hello leftypol revisionist
Then leave :)
Sup Forums was always far right, and if you lean left of center and unironically visit this site you should leave. Literally nothing changed.
>Remember back before Sup Forums had a political identity and we were all just trolling for lulz?
Yeah, it depresses the fuck out of me, i was never a Sup Forumstard but i started to go outside of Sup Forums around 2005/6 and this place was a completely different place back then.
>A dumb, sheltered billionare decides to run for office
>Very active personally online, known for retweeting things on a whim
Reminder that if Trump ran for office ten or twelve years earlier we would've trolled the shit out of them. Something nuchan post-reddit users like to ignore.
I remember those days when Sup Forums had a buncha social justice moral fags taking down right wing Neo-Nazis.
Battle not with monsters...
>Sup Forums was always far right
>Sup Forums was always far right
I'm willing to bet money you didn't start using this site until at LEAST after 2010.
instead we got him in office and trolled the whole world
>was sort of the mack daddy of Alex Jones
Guess who was the Alex Jones of 10 years ago? It was Alex Jones you fuck. He's doing this thing for 2 decades now
>Remember back before Sup Forums had a political identity and we were all just trolling for lulz?
When Sup Forums was Sup Forums, and not anti-redditchan.
not Sup Forums
back to Sup Forums you go. tell ur idiot friends to stop posting here too.
mack daddy insofar as they are both right wing microphone shouters
fuck off cunt I've been here since 2006. Loads has changed.
Picking up the political identities is part of the larger troll. It just so happens people get really triggered easily by politics than just about any other subject. Strange but hilarious results.
I am fairly liberal and trolled the shit out of Trump tards as much I hate Shillary. Fuck. I still do now.
Alex Jones it's the discount Bill Cooper.
>mack daddy insofar as they are both right wing microphone shouters
The nazis are fucking socialists, on what planet are they right wing? What's right wing about them?
>Then leave
Not , but i'm going to do it.
I plan to go cold turkey and cut every single internet related thing i do for at least a couple of years, i'm tired of everything and i don't see any point of keeping up with all this superfluous bullshit.
Yeah, but there was way too much of an influx of MAGA fags that are just as sensitive to their positions being challenged as the people they're against.
Where exactly are all you faggots coming from? Lot of suspicious posts like this have been popping up lately.
Literally a stormfront shill trying to rewrite history. Fuck off.
Seek mental help.
Yeah? If you think Sup Forums was a crusader of social justice and tolerance before the evil pepe bigots invaded you should probably just take your own life desu.
Good luck. You'll need it.