Why is Black Mirror so underrated?
Shut up and Dance is some of the best TV I have ever seen.
Why is Black Mirror so underrated?
Shut up and Dance is some of the best TV I have ever seen.
jesus christ guys at least give me one reply
It isn't
literally the worst episode
Not underrated, just not well known
shut the fuck up kid
literally the best
That kid was literally /ourguy/.
It's overrated. It's a shit show, each episode is nothing but an outline of an idea that goes absolutely nowhere. Go read some sci-fi book, you'll have hundreds of ideas like that delivered right to your brain.
it is thought provoking, but the flaws add up quickly
for example: okay. maybe the hackers filmed the kid jerking off. But the camera couldn't record what was on screen. You only have the word of the hackers he was watching kiddie porn. B-but what about the ISP access log? Well, he was fucking HACKED. They could have put anything on his laptop.
Add on top of this the kid looks really young. Like a 14 year old jerking off to a 13 year old.
Honestly it's sloppy writing
this bugged me too. this episode doesn't beat the Bee one.
Dude is definitely over 18 or in his mid/early twenties, and looks it.
Also, it's called suspension of disbelief.
Not even suspension of disbelief, they could easily ruin his life with completely faked shit. It didn't start off with a really big deal of shit either, he wasn't going to go rob a bank and murder a guy for that video.
Bronn was gr8 doe
>gr8 doe
kill yourself
Pretty sure the police were over the whole bank thing. The screaming mother on the phone is probably spot on, knows her son is weird already no doubt and then a cock vid gets posted everywhere saying he's a pedo. People usually just take stuff like that at face value.
This episode was fine, but i didnt find anything in it remarkably exceptional. Why does Sup Forums like this episode so much. Is it because you relate to the pedo so closely?
Nearly every episode has cuck themes
His mom probly believes there's a nigerian prince who owes her money.
Cause it's not the future it's the present.
That's the only part of the episode that's clever. You spend the first half of it trying to figure out what this kid's deal is that he's so freaked out about people finding out that he jerks it from time to time that you don't consider pedo shit until much later. And then you realize that they weren't even trying to hide it with the girl in the beginning, and you're supposed to have this switch in feeling from thinking the guy is getting totally screwed because he isn't like a total piece of shit to wondering what it says about you when you find out that he is.
but was it K I N O ?
That and being pushed ever forward into harder shit by all these people that just want to get on with their lives. His job was to deliver a cake, everyone else made him go farther and farther with it to save their own lives the hackers didn't even have to press.
No gives a shit if you are a 15 year old pedophile holy shit what a garbage episode
Nobody did, cept his mom and him. That's not the point.
1. 15 Million Merits - s1e2
2. Entire History of You - s1e3
3. White Christmas - special episode
4. San Junipero - s3e4
5. Shut up and Dance - s3e3
6. White Bear - s2e2
7. Be Right Back - s2e1
8. Playtest - s2e2
9. National Anthem - s1e1
10. Nosedive - s3e1
11. Waldo Moment - s2e3
12. Hated in the Nation - s2e6
13. Men Against Fire - s2e5
fite me
I'm still not sure why people think he's a pedo. He was watching like MTV and started getting turned on looking at adult women, then you see him go to a site that's clearly just regular porn.
Everything beyond that seems circumstantial.
I only watched one episode. Didn't care for it. The show feels empty and sterile.
>san junipero that high
This was a pretty good post
You're right. It should be #1.
>I only watched one episode.
Post discarded.
Even my fucking mum watched it, its massively popular
Yeah, and it was bad, so I won't give it another shot.
American detected
San lesebiano wasn't even really a black mirror episode, just Hollywood trash
White Christmas is best episode
It's meh tier. none of it is disturbing or thought provoking even on a conceptual level. the best ones are the ones that are set in the present desu, and the worst are the ones with dindu protagonists. I only even remember this show because I jacked it to tuppence middleton after seeing an episode with her in it
post yfw Radiohead started playing
You're bad. I won't give you another shot.
You're Hollywood trash.
Probably the most Reddit show I've seen.
I never had any real interest in the show anyway. I only watched it for one reason.
>8. Playtest - s2e2
Explain yourself.
This. I wondered what show I was watching.
Daily reminder the little nonce got what was coming to him.
Seriously - didnt like the look of him from the first second I saw him. In fact if I was working there Id bully him along with the two chefs
heh heh
what is wrong to fapping to young girls? I mean Is not like you are hurting anyone.
I swear to god that a thief or even a rapist is seen as a lesser evil that someone that enjoys porn depicting younglings.
Good concept pulled off by nu-males that probably perpetrate the entire idea of their show in real life. Basically modern Twilight Zone if it was made by frail SoCal inhabitants.
Maybe in the UK, barely heard of here in Australia
This is a good lesson for everyone.
If someone is trying to blackmail you just take the hit. You will be a slave forever until they release it anyway because you have had enough. Unless you have some way to 100% get the only copy of what they have (which is pretty much impossible nowadays) consider it already released.
>Playtest anywhere on the list
Yeah, no. Second.
Saw a couple of episodes and found them dumb as fuck.
LITERALLY Night M. Shamalama tier.
That's how Clue happens.
>San lesebiano
worst episode ever.
for sure
>, barely heard of here in Australia
I bet you still watch free to air faggot
I can't stop thinking about it
every retard on earth was blabbing about this shit
It's called disbelief of suspension you idiots they aren't driving a car.
about how bad it is?
>Black Mirror
>Great tier
Fifteen Million Merits
Be Right Back
San Junipero
>Good tier
Entire History of You
White Christmas
Shut Up and Dance
>Meh tier
National Anthem
White Bear
Waldo Moment
Men Against Fire
Haven't seen the final ep of series 3 yet.
Went right over your head, huh? No. Their video of him did not motivate him to do worse things, it was him compounding it that went every single step further.
Mostly about the premise, sometimes about the events that occurred. Sometimes about the execution, sometimes about the quality of the execution, sure. Various aspects
>Went right over your head, huh?
this tbdesu. what it's doing is not that impressive.
kill yourself
Do you mean overrated? It has some good episodes but it's not nearly as entertaining as Better Call Saul, which rated lower by critics depending on where you look.
I can't say I trust critics anymore. Seeing shows like Hand of God severely underrated due to its controversial use of religion.
You watched her episode? I didn't see it because it looks like shit.
>It's a "World where everyone has a [ubiquitous electronic device/implant] and the social media allegories that come with it." Episode
It's really dull shit if you have any experience reading hard sci-fi literature. Almost every episode makes the same point about human interaction and how it's affected by technology.
>It's really dull shit if you have any experience reading hard sci-fi literature.
I wish you were literally dead. I can already tell you're just a shitty human being who isn't worth the air he's currently breathing.
good list until number 4 then i realized ure a RETARDED FROGPOSTER
>God Tier
15 Million Merits
White Christmas
Entire History of You
>Good Tier
Shut up and Dance
White Bear
>Meh Tier
Be Right Back
Men Against Fire
Hated In the Nation
Waldo Moment
>Absolute shit tier
San junipero
Objectively correct list prove me wrong
You'd have to pay for the privilege of licking the bottom of my shoe, filth.
Very reddit, very shit. Tries too hard to pass it off as intelligent when every character is a fucking idiot. Charlie brooker is a hack
it was and the ending was horrible... it was like watching a musical
It's the reason British TV is shit wrapped up in one show, ridiculous plots, stale ideas, dark "humor", and it strives for some convoluted message.
i just finished watching an entire history of you and am struggling to understand why its being ranked so highly ITT. what's so good about it? shut up and dance left me more unnerved
Is leaving you unnerved a necessary condition for quality?
isn't that the point of black mirror?
Well, I wouldn't normally think so, but all of the thoughtful episodes are lambasted by Sup Forums so I guess that's what your ilk want from it.
kill yourself kid
that's honestly the only reason i watch black mirror
an entire history of you was just another run of the mill cheating story with a modern twist. nothing special or particularly interesting at all
This is one of those pedo bongs we would have posted with.
That is the quintessential BM: take a traditional story and add a sci-fi tech element to it. Shut Up and Dance was awful because instead of this, it relies on a bizarre "twist" with no message or substance.
did an entire history of you have any particular message or substance?