Do Americans really do this?
Do Americans really do this?
usually they even sleep with shoes on.
I still wear socks to bed every night
We have friends come over, yes
>He doesn't put on a suit of armor when he leaves the house.
Only if its wood floors
>fall asleep with socks on
>that orgasmic feeling when you wake up in the middle of the night with dry hot feet and peel the socks off with your toes and embrace the crisp coolness of the sheets
I sleep with my clothes on. I haven't taken off my long johns in weeks I think.
>Do Americans really do this
>What do Americans
>Why do you Americans
This is you
Not really. I'm wearing shoes now in my carpeted room.
I unironically wore a similar fit to George when I went to brunch on saturday
i put my chips in a bowl
yes, they are too stupid to take off their shoes
living in NYC and doesn't lock his apartment door
Jerry's apartment seemed relatively small and surprisingly realistic for a sitcom but in reality it would be expensive as fuck. It's a nice area of Manhattan.
oh my god nigger yes
Why are Europeans so insecure?
what's the deal with Americans?
they're not Americans and they are not Americans.
I sleep naked. Why do I feel like it's weird to do that?
Do what?
>sleeping naked
>fart in your sleep
>your sheets are now covered in bacteria and shit particles
>do American befriend others
Not really a big deal unless you actually shit a little bit. Also
>wash your sheets every other day're supposed to do that?
Wash your sheets? Yes, absolutely.
>mfw europoors take their shoes off indoors because shoes are a luxury and they want to conserve them
If I didn't have to bundle all my wash up and book a time to do it and everything I'd be sleeping on fresh sheets every single day, and I don't sleep naked.
>Americuck thinks he is richer than Europeans
No because it was strictly rent-controlled and apartments were rented strictly to performers in real life
Omg same. My feet actually start sweating if I walk around barefoot. Even flipflops and sandals make my feet sweat like crazy. Send help
>my feet sweat when I walk around barefoot
This seems backwards to me
what the fuck are you on
He unlocks the deadbolt of his apt MOST times he lets someone in
No, this scene is completely unrealistic. None of the 3 characters are wearing their cowboy hats.
He's clearly just feeling the sweat when walking around barefoot because the floor feels wet or whatever, while the sock absorbs those tiny amounts of sweat and makes the floor feel dry.
Don't wanna catch a cold.
Billboards in Europe, in the local language: "New! From America! ..."
Nobody advertises new from Europe. Is there even anything new from them?
I've never seen someone sleep with shoes on in America.
If your asking if Americans just hangout at peoples houses and talk about nothing then yes, it happens all the time. I do it a lot less now though.
90s Ruffles were god tier, top of the pack. They changed them at some point and now they taste well below average. They remind me of an extruded potato chip goo pressed into chip molds.
ruffles have ridges
I'm talking about their taste, they sort of taste like that.
I know. That was just their lame slogan back then.
Holy shit this exact feeling
ruffles have rrridges
>wearing clothes naked
>fart in your boxers
>your boxers are now covered in bacteria and shit particles that wrap around and touch your dick
>Burgers can't touch their shoes cause McGut is in the way
the floor in my house is cleaner than your bathtub.
The toilet I just shit in and didn't flush is cleaner than your entire house.
>didn't flush
don't pretend you can fat fuck.
Jokes on you.
My toilet seat is pressure sensitive.
Once I get up it'll flush, but I'm resting and mobile posting right now.
the usa is the true successor to rome and they are extremely butthurt about it
Why do you keep posting these? Your newness is embarrassing.
>implying you can get up unassisted
>Euros and points South and East continually taking their cultural cues from twenty-something year old American fodder
Live your own life, dick-swinging feeg.
I posted one faggot.
>New! From America! ...
What is this the 1920s?
Nothing says this
>get feet wet
>slowly peel wet socks off
>that ungodly feel of coolness and simultaneous warmth
Fucking go back to Sup Forums you idiots *stops typing*
some americans do in fact, live in new york city
>some (((americans)))
yep. also i went to japan and the smell of feet made me want to throw up
>we have friends over yes
Can any euros explain this to me?
The parents of my friend (they're french) would get very bothered and uncomfortable whenever she had company or people over.
Apparently Europeans hate having company
What the hell are you on about?
more like jew york shitty
they don't have countries of their own
elder god tier bait
Hang out with jews in the open without the thread of s a mudslim blowing their apartment up? Yes.
Was this kino?
my feet sweat too and are cold if I do not wear socks, this is due to bad circulation and the socks
It's almost 4am in europe, I wonder who is behind this thread.
>He thinks people are doing beyond the cursory hovering to discern to whom he's speaking.
Get fucked, cunt.
>he actually went through my list to see if his post got mentioned and thus wasted his time.
I cannot sleep because I am sick
Heard from a doctor that you're supposed to release farts at least 4 times a day, but you have to go to the bathroom and release it while sitting on the toilet, instead of just farting whenever you want and / or wherever you are.
Do any of you do this? I seriously just farted whenever no one was around me, probably like 20 times a day, until I heard this.
>every other day
That's OCD as fuck. Once a week is fine. Then again, if I had the time, I'd probably do it twice a week. Clean sheets just make sleeping that much better
i wash my sheets every day
I don't use the sheets so I don't have wash them, I leave the blanket on top of the sheets and lay on top of that.
This painful image actually haunted me for some time now. Thanks for confirming my fears.
What? What difference could it possibly make where you do it
>Not watching seinfeld on a constant loop in the background as you perform every day tasks
That's just for hygiene. Also, where I said "at least four times a day" I meant "no more than four times a day". If you're farting more than that, according to my doctor, there's something wrong with you that needs to be checked by doctors.
Your doctor sounds like a nut.
this i got to blanket one for under me and one for top
What sleepers do you guys currently wear? I myself like to slip into something classic
Yeah, when they're on the set of a sitcom, we all wear out shoes
>do jews really do this?
also, no idea, I'm not a kike
fuck off
Kek (笑´・艸・) IDK
Everyday desu