“Early on, I had to do a scene where I had to flirt with Zac Efron and touch his waist...

>“Early on, I had to do a scene where I had to flirt with Zac Efron and touch his waist. It was sort of like a — I wasn't prepared. It was like an animalistic shock went through me. I don't know. He's, like, not human. He's like something Michelangelo carved. I've never seen a man that looks like him. It's incredible.”

What did she mean by this?

>likes Zac over Dwayne

I always knew she was /ourgal/

She means he's not natty.

I'm also like something Michelangelo carved...out of jello. SWN touch my waist....

If you're even question if he's clean you're retarded.

he looked better as a twink

Fuck he's like a real life wolf-man, he's so sinewy. Totally natty, of course.

How dehydrated do you think he is right there?

>Ever not winning

look at those jugs

Not gonna lie, a little bit jealous.
I'm way too fucking lazy to put the effort in.

>ywn watch them bang
what a waste


lets just drop the pretense and start talking about juts and succubus ok

honestly just looks weird desu, that one pic where they're all running down the beach he looks really off

she got ZACD

looks gross

ease off on the HGH Zac

>so big you see them from the back

Not hating on his physique, but are those darkened lines on his body make-up?

Rock please take daddario to DCEU with you

/fit/ gets wet over him but, honestly, he's disproportionate and not aesthetic.
He looks like a toy action figure

You really like how he looks there?

you could put all the effort you want, you're not gonna look like that unless you Tren hard


How to keep left and right sides balanced like this?

To maintain that you can't eat anything remotely considered fun.

>ywn tittyfuck her


There is literally nothing he wouldn't give for two more inches.

you can't look like that without a team of personal trainers and a chemistry lab

ITT: delusional neckbeards who won't admit every girl on earth (including their moms) would let Zefron nut inside them

I bet his kidneys hurt desu

goddamn, just how big are those jugs?


>ywn lay your head on those meat pillows late at night trying to sleep

hi zac



HAHAHAHA fat sad kunts detected

that's not a sports bra right? so that must hurt a bit

wow. fuck i see what you autists have been on about with her.. thats a glorious breast size for someone who isnt a beast.

It's the denseness that makes my mouth wet.
They look very firm and heavy, Usually cow tits are lacking in tissue density. Not hers though

hamplanets wish they could have tits like that

He's rich and has a handsome face. I think you're the only one concerned about his height.

>there is a chance for manlets like me to get literal 12/10 succubus
>i just have to look like a greek god
i am so fucking motivated

It means she fancies him.

This is exactly what I look like

lmao yeah im sure a famous, handsome multimillionaire really has problems with tall women

>that retarded hgh scooby-tier red body
>eternal babbyface
Kek he looks hideous

>tfw same height as zac
>tfw lankets will never know the feel of sculpting your body into perfection

hahahah so fucking jealous, embarrassing

>tfw lankets will never know the feel of sculpting your body into perfection
>sculpting your body into perfection
pick one

zac stop posting

So do I have to roid to look like him? I've been lifting for 8 months and my arms look bigger but that's it

this is like the image of that pretty asian volleyball player and then all the facebook comments are from fat, middle aged women saying "not that pretty!" "beanpole" etc.

I wish I had it saved. Just as transparently insecure.

>tfw he's 5'8

>fat sad kunts

you're delusional if you think you can get anywhere close to Efron without juice

He probably runs like crazy. Its nearly impossible to find a divegrass player without a 6pack (inb4 Rooney). Some of those manlets look like efron with less effort on lifting.

Alright roiding experts... how do I actually go about buying gear then?

Most women like the Rock but don't see him as a sexual figure. More like a friend that would respect and protect them, but he's just to big, a friendly giant figure rather than a turn on.
The Rock is what men want to be, Zac is what women actually want.

Stop /fit/posting and continue titposting.

>tfw that's his billed height so irl he's probably 5'7 at best

If youre not in the gym 6 days a week or doing two-a-days with a trainer then its gonna take way longer than 8 months son

Also make sure you're varying your routines whenever you start to plateau, that thing Schwarzenegger said about your muscles adapting to your tricks is hella true.

Plus if you wanna look like that you absolutely have to be eating right and supplementing where necessary.

a test/hgh etc. cycle will obviously help you do the work faster but no, you dont *have to* its just a matter of time/money per lb. of lean mass gained you wanna put in

Don't talk shit about Scooby, faggot.


What fucking SOURCE!?

You know nothing retard. Look at Zac's traps and shoulders, those aren't roid traps/shoulders

He's only lean with medium size, and he isn't even as lean as he looks like because they've filled up his body with makeup

Percy Jackson

so roids can bring out the animal inside women huh?

really makes me contemplate

You will never look like this if you are
1. Not a manlet
2. Not on dat dere cell tech

Do people like this honestly think being tall makes up for being a neckbearded giant slab of shit?

Like obviously tall > small when comparing two chads but a manlet chad vs a mound of dickcheese Sup Forums poster? lel.


>normie broscience advice

kill yourself

men are being taught in school early on to be beta and passive, so chads will be a thing of the past

>has a longterm boyfriend
>publicly gushes over Zac Efron
truly /our girl/

>I wasn't prepared. It was like an animalistic shock went through me
more like satanic shock am i right? efron better get out while he still can

fucking homosexual board, turns every waifuposting thread into a greek or trap general, fucking jews

Right, because you post here and look like him.
Get cancer.

Holy. Fuck. That "lightning thief" flick or whatever?

Does she have any more webm worthy moments in it? might have to throw a few bolts of my own to it if so.

Why did people stop posting the succubus versions of all her pictures? They were always a fun surprise.

why are her eyes so piercing?

is she a succubus or something

Look at that receding hairline. It's really more than just effort.

Yeah its the first one. lightning king or someshit like that

What the fuck are you talking about? /fit/ laughs at him for roiding.

Zac, stop. STOP. If you really want to be six feet tall, you're going to have to have your legs broken. No amount, and I repeat NO amount of unethical bodybuilding stimulants is going to help you achieve that.

I'm sorry that your family are so utterly disappointed in how short you are.

>provides no better advice

get bulldozed fatty.

yeah the faggot can go read up and inject safely but for all the time and expense why not just go to the fucking gym and exercise efficiently and intelligently?

Plus he asked a generic question, got a generic answer. Guy wasnt concerned with nutritionist-tier dietary questions or sports medicine advice for form. Again, fucking end it all.

>h-hey user, what's your blood type?

hi Tom

/r9k/ and /fit/ aspies are so used to being insecure, envious, and shunned by women that when they find out that they at least have one likeable quality, such as being tall, they cling to it as if it's the cure for cancer.

Is this manlet even taller than her?

I confirm, we have the exact same proportions and I'm 5'7. You can only achieve this perfection at this height, taller or shorter won't work. Stay salty, and yes I can ride every rollercoaster.

this but it's really only nu-/fit/

old /fit/ was actually a good board


It's mostly /r9k/ insecure faggots who cling to shit like height and balding to make themselves feel less shitty

Nope, just not a jealous little girl.

>You will never snort cocaine with zac

>turd calling kettle black

>provides shit advice
>"y-you can't tell m-me my a-advice is shit if you don't provide your own a-advice"

read the sticky faggot

how hard was woody's dick on the set of true detective

fucking diamonds

>tfw you cry at night because your dreamgirl is creaming over a manlet and she would never touch you despite being 6 feet master race

>H.. h.. he's not natty!


I'm too stupid to understand the sticky because it requires translations to metric