Italy killed 80,000 Bedouin libyans and no one gave a shit

>Italy killed 80,000 Bedouin libyans and no one gave a shit
Very impressive Italy.


Italy should recognise the Libyan genocide


It's not genocide if you kill your own people.

give reps

The world should recoignize the fall of Byzantium by dirty muslim horde
Give back the city NOW


It's sad that you are so happy...
You, that are of Byzantines genes, are happy that your ancestral homeland fall to arabs...
Have you at least some honor?

True, Libya was a colony of Italy so really they were killing their own citizens

pls give source, i want to read about it

I dont think I have byzantine genes at all half of my family is from georgia/armenia other half from middle of anatolia

>portugal basically lead the atlantic slave trade
>today barely anyone knows the country exists


We gas some niggers
Also italians has not mang-

>North Africans enslaved over a million Europeans
>no one cares

we truly are the smartest country

Your people has made great the hittite empire, resist the persian one, entering the greeks sphere of knowledge and then being a column of the Byzantine empire all of this only to succumb to muslim horde, I would be mad if I was you

does anyone have the strawmanball for this?

I think we are way to mixed to take pride in any old nation though I'd definitely prefer an istanbul with no ayrabs and mudslimes tb h

I read that the crescent and the star it's actually a symbol of byzantines and not of the muslimes
Is this true?

omg the goy knows

Ye it was the symbol of some goddess


Sono contento che questi rompicoglioni hanno avuto la fine che si meritavano
Ora andranno a tenere compagnia ai barboni per le strade

It's strange how it became an Islam symbol considering their hate of icons

Uhhhh, wrong sweetie, it was the evil fascist government that our current state has nothing to do with,'mkay?

>Arabs enslaved black Africans for over a thousand years
>still enslave black Africans