Is American Gods Kino?

Is American Gods Kino?

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good first episode tbqh

Fuck they actually did that scene?

thats actually what having sex with a black woman feels like.

back to r/television with you.

Yes. I've never read the book and I already have no idea what the fuck is going on.

hold on to your butts because it gets weirder than man eating vagina's.

did you read the wikipedia summary?

I've read the book but haven't seen it yet.

Is this the scene where the dude gets sucked up the vagina?



An all consuming vagina would certainly turn away the rapists.

Okay, I totally did NOT interpret that scene in the book as the vagina eating the dude.

That utterly was not the impression I got. Christ, I have to get the book back because I really thought she was just getting him to worship her, that's it. And whatever word, "consumed" was more out of lust than literally fucking eaten.

>Okay, I totally did NOT interpret that scene in the book as the vagina eating the dude.

really? i thought it was pretty clear what was going on.

Nothing was weirder than the man-eating vagina.

Sure, things get pretty weird but nothing reaches that height.


omg did he died?

nah, he was fine.

idk, but lol

My memory of that scene is really hazy is hazy. I was just under the impression she was a hooker, Queen of Sheba, who had sex with people for worship-power-juice. Pretty straight forward in my mind.

There's a real possibility that I somehow skipped that part entirely.

>you will never have a women try to suck your dick so she can spit your cum on her dead dickless husband's grave

what's going on here

Why is there no webm of the scene?

Damn that's Spartacus-level gore. I love Starz.

I will totally watch this.

Finally more to add to the pile

>unbirthingfags get this scene
>my fetish is still too obscure to be pandered to

Big fan of the book. Enjoyed that first ep. A few of the deviations were a bit unnecessary (Audrey BJ OC, "the children" literally lynching him before getting exploded presumably by Laura) and the music was way too loud the whole way through but otherwise a pretty impressive start, 7/10.

what movie?

webm of full scene?

Oh yeah and "Coming to America" was way different. I was looking forward to seeing the Injun getting put up into the tree and the subsequent slaughter but instead we got some OC that ended up giving quite a big hint as to what is coming.

>they actually did it
I can only get so erect.

she's eating him, with her pussy

the book was a pile of shit

i'm interested what Fuller will do with it


>i'm interested what Fuller will do with it
pander to tumblr and turn everyone gay

the sword leaving the frame is a nice touch

Why? Go watch some Dragon Ball Z Kai Super or some other grunty thing.

Sandman when?

i thought so too

I've never read a fucking thing by that kike Gaiman, and don't plan to

The series is getting all kinds of praise for its visual spectacle and excellent cast, but it's supposed to really be a mindfuck if the viewer hasn't read the source material

All I know is Gaiman and Fuller and all the rest will fellate Dave Lynch's penis in three weeks when a certain series returns to Showtime...that will be enough of a mindfuck for this viewer

fucking never. maybe when gaiman kicks the bucket.


Lmao the bilquis scene, the madmen
I had my mom read the book and she told me that scene bothered her when she returned my copy

nice blog post you brain-dead faggot



>sword leaving the frame


This is how I want to go.

Is this what Alex Jones is doing nowadays?

It's cuck fan-service

for some reason I was confused as to who the fuck god this was supposed to be

By having a fat man going through your boipussy?



Alex Jones sure went down after losing his kids

fertility goddess, like those big titty stone statues you see in museums.


just a generic one?

>despair but also...

No, a specific one. Not quite a fertility goddess either.

Do they show Shadow's slut wife sucking his best friend's dick when she dies?

no, and i kind of doubt that really happened

That scene really didn't work as well on screen as it did in writing. Just looked fucking silly.

Could have lived without seeing that nasty ass jungle bear nude.

sauce u faggot!

In the thread you fuccboi

Screwed up the stoicism that was the linchpin of shadows character in the book.

The coroner found his shaft bit off in her throat

I have no idea just how stoic he is in the book but he seemed very stoic to me in the show. Very tight lipped, defensive, mistrustful.

Is that Freddy from Mad Men?! Not something I needed to see tbqh.

those are some pretty shitty sfx desu

he becamed her pusi slave

Gutter trash.


is the only way to watch this showtime or pirate

thought i saw something about amazon prime

The whole thing was a metaphor for alimony.They couldn't have made it more obvious without casting Brendan Fraiser or John Cleese

He is too ruled by his emotions in the show. Book shadow doesn't start a fight with sweeny because the guy trash talks his wife, sweeny forces him into it by threatening Wednesday. Its hard to really explain, partially because its all in the delivery of certain details, and it gets cemented if you also listen to it on audio, the narrator absolutely kills it.

My problem with Gaiman has always been that he makes everyone talk the same way, borrowing from the same lexicon.

This leaves his dialogue sort of sounding like it belongs in a play where everyone is a little too clever or cultured for their own good.



Amazon Prime for non-americans. I think you can get a trial for their Starz subscription and watch it that way, but I'm not sure if that'll last through the whole season.

Starz if you're in the US. Amazon Prime outside of the US. You can technically watch it on Amazon Prime in the US too, but you still need a Starz subscription so there's no real reason to watch it there.

I see this in a few authors, but ill be honest I have a hard time finding it it gaiman. Neverwhere, american gods, and anansi boys are probably his stand out works, and nobody really seems to be overly smarmy, unless it is in there character to be.

>he's serious about shadow being his real name

im watching it now. im very happily confused

new kino confirmed

also nice to see nick sobotka

guess i'll be streaming it then cause fuck paying for starz

>nick sobotka
>not pornstache
That's a shotttttt!

thats a big stache

Is that the guy who stole Pee Wee Herman's bike?

wonder what she thought of the gay jinn blowjob part

>He refused the blowjob
is he gay?

I'm jealous he got to be under her naked at all, honestly.

Well the pages are a little sticky..

>redditor kinotard detected

Nah, he just know she's crazy enough to claim later that it was rape.

Boring, aside from the McShane scenes. Sad that I paused my The Thick Of It marathon to check it out.


I never interpreted that he was physically shrinking when she ate him, I always assumed her vagina just became gigantic.

>not liking Schreiber

no. it's Joel Murray, idiot.