Now that the smoke has settled, can we finally discuss this film?
Smoke Signals
Other urls found in this thread:
>Audiences And Critics Cheering!
Why not just mention the critics?
Be stoic
Because they wanted to let the poster readers know that this a fun film for the entire family and not just some pretentious wank that only critics enjoy.
we wuz framed
Is this the one where they have the car that only goes in reverse?
How much of the cast will be in the Scalped pilot?
This is the one, yes.
It's notable for being the first significant movie directed by an American Indian.
>Drunk uncle goes up to nephew
>"Who's your favorite Indian?" :D
>Kid is ashamed that his uncle and most of the other adults on the reservation are total losers who do nothing except getting drunk
>"Nobody." |:(
It's actually a not too bad flick.
>That one native American actor who is the only native American actor
SVU, Joe Dirt, Suicide Squad.
underrated native american kino
That guy's head exploded in Suicide Squad.
He was also in Flags of our Fathers. His characters story was damn sad.
They need to make a non-SJW film about the Second Seminole War in Florida in the mid-1800s, before the Civil War, where the US military and the Seminole tribe are portrayed as equal combatants. It was basically a 19th century version of the US involvement in Vietnam.
The Seminole Tribe of Florida is interesting because out of the over 500 registered tribes in the US, it is the only one to have never signed a peace treaty with the US government. Because of this, they are sometimes called the "unconquered" tribe.
The problem is that the general public doesn't want to see true indigenous movies. Those are the ones that are most honest and don't hide anything. Smoke Signals and Pow Wow Highway are a good example because they show how fucking flawed indigenous culture is. When any other director makes a movie they feel like they're trying to redeem themselves and the nation from atrocities. They make the characters and people into a fucking gimmick.
There's a documentary called Reel Injun that talks about the history of Indigenous in movies and the problem with making them into perfect people who do no wrong that you should feel bad for.
we know what reserves are like and we don't need to see it on tv. It's like ugly people. We know they exist, but we want pretty people on our tv.
Besides, watching them drink mouthwash isn't very interesting.
>The problem is that the general public doesn't want to see true indigenous movies.
That's not true. Pic related. If you recall, the main antagonist in that movie was an Indian.
Has anyone ever eaten this stuff? Is it any good?
I actually have. My parents grew up in Arizona around a bunch of injuns so they used to make it sometimes.
It was ok
Yes desu. Try indian tacos
>Chilli on top of frybread with lettuce, cheese and tomatoes
Are john wayens teeth real?
sorry about ur daaad
Are they plastic are they steel?!
>Box says that the film is a comedy
>Film is literally about death and alcoholism
Found the guy that did the posters for We Need to Talk About Kevin
Honestly it really wasn't that bad. It's a shame they misled people with the marketing - the girl, front and center on the vhs sleeve, was in the movie for like 15 minutes
like almost any food out there, if it is made well, it is good. If it is made like shit, it's shit.
>Your friends father will never take you to Denny's for a Grand Slam Breakfast.
>Two eggs
>two pancakes
>a glass of milk
and of course your favorite... the bacon.
Some days, it's a good day to die.
And some days, it's a good day to have breakfast.
>the girl, front and center on the vhs sleeve, was in the movie for like 15 minutes
She's the voice actress of Pocahontas, that's why she's front and center. Stupid marketing.
I met Sherman Alexie once
was this the dawn of native american kino?
>Now that the smoke has settled
He's a rip off
I go to Denny's all the time though. I've even gone with friends and gotten that exact Grand Slam.
So did I. Thought he was a bit of a douchebag, but civil enough.
Where did you meet him and in what year? Maybe we met him at the same time.
I really really did not like this movie. There was nothing that made it "great" it was fine. Innocent enough. But, I thought, cliched and ultimately meandering.
he's a pretty cool dude
Smoke Signals is fine, but the original collection its based off of, The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven, is probably Alexie's crowning achievement
would highly recommend
Grew up in a reservation and went to others as a teen for pow wows and pussy. Mostly accurate depiction except some reservations had no running water.
The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven is fucking awesome. I wish I could write something that great.
It's also a funny reference to the fact the actor playing the kid's dad was Nobody in Dead Man.
It's a super quotable movie, and that comes in handy. If you ever need to bond with a Native person quickly, a Smoke Signals quote will pretty much make them like you instantly.
Good to know.
we need mel gibson for this
Malick would do better.
it'd end up feeling like a sequel to The New World
malick is a great director and he always has an excellent DP, but his combat choereography and scenes lack compared to mel's imo.
Denny's is pretty good after a late night out.
Well damn, that was an insightful response. Thank you for your consideration and knowledge.
I'm not sure I agree, but still that was a great reply.
My nigger
Correction, Adam Beach is actually Canadian.
First Nations I think they call themselves. That actually sounds cooler than Native American.
Um, yes, that is what we call ourselves but we are also Canadian.
Rich Hall has a great documentary on how Indians have been portrayed in media. He shits on almost every movie they're in but praised Smoke Signals.
I know that, I'm just saying first nations sounds cool as fuck. My people call ourselves Chicano, which isn't bad ass like the name you all get.
It's a 6/10, there's nothing really special to it. It's only famous for literally being the one film to decently depict Native Americans and their culture in the modern US. The themes are pretty basic though, the kind of thing you get out of an after-school special but I admittedly haven't seen the movie in a while.
>It's only famous for literally being the one film to decently depict Native Americans and their culture in the modern US.
Pow Wow Highway.
Also: Dance Me Outside, Rhymes for Young Ghouls, The Business of Fancydancing, and The Rez (if that counts, it was a TV series).
So it doesn't even have that going for it?
Powow Highway is better.
Pow Wow highway was way, WAY more accurate if we're talking about tribes based in say, the Dakotas or Montana.
I haven't had Denny's in eleven years.
Fuck that place yo.
I think Dreamkeepers was a good one too.