Reporting in from the center of Munich

>Reporting in from the center of Munich

this fucking haunting atmosphere...

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I hope you get shot!

It's time to grab your Maschinenpistole Hans

Glaub ich, Pass auf dich auf!

You are a kuffar and infidel you have brought this upon yourself

Deustchland ist tot, Kamrade. Sie ist tot, abe sie kann be reborn heil hitler

bump what it like

feed it a baby and go for a leash

You need more refugees to enrich your lifestyle.

Fight back.

Grab your grandfather's SS waffen kar98

>Modern Germans
Aahahahhaha good one mate

>implying any yuros have done this since 1945


Any actual proof it was a Muslim?

I don't live directly in the centre but it's still fairly close to downtown.
Streets are empty.

I love happenings.

find a gun and become the hero your city deserves.

Thats quite unlikely iam quite comfy in my flat

for now until these happen somewhere in europe every week and you decide not to be next.

people reportedly heard "allahu ackbar"


I'm so glad that finally something happened in Germany

>streets are empty like 4 o clock in the morning. >helicoptersound nonstop
>sirens in the distant

its so weird to know happenings at all the places you have been so often partly almost daily

i knew it would come to that the moment merkel opened the borders.

>Reporting in from the center of Munich
>this fucking haunting atmosphere...

im in dc and we haven't had any happenings here, praise kek, but i remember 9.11 here.

Do you have a gun?

Is the Shooter white?


>ill allow it

Are you shitting a sausage?

That's a cool doggo.

They've already confirmed who one of the shooters are


Other is former German / Tunesian resident Antwan Kumiya according to CNN

People also heard "I am German"

I'm serious

Why is this guy and why does everyone always lost pics of him being the shooter?

nope :(

Thats a really cute pupper

Who** fuçking niggers!?

Please tell me you are armed

Sam al-Haid strikes again.

he's a bad, bad man

can germans own guns legally ?



1. Put your speakers facing out your window.
2. Put this on, volume at max:

Sam "You can run but you can't" Hyde

Samuel Hydmann


again. i dont have a gun. i would need to join some gay ass gunclub to get one

Some Germanon yesterday had almost as much firepower as a germanistan mosque weapons cache in his camera monitored compound

Sadly, they'll learn nothing from it and possibly even double down on their cuckery, endangering us in the process.

LRN2 Proxy, Fritz.

Yes but the laws are a bitch and a half to get through also no carry permits.

like this

he can't!

Samhammad Al-Hiide. He's the most crazed mass shooter in the world. He appears everywhere, killing everything.

Sky News is saying unaccented German and possibly right-wing nationalist.

Are they full of shit?

>erased the Iraq and Afgan war from it's American 'brain'

ach entspann dich, das sind doch alles nette leute.

wir schaffen das!

You have to go back summerfag

They're going to call muslims undercover right wing false flaggers soon

Eurocucks will eat it up and welcome in more rapefugees until every white european woman is filled with shitskin seed.

Even Brexit is a complete 100% failure now that MI5 has forced Nigel to step down with assassination/family death threats and is usurping the BNP.

RIP Europe, hold out long enough and we may save you Poland.

Best wishes