Name one (1) funny female comedian.
They do not exist
Name one (1) funny female comedian.
They do not exist
Other urls found in this thread:
Yuriko Kotani
Maria Bamford
Julia Louis-Dreyfus
Ur mom
Joan Rivers back when she was a comedienne decades before "fashion police" was actually really funny
did she Flanderize herself?
why no amy schumer?
Well there's......
How bout ummm.......
Oh how could I forget..........
Dam, there really aren't any to be quite honest with you family.
Tina Fey is pretty cool.
>SNL Weekend Update ~ ten years ago
>"A female astronaut onboard the International Space Station has begun to complain about the stockpile of shrimp dinners she has to eat day in and day out"
>*Breaks 4th wall*
>"Okay, listen want women to continue being in space? Then EAT THE DAMN SHRIMP!"
Roseanne Barr.
Fight me.
Also, Kristen Wiig.
>...uh huh!
When both of these chicks left, SNL became shit.
I'll give you Julia. Others are trash
I know one but she is mexican
Also pic related
Thirding Julia Louis-Dreyfus. Her current show on HBO, Veep, is comedy pure comedy kino.
>"You know, I really identify with JFK, because he was also a part-term President.
Yes, we cannot forget her trusty sidekick.
It sucks, right? You think there would be ONE. after I found Comedy Central Presents in high school, I started finding all the stand up I could, what a great delivery method, it's so good.
black guys are sometimes funny, asians are less often funny (they make 99% of things about race), women are never funny. there are an assload of not funny white guys, but the sheer number of them means a few are going to be really good.
Iliza Slchesinger
Chelsea Peretti
Maria Bamford
off the top of my head.
I like Tina Fey but I've never found Amy Poehler funny at all. Parks and Recreation is mostly bland humor for normies.
>Fight me.
14 year old girl detected
No, just no
>You think there would be ONE.
What we can surmise is that women are shit at stand-up comedy; however, they do pretty well in other forms of comedy. Comedy Central isn't the only place where you can find funny people.
Idk if she's funny, but I always liked her because I saw her as a mother figure watching Rosanne growing up.
>finding any era of SNL funny
Wow man, kys.
women can be great comedy writers. Tina Fey is a great example. My sister wrote a screenplay for her class and it was making me laugh out loud, I was really impressed.
in no particular order
She used to be good when UCB was on comedy central
There was at least one other person so far ITT that agreed with one of them. It's 100% clear that there are way more men out there that are funny then there are women who are funny, but assuming 100% of women are unfunny is one of several asinine things most people grow out of once they leave elementary school. Holding on to that idea just means that you're an irrational misogynist who can't get laid and blames women as a whole for it (even though it's your own fault).
Aubrey Plaza
>finding any era of SNL funny
If you did not laugh at this scene when you first saw it, you have no soul. If you don't know what this scene is, educate yourself.
Here's two
>said 3 females arent funny
>wow man you hate all females
Not a comedian but still
hey redditbro whats up, gr8 choices, i guess im not the only one from there *phews
ps: psst narwhal bacon ;)
OP asked for ONE asshole.
the only choice, tina fey is just bland
Sarah Palin
She's also the voice of the one-eyed alien chick in Futurama.
I like Demi Lardner
no shit
no way
>Iliza Slchesinger
Sure, pal
I think OP is looking for women who are being funny on purpose.
>I kin see Alai-ska frum my hey-ouse!
That last bit has become such a huge meme attached to Sarah Palin that some think it was her who said it, but it was actually........
This was cringe as fuck. Easily the worst female comedian of the gala
is """""""""""""""""she""""""""""""""""""""""' even female?
Nadia Kamil
she's an actress not a comedian
Birds not allowed, shoo shoo
comedian doesn't exclusively mean stand up comic
absolutely love sarah millican
Kitty Flanagin from Australia
fine these wonderful ladies are great (not really) at reading jokes that men wrote for them
She ok right Sup Forums
Is writing your own material a bonafide requirement for making people laugh?
you kidding if you don't think it takes any skill or humor to act in a comedy
I haven't liked any female comedian ever really. Once in awhile you might get a smile or a couple chuckles but they really don't hit the mark stand up wise. I'm sure they're perfectly fine in the writer's room though.
Everything about SNL is cancer any of the chicks on MadTV were 100 times funnier than these trendy skags