Was she a good mother?

Was she a good mother?

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she loved her kids
she was a great mother

Why wasn't this deleted


The problem was that the kids were essentially mini Hals

Bad mothers can love her children. She screams way too much. If you disagree, you had a bad mother.


Hal was a bumbling but well meaning man who was always kind and helpful. It's like watching Ned Flanders marry Edna Crabapple.

No, women are terrible mothers. You have to wonder what Linwood Boomer went through for Lois to be that bitchy and constantly wrong
>it's not like that mom, she's a lesbian
>maybe she wouldn't be lesbian if you tucked in your shirt once in a while

Yes. She traveled to the Middle East to bring her son back home

weakest episode of the series

oh please. water park episode was weak, malcolm taking care of that old lady was shit, most of the shit from season 1-2 are bad.

What was she even doing there if not for the intent of catching the bouquet?


She was borderline negligent. And for fucks sake after pooping out 3 kids you would think she would get a better job than grocery clerk.

Who cares? OP asked if she was a good mother. I provided an example

Nobody is perfect!!!

Did you see Hal when Lois wasn't around?


Yes she was a good mother. She was not a good person though, none of them were.

When she found out that the kids were stealing from the church charity, she gave away literally all their possessions save for a change of clothes and their bed.

She never hit them, and to be honest with how bad the kids were (committing actual crimes all the time) she did her best.

She was co-dependent in her relationship with Hal though. If something happened to him, the kids probably would have had to go to foster care. When he had to go to court the one episode where his company was trying to set him up, she went absolutely insane and stopped being a mother entirely.

That's basically what the show was about anyways, a family of horrible people that was entirely dependent on each other.

Was this bitch aware she wasn't actually gonna win a new husband if she caught it?

I always think of this


I watched this show as a kid, and would have nightmares she was my mother. So I would say, no.

Questionable. A lot of her actions are blatantly self serving and she merely convinces herself she doing it out of love to numb her guilt.

The last episode is the best example.

She cared for her kids, but she was an overbearing control freak due to never having any control

To this day I never understand her reasoning to Malcolm when she told him not to get the 300k/year job in order to go to college (lol debt) for law so that he can be president and change things (lol never gonna happen) for the better of his family because he had to "suffer"

I loved the old lady ep.

immigrant version

Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of ugly nigger shit with down syndrome.

Yeah. Nobody liked Malcolm in high school. I don't know how he'd win an election.
>inb4 Trump hur dur

Nobody liked him, he'd relate to nobody (super genius from bumfuck nowhere), and he was a dick hole. He also wouldn't have been able to change anything if he was president as the president doesn't have a magic wand.

He'd be lucky to have won mayor of his bumfuck town, which he'd probably fuck up

It was they just remade the thread

I deserved that.

Couldn't be worse than Ice Town

Wish she was my mom.

>have 4 boys
>they're naughty as fuck
>also have to work a shit minimum wage job in a supermarket to keep the family's finances afloat
>have to do all the cooking and cleaning at home too
>husband is basically like a 5th kid
>rarely get any sympathy, help or thanks
>understandably stressed out, so shout a lot and get angry, sometimes unfairly blaming the wrong person
Yeah, what a terrible, terrible mother

5 boys

Do you think she didn't know how to stop having kids after thw 3rd?

Also, she worsked rhe absolute shittiest job possible. Do you really rhink she c ouldnt have been a receptionost? Or literally anything other than poverty teir teenage job at tge supermarket?

Also, why do you think all her children were peices of shit. Could it be her parenting?

Hal was borderline retarded so he gets a pass but the mom was willfully neglectful.

5 very bad boys.

Was she suppose to talk low calm and nice?

Anons who hate her are probably living st home still and their moms do everything for them.

Did you actually watch the series?

They actually tried to justify Lois's monster mom antics, at east with Francis. Originally, Lois was a softy, a push-over who baby Francis walked all over and shit. It was not until she caught baby Francis about to drink gasoline that she became the hard-ass monster mom. They even gave her a speech where she tells Francis that she'll "protect him" even if he ends up hating her for it.

The irony though is that they nearly wrote Lois off the show around season three. The actress had a short term contract compared to the rest of the cast and decided to extort more money from Fox. They teased the idea of writing Lois out (they even set up the plot point with the family seeing a shrink, so they could use it as the plot point to have Lois abandon the family) but caved to the actress in the end.

Poop out 5 boys and they are all peices of shit.

Bad luck, not bad parenting. Better get back to my poverty teirjob while i neglect my children.

>They actually tried to justify Lois's monster mom antics
Still doesn't explain at all why she thought that Malcolm could become president so she forbid him from getting a job he'd actually love that would pay more than he'd ever get at some lowly public servant job (because he would never become president or even close)

She was anything but neglectful. She loved those boys no matter how bad it got. She was controlling because she had to be. Some moms just let their kids do whstever. She was always there doing everything which is the opposite of neglectful.

Boys are notoriously more difficult to raise than girls, especially 'high energy' boys like hers. Pretending otherwise just shows a lack of real world experience.

No. Horrible bitch.

I'm guessing you missed the entire episode where she had a stroke and imagined all of her children were born girls and she realized how much more awful it was. Girls are worse than boys to raise.

lois knew that for malcolm to reach his true potential he needed to be pushed/challenged. She knew that if she limited him he would become a better person and a better president

Are you implying that 300k/year jobs aren't challenging?
Besides, he never once showed any interest or skill in politics or people management. She just wanted him to be president because it's the job with the highest social status, typical reasoning used by an impoverished housewife baby factory. God, I hate women.

>it's the job with the highest social status
While that could've been a reason her actual reasoning was that she thought Malcolm would've been able to change things for the betterment of their "people" (even though useless baby factories already get the most help they've ever gotten in the history of man) and she thought a president would just be able to just stroke a pen and make it happen

>Are you implying that 300k/year jobs aren't challenging?

there is more to it. Lois wanted to make malcolm work hard to reach his goal instead of having things handed to him. She wanted to make sure malcolm understood what the common man goes through before he became president. If he took the scholarships for a free ride through school ,it would have made his perspective of how the world works skewed

A lot of the show is about a family trying to survive in spite of poverty and bad fortune.

Most every character had some kind of talent or skill that falls to the wayside either through circumstance or pure neglect. Reese is an amazing cook but due to various reasons he'll never use it to it's full potential. Dewey was some sort of weird savant at music but was entirely ignored by his family. Hal and Louis both display skills in several episodes that they might have pursued further if not for responsibilities holding them down.

Having Malcolm handed fortune and comfort on a platter, through a job that was decidedly perceived as somewhat nefarious and pro-establishment that he probably wouldn't have even been challenged with, would kind of gone against the grain of what the show was about.

Louis held him back because he had an opportunity to elevate himself out of his upbringing to something greater, to be in a position to help the little people like them.

Probably looking too into it but that was my opinion.

>Louis held him back because he had an opportunity to elevate himself out of his upbringing to something greater, to be in a position to help the little people like them.

this exactly. Lois wanted to bring out malcolm's true potential. Sort of reminds me of ender's game

Given her situation, there's really not much more she could do. Hal was an awful lazy father who refused to ever discipline his children, so she always had to be the bad guy.


The entire show was a sympathetic parody of blue-collar upper-lower class America.

Who was the best character and why was /BASEDNIGGERS/?

Dunno my guy, finale felt pretty lackluster

Was Craig a cuck?

craig is Sup Forums's future

>Playing pool and chill and she gives you this look
wat do?

>willfully have 5 children with complete consent
>complain that you have to raise them

That episode just made me uncomfortable. Do kids really start having sex that early?

Why didn't she just get an abortion?

Pretty much this. There is an episode where Malcom stops talking shit to her and she is super nice and reasonable to him. They make it clear that the boys bring all their problems onto themselves.

>That episode with Cynthia

she is hot as fuck, I used to think about her during some of my first faps ever

kids are having sex in middle school dude

I really liked her more than any other of the girls.
Sure, she was weird but at the same time just being a human, really.
A year of relationship and forming and you'd have yourself a top notch women later on.


fuck no she was an awful mother