>Threads have to be approved before they show
What is going on?
>Threads have to be approved before they show
What is going on?
you all brought this on yourselves with your shitposting
Mods have stepped up their game desu
Go back to plebbit
Sup Forums has been shitposting for over a decade.
please tell me this is real. PLEASE.
am i banned
no they dont
aww someone else figured out how to revive threads
Of you want it to be real you can always go back to plebbit and stay there this time.
Someone was posting a lot of threads with pedo shit earlier
maybe you redditors will finally leave
you know how I know that's not true? because no one would approve a faggot ass thread this fucking stupid
>Implying reddit wouldn't like it even more
maybe we should introduce upvotes too
run of the mill cunny spam, or legit CP?
>can't post on /soc/ until dick and/or tits are verified
we did it reddit.
>open /soc/
>see bbc thread with some guy wanting people to bully his small penis
wtf i love mods now!
thank fucking god
/poltv/ is F I N I S H E D
you can thank your autistic BLOMPF posting for that
Good, maybe someday it will be possible to discuss Television & Film here.
>not wanting pedothreads and DRUUUUMPF makes you a redditor
>you can thank your autistic BLOMPF posting for that
this kek
>Blomf threads were done to try and rev up those mods
>mfw it was actually trying to save Sup Forums from Sup Forumsposting
>mfw it worked
I hate shit like this as it makes it seem like the problem is shit threads.
I can hide shit threads. However, I can't hide shitty posts in threads, and I can't stop good threads from becoming shit due to shitposts.
This is just a shitty band-aid.
We can only hope those nazis are gassed out of here.
Fuck off Sup Forumstard, your shitty spam is why we now have to put up with these draconian measures.
if this is true it's actually ingenious
honestly I'd rather not even have to look at a 7 yr old "blocks your path" to hide it. I'd rather it not ever be there.
We did it, Reddit!
>tfw OP
>No longer getting You'd when people reply to me
your yous belongs to the janitors now.
>People were unironically excited for Moot selling the site to Hiro
So, where do we go after this? Is it finally time to just "grow up" and be normies?
>threads showing open but moving down pages in the catalogue
>open the thread and its 404
is it only Sup Forums?
someone tell me whats happening im scared guys
Is still better than nothing. Stop complaining when mods do their fucking free jobs.
this isn't true. it's just a Sup Forums/hiro glitch.
i made a completely on-topic Sup Forums thread that has been dead for the last 20 minutes
mods cried to hiro and are now reddit-ifying the site
>janitors embezzling yous
>no longer doing it for free
Mods are trying to shut down one of the most important boards on Sup Forums.
>cracking down on pedoposting and BLACKED
jesus christ
and here's a redditor
gas all mods, thread war now
time honoured Sup Forums traditions
Kill yourself, this is Sup Forums culture.
Thanks the pedo spamers for that.
>I've been here all summer
>this is what the newfags actually believe
>le posting CP is good, being against CP is a le reddit shitpost
Sup Forums has always been shitty but I thought 12 y/o b& edgylords belonged to Sup Forums
>mfw people don't realize its the pedofags that caused this
Please stop posting, Sup Forums was always like this.
What did he mean by this?
insider here
it's a bug
they're monitoring Sup Forums now now that they've got all the data they want from Sup Forums and Sup Forums
kys. i bet you voted for hillary.
why is reddit so mad about colbertposting?
its just a photoshopped image of colbert
Look at this shit. We have 1 faggot choosing what threads get opened. Always some retarded 1st post
Advertisers won
You're literally showing how new you are, newfag. Lurk moar and fuck off.
>timestamps literally 2 seconds apart
Sup Forums is the most reddit friendly
from the meme show approval to capeshit film taste and the reddit sensibilities of "culture"
>it's just a photoshopped image of colbert that is only tangentially relayed to television and film and is reposted at least 40 times per day
Autistic man-child janitors!
Can I please get a (you).
My thread was unfairly deleted.
top three are me ;)
>38 posts per minute last night at this time
>currently at 12 ppm
Jesus Christ give the mods a medal
the fuck?
no lol
welp you sure showed me reddit
Get that to 0 ppm and we'll talk
seriously get off Sup Forums if you don't support the god emperor. he had the most successful first 100 days of any president in history.
Fuck off. Bring back /l/
You can un404 a thread? wtf? Where are you, US?
Kill yourself newfag, Sup Forums was never for quality.
>this is Sup Forums culture.
I want Sup Forums to leave.
Then how did Sup Forums manage to get Trump elected?
i only un404 good threads. sorry buddy.
if i buy a pass can i get my threads approved?
Sup Forums =! Sup Forums
Don't confuse yourself, newfag
congrats you triggered his reddit meme parasite mind and hes spamming threads now
i never start threads anyway. i'll leave that to the DoD meme squad
xD lmao i shitpost on Sup Forums and quality on reddit for the upbotes
You can quick reply from the mainpage and make a thread not 404.
Sup Forums doesn't even go outside. They didn't vote.
You couldn't be more wrong bud
hey faggot it's != not =!
sounds like its just a fault with the site then, everybody put your pitchforks down
Sup Forums is Sup Forums newdag
This is how you spot a Redditor.
The whole "le Sup Forums is only for le shitposting, not actual discussion! xD" attitude didn't exist before the Reddit influx.
The fact that people usually add-on "serious discussion is for Reddit, Sup Forums is for shitposting! xD" to this opinion is just further proof that they are, in fact, from Reddit and are crossposting here because they think every Sup Forums board is Sup Forums, like the average newfriend.
Sup Forums is reddit fagtron
What a coincidence I had been screaming for this all week long on Sup Forums
People eventually get as much freedom as they can handle
>Make an on topic good thread
>Insta 404d
Really makes me think
Kill yourself redditor, Sup Forums owns your ass.
This is the future /poltv/ chose for itself.
Chemo makes you ill but it still cures cancer.
Does this mean no more baneposting? Thank god.