Zombie movie thread?
Zombie movie thread?
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pls keep thread alive
Well Drumpf is a dead man walking
what's that movie about
>tfw love everything zombie and will watch a movie even if I know it'll be jack shit
>everybody complained about the zombpocalpyse that happened last decade
>secretly loved it
I honestly can't even say what my favorite or least favorite zombie movie I've seen.
Bottom ones are probably
-Uwe Bol one
-Most of the ones on netflix
tip top theme m80
A few years ago netflix used to have a huge zombie catalog, now it's pitifully small and full of absolute shit except for 3 (out of the 8 or so they have). It's a joke that they even have a zombie subcategory in their horror section
It's entertaining. Basically a "lighter" and not-totally transgressive version of Cannibal Holocaust, in a way.
A 1970s team of New York plot-procedural people ship off to the Caribbean to check on a mysterious doctor, and shit goes bad. This is an ancient plot, having been done in Forbidden planet etc.
Also the shark fight is kino as fuck, I appreciated it more watching it a second time some months ago.
Based on user-submitted keywords so...
Can this also be a Fulci thread, because The Beyond is prime kino
Zombies kind of at the end
what's the best scene from zombie and why is it zombie vs shark?
Oh yay, I can finally use this dubs magnet I made like a year ago.
Both are pretty good but what about the bit where worm-eye conquistador finally shows up. Maybe my favorite movie zombie?
Most zombie movies now are always the same old viral infection zombies that look like normal people with barely any makeup on. I want at least ONE new good zombie movie that has them crawling out of the graveyard and what not.
Netflix's selection in general has become a joke. I read that they've lost HALF of their catalogue since 2012.
The goriest and funniest zombie movie ever made
This is the greatest zombie movie ever created. Just letting you people know.
>voodoo zombies
Please no. There's a reason its dead.
House of the Dead is pure unadulterated fun, poop dick
>sir, another company has pulled their entire catalog so they can build their own streaming service
>nyah greenlight more stand up specials. 100 more!
No not that one, his OTHER zombie one
>not redneck zombies
Zombie sluts
Underappreciated flick
>no Dead and Breakfast
why is Sup Forums so gay?
Well from an unbiased standpoint
- Magic
- Racism
- Cultural appropriation
- Religious
- Asks audiences to suspend their disbelief too much
I think a modern day voodoo movie could work. You could say some off shoot of MK Ultra was responsible. easy as that.
rammbock? is that somebody's name or did rammstein create a supergroup with jerry bock?
Was the coroner guy in Return of the Living dead a closet nazi?
If you want a modern day voodoo I'd say Pontypool was as close to a voodoo zombie flick as we're going to get. Even though those were some very weird fucking zombies.
I thought it was pretty open tbqh
I guess I just mean spooky skeletal rotten zombies in general.
you're right about everything, modern zombie movies suck. The only good ones I can think of are the Dawn remake and Land of the dead. I even enjoy retarded sleezy zombie movies like Zombie Lake and Oasis of the Zombies
are zombies the most boring "supernatural" thing, or are ghosts?
George Romero's best zombie film, never got why people loved Day so much.
Contracted 1 and 2
28 series
Train to Busan
There's a few more I can name but you're telling me that none of those were better than the shit that was the Land of the Dead
>Land of the dead
That movie was everything I imagined a zombie movie would be if I'd made one when I was twelve. The dialogue, the dead reckoning, all of it was delightful.
>What's that? Screaming practice?
Haven't seen this, but love Hammer - worth a watch?
Werewolves are the most boring.
Aliens take a close second but with a few exceptions
It totally is
>tfw I had to miss Frizzi's live performance of the soundtrack in Chicago
Land is good, very relaxing
correction Vampire movies are the most boring unless they are erotic
I forgot about werewolves. I'd say I think Werewolves, Vampires and Mummies are equally boring
I made this a few years ago.
I turn that on loop when I play horde mode in Arizona Sunshine.
There's nothing wrong with magic unless you're one of those autistic faggots who have to have everything explained to them or else they consider it a plot hole and the rest I'm not even gonna tough with a ten foot Sup Forums.
i have a problem with that. vampires shouldnt be able to fuck, they're corpses. they should be smelly and rotten like nosferatu
Werewolves could be good if someone would just make a movie about them stalking people and actually hunting. As of now they're just slasher movies but the killers is a wolf instead of using a knife.
I can't disagree with that, but Day and Dawn are equally as good in my opinion.
30 days of night wants a word with you
Santoro is best zombie movie character.
Fuck you, the '59 Mummy is brilliant
Dog soldiers. Probably the only werewolf movie where that happens
That movie was all sizzle no steak. Really solid build up wasted on that mess of a third act.
I bought this on VHS years and years ago when it was called Night of the Zombies. Holy shit, it's awful but it has a special place in my heart.
The holy trinity of voodoo movies:
Angel Heart
True Believers
The Serpent & the Rainbow
The Video Dead is in the top three best zombie movies.
Or atleast it should be on your list.
Did you guys like the zombie story in VHS 2? It was one of the weaker in the anthology but it did seem pretty realistic in terms of a patient zero scenario
>patient zero
>got bit by a zombie
It was too small in scope. If you want a movie of a similar budget with the same thing watch Colin
Blood Diner sucks so bad, what a disappointment that was to revisit on Blu
What? It's self aware 80s cheese!
>tfw no friends to watch shitty movies with
Yep, I agree. Don't get why it is loved by so many.
I want to see Night of the Living Bed right now.
I don't know how many times I have to say this, but just because a movie is aware that it's bad, does not excuse it for being bad. In fact, to me, that only makes it worse because it's like someone intentionally made something shit and claimed "It's SUPPOSED to be shit"
I'll send you the stuff to transfer those gems to digital
You're right man, it almost never works. This is part of why I think Italian Horror is so good, because its either legit good or its bad but takes itself seriously. Unintentional cheese is best cheese
Haven't had the time to watch it yet, but it should hopefully be atleast fun.
I respect movies that take themselves seriously a lot more than the shitty ones that try to play it off as a joke.
One of the worst zombie movies I'd EVER seen was The Walking Deceased which bills itself as a comedy/horror while it's neither and the entire movie is just them lampooning zombie movies while all the actors have a shit eating grin and saying how stupid everything is. It's basically Meet the Spartans for zombie movies
Stephanie Swift is a nostalgia fap. I remember watching her on the spice channel in the 90's.
A truly underrated gem imo from 1980. Released in the US as Night of Death many years later. Never got an official VHS release here that I know of. These are both French.
This thread got me to rewatch Zombi. The splinter scene just happened and it's still kino of the highest order - love the camera movement around the mirror when she notices something out the window.
thread theme
You mean Zombi 2, Zombi is the titling of Dawn of the Dead. But I agree. Fulci was a great director.
Here's an Italian release of Zombi.
Convert to DVD and upload to priatebay pls
I do, my mistake. I should see Argento's Zombi
Well? Which one will it be?
Train to busan is legitimately good
Flight of the living dead is okay in terms of cheap low budget. The cast does their best
Everything else is shit
This guy I know would not shut the fuck up about this movie just because it was filmed in the same city we live in.
Half of those aren't even real movies. Notice the names are generic as fuck. Why are you using youtube to watch movies
I'd bet money that if you click on the links it'll just be white words on black drop saying "Go to this malware honeypot to watch the movie ;)" playing for an hour and a half.
Have you seen this? Why not? What's wrong with you?
I don't even own a computer..
Honestly didn't like this one. Maybe, I'll give it a rewatch someday though.
>its a Fulci episode
Train to busan is kino
That's why Return Of The Living Dead is so good. It's technically a horror comedy but the zombies are still a major threat and there are some pretty scary moments.
Another great one often not talked about. Really moody.
>Send more paramedics
Just finished. As brilliant as I remember.
I don't think I've ever seen the movie without the original score, may have to do that sometime and see if its shittier.
the hospital scene from rotld is fucking scary as fuck.
Is Tar-Man /our guy/?
He killed Suicide. So no, he's a jerk.
Suicide was based as fuck.