Time to cancel my Netflix account. This is getting out of hand

Time to cancel my Netflix account. This is getting out of hand.

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youre a nigger


That's you, that's how you sound right now.

>being this booty bothered

>3 shows out of dozens of other originals and hundreds of movies/shows
>this is too far

Why are racists so bad at math?

>ever having Netflix in the first place
They only have a few shows worth watching, and they're all available online. They've never gotten any of my shekels.

Dear White People was surprisingly good. I thought it was gonna be pure SJW trash, and while it does have some cringy shit, it also shows the flaws in their ideologies and how far they can take things. Also, holy shit, the main character is beautiful.

dear white people is anti sjw, at least the movie was

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>Not cancelling your sub when they removed Danger 5

>surprised that a streaming service that tasted success with a few house-produced exclusives would get greedy and race towards the edge
they did it to themselves, it was the only direction they could go

12 days until Get Me Roger Stone.

Let's talk about the times netflix went too far

>You're deciding what you want to stop spending your money on something you don't enjoy? How dare you, goy! This is another shoah!

can you even rate these badly anymore? i stopped my sub a couple months ago

Are they gonna cover Girlboss' bankruptcy in a later episode?


Sophia my waifu. The actress is a stupid blonde, fuck her

You forgot one, here let me help you.

Friendly reminder that Sup Forums types are literally the SJWs of the right

God forbid they put shows on that keep the broadest possible user base paying subscriptions!

Fucking dolt. Nobody cares what you think, not your fucking blog etc

>get angry at Dear White People
>decide to watch the pilot to see how bad it really is
>realize it's actually pretty good and now about to start episode 7

It's an inflammatory name which probably hurt them in the long run, but it actually calls black people out more than white people. White people are presented as being generally ignorant (which, fair), but most of the black characters are purposefully written as hypocritical, needlessly hateful, overreacting and manufacturing drama out of nothing just for the sake of whining about it.

Plus the lead actress is weirdly hot.

Whatever points you think were obvious in showing the faults in that kind of thinking probably weren't obvious and there are bound to be legions of retards who unironically never understood that or just accepted the shitty line of thinking on the surface. Lines like "only whites can be racist!" stop being satire of a mindset once said mindset accepts stuff like that as truth.

>>get angry at Dear White People
> >decide to watch the pilot to...


netflix knows that Girlboss is shit thats why they casted Britt Robertson to attract waifuists such as myself

>$.05 has been deposited into your account

The difference is that Sup Forums is always right and SJW have to impose rules to make their fantasy world coincide with reality.

Friendly reminder that co-opting insults from the Right because the Left is currently losing the internet culture war doesn't work when the application makes no sense. SJW works because it mocks the social justice attitude while exposing the hypocrisy of such a notion with the actions those kinds of people partake in. Nobody on the Right being outraged cares one lick about nebulous ideas like social justice.

wouldn't have guessed it

When the movie came out the discussions on the imdb board made it sound just like you'd expect ....

Now is it actually a gripping show or is it just decently aware social commentary?

Because she has white facial features. It's the distinction between "black people" and "niggers".

It's a comedy, first and foremost. Ten 30-minute episodes, and while they do touch on certain relevant social justice topics, don't expect too much depth or commentary beyond surface-level stuff. I like it, so far, but I'm not gonna be writing essays about what it has to say.

She's biracial, so I guess you're not wrong. Regardless, she's hot. Makes watching the show more enjoyable.

>getting extremely angry at things without even knowing their content is reasonable behaviour.

>it's better because she's hot
I thought people this stupid died out in the 90s

Half this board is made up of "What do you think of her body of work?" and thinly-veiled waifu threads. You're lying to yourself if you think attractive leads don't add to a show's entertainment value.

Let's be honest , you could milk her like a cow to feed your family during the post apocalypse

I canceled my Netflix years ago. What is the point with so many streaming sites cropping up?

Nigga that milk is rotten, you might as well just punt your kids into irradiated pisswater.

Is she an alium?

>paying for garbage

>not paying for unsatisfactory services is childish

>three shows out of everything on netflix i better cancle my account

Why are you people insane?

But why make a thread about it just cancel the service or dont no need to harass us about it

This is Sup Forums. If we can have BLACKED threads, BRAAAP threads, and JUST threads, we can certainly have a "my Netflix subscription isn't worth it anymore" threads.

In my opinion we dont need any of those threads but its not up to me to decide that they are all a waste of time

I prefer renting Blu-rays but I have watched many gems in Netflix: Paris Texas, Tess, Liberal Arts, Side Effects, Collateral, Silver Linings Playbook, etc. And series like Modern Family, Lost, X-Files, Penny Dreadful, etc.

It's a very good service. Not complete (and it needs 8mbps internet) but not everything is perfect (that's why I rent blu-rays).

>In my opinion
literally no one cares about your faggot opinion

This still doeznt explain why you felt the need to make a thread about cancleing your netflix

That's how I felt about the movie. I wouldn't say it's some gripping social commentary or anything amazing, though. Didn't deserve a 13-part mini-series IMO. Is the show as "meh" as the movie?

forever lol at SJeWs and anti-SJW alike falling for the provocative title

Cancel your netflix over Amy Schumer instead.

my girl is making me watch girlboss with her. its more not SJW like the other two at all and brit robertson is hot as hell

Sup Forums - alt right pussies who cry about litterly everythig

Nah, we're just not naive enough to buy the excuses anymore. Voting with you wallet isn't crying, it's doing something. We also know how to spell shit.

>they're booty bothered
>when they're the ones telling OP to shut up and stop whining
>when OP is assblasted over tv shows existing that are not targeted towards his demographic.
rly maeks u tink.

>Support content you don't like with your wallet, or else you're a crybaby!

but this thread isn't about that.

How much would you care to bet that OP...
-has not watched any of these shows
-is a Sup Forums crossposter
-knows nothing about these shows beyond what they heard from like-minded people in a echo chamber
-is only here to stir up trouble and get (You)s

I would bet at least 10 of my (You)s. OP, care to chime in on how right/wrong I was in my bet?

bill nye the science guy was the last straw for me, back to torrents and streams, netflix just has nothing of value that makes it worth supporting their radical leftist agenda.

I hear it has less hair so thats a plus.

Not that user and while I see your point, it really isn't his job to do the marketing for these shows. If they put people off from the outset that's their failing and nobody owes them any benefit of the doubt to change shitty first impressions.

>Get Me Roger Stone.
Don't forget Based Norm Special.

>Why aren't you watching propaganda disguised as science, cringy girl power shit and an overtly racist (but not really because it also makes fun of blacks kinda sometimes *wink*) show?


How fragile are you?

>he doesn't vote with his wallet

it's like you just want us to know immediately that youre a cuck.

Hey Marcellus


how many netflix original shows are there?

You found me Demon
I hope you enjoy shitposting on Sup Forums at 3AM est instead of fighting the war on information with me and Paul Joseph Watson.

Speaking of Netflix, why couldn't nuMST beat Catalina Caper or Merlin?
Guess Soros can't into kino.

too much

Are you a netflix shill? Because 13 reasons why is probably the worst tv show I watched this year and my gf makes me watch Riverdale with her

Do you like to just hate things without actually giving them a chance to prove if they are actually bad or not?

hey speaking of netflix which episode of black mirror should I watch? I want to watch hated in the nation because my friend said it was good but I also good things about the christmas one

>giving netflix you're money in the first place

>what is a trend

It's obviously just starting you fucking faggot. Cancelling your account now gives Netflix data that this new thing they're doing isn't good. What's your solution, wait till it's 90% and then cancel? Idiot

Hated In The Nation has better social commentary while White Christmas is just fucking depressing. Both episodes are good, but White Christmas feels the most Black Mirror-y

My phone compnay gave me 6 months fee subscription when I got my new iJew6, surely other people have this

Modern popular culture has turned science into a team you root for or something you put on a nerdy t-shirt, like it's the Marvel Cinematic Universe or something.

>tfw only keep netflix to rewatch lost, mad men, and watch whatever british shows they buy and pawn off as "originals"

netflix actual originals have gone way downhill, hopefully altered carbon turns it around but they'll fuck that up too. stranger things was a fluke and season 2 will be worse than true detective season 2.

I started watching Luther and it was great, the BBC made shows all stand above any Netflix produced original.

>98% match for you!
>literally 99% of reviews say its horrible

What did (((they))) mean by this?

The Wikipedia article on that company reads like it was written by the founder.

>Nobody on the Right being outraged cares one lick about nebulous ideas like social justice.
What about nebulous ideas like degeneracy?

Don't forget the MST3K reboot!

Why do people use netflix when torrenting is so easy?

Feel free to whine about that, just don't suffer any illusions that SJW applies to that at all. Throwing that insult at people who most likely find the concept to be a useless platitude at best doesn't make any sense, even comparatively speaking.

>wonder why steaks cost so much
>It's because they buy fucking masturbation machines for cows

Thanks communism

Holy shit an actual shill

>having one in the first place

because they are goyims that think giving their money to some company that doesnt even make the films will help the industry

>White people are presented as being generally ignorant (which, fair)
Shut up nigger.

Are you offended?

>Voting with you wallet isn't crying
Making a thread about it is.

Yes. They ran out of chances.


C U C K F L I X x x x x

So is bitching about people talking about their consumer practices.

lions and antelope are differnt animals

europeans and africans are the same animal


Haven't you heard? Voicing displeasure for corporate cock is bad if said corporate cock is espousing the magnificent virtues of progressive thought. It's hilarious watching people who style themselves progressive leftists morph into Randian objectivists the moment a powerful private entity starts parroting their bullshit.

>black characters are purposefully written as hypocritical, needlessly hateful, overreacting and manufacturing drama out of nothing just for the sake of whining about it.
Are they or is that just an observation you made? Chances are that wasn't intended to be a bad thing, you weren't supposed to notice, or the people watching it don't really care about that part or might even see it justified.

>Giving netkike a penny
>Not just torrenting everything

Wew lad.

>africans are...animal(s)

Forgot your image this time?

>europeans and africans are the same animal