/lbg/ - letterboxd general

Sup Forums has gone haywire edition.

Previous thread: >Not sure what letterboxd is all about?
The mission of /lbg/ is to promote the intelligent discussion of film as art by providing members with opportunities for intellectual discussion, by recognizing patrician taste through examinations and by calling out embryos as they arise.

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What are your favorite 80s action movies?

Some problems with replying, but they seem to have been resolved.

Use as a link to find the /lbg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Patricians occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>Patricians may pretend to be normal users asking for recommendations and when you recommend something, they laugh at you for your plebian taste
>This is a thread for patrician purposes only don't offer or expect frivolous discussion.

Other urls found in this thread:



Today is the 10 year anniversary of this video:

What are some movies about not knowing what to do with your life?

pic related

shit i fucked up

oh well



holy shit





Exodus is 3 hours 40 mins, can I do it, bros?

t. embryo

what are you talking about?

amdi why did you unfollow me

becoz u smell

Don't post DW Griffith's muse without my permission.

Why can't Viktor Seastrom make a shot like this with Lilian Gish?

He had over 10 years.

This film is anything but conventional. It Le different, unique and pays off in the end. In an age of horror films that rely on jump scares and less than mediocre plots, Get Out comes along with an interesting plot and great acting.

Instead he can only do wide-eyed hooliganism like this

Whereas with Griffith she was reserved and stately

"Griffith was the teacher of us all."

New to Letterboxd. Logged 600 films, just the ones that came up while browsing the log of films. What do I do now? I'd like to completely index the movies I've seen, is there any easier way to do it?

no one is disagreeing with you

Log new films as you watch them and include the date.

Why did Amaranth and Altarwise give Intolerance 3 stars then? And gave Viktor Seastrom flicks 5? Seastrom's flicks in the 10's were adaptations. Griffith had no script when he made Intolerance. It's the greatest film ever made. Everything about film is in it. It was the cinematic equivalent of Ulysses before Ulysses was even written.



I thought you hated Cabiria.

Amaranth also gave 3 stars to Borzage's Lucky Star. Borzage's pictures have some of the greatest control of mise-en-scene in all of silent film. They also have the longest takes as well.


Cabiria doesn't have a single closeup. No flashbacks, and doesn't have 4 separate stories spread across several centuries only linked by the theme of intolerance and the motif of a woman rocking a cradle that all collide together in the climax. Cuts in Intolerance transcend centuries whereas Cabiria lacks crosscutting altogether. Cabiria also has far more intertitles than Intolerance or any of DW Griffith's films released in 1914 for that matter

Cabiria is only noted for being an Italian epic with huge sets and slight camera movement. The content and form is vastly trumped by all of DW Griffith's works. For one, Intolerance actually features social realism with The Mother and the Law segment which was expanded for a 1919 release.

du lac>borzage

my director > your director

No. Name a good French filmmaker next time. The French already love Borzage.




girl from raw was cute, would impregnate

If no one is disagreeing with me, then explain these falsified attempts to one-up me from plebs that half-read Wikipedia.

how do my recent additions look ?

Also just watched Videodrome thanks to a Sup Forums thread about it.


What was the first feature-length art film, /lbg/?

A film that exceeds 70 minutes, isn't an adaptation, features social realism, and emphasizes innovation in form and concentration on ideas over standard plot progression.

well desu those two posts came after my post claiming no one was disagreeing with you, and even those replies aren't disagreeing with you on the swedish director's and griffith's acting involving gish

i don't think the cabiria post was disagreeing with you, just curious as to why you'd post a video featuring cabiria and intolerance, since you hate the former

whatevs, all love

I posted the video to show Orson Welles admitting he stole everything from Intolerance and DW Griffith.

What was the first feature-length art film, /lbg/?

A film that exceeds 70 minutes, isn't an adaptation, features social realism, and emphasizes innovation in form and concentration on ideas over standard plot progression..


>The film is based on a story Prestekonen by Kristofer Janson.

DW Griffith had no script and crosscuts across centuries linked together by a single theme and motif. Try better next time.

What was the first feature-length art film, /lbg/?

A film that exceeds 70 minutes, isn't an adaptation, features social realism, and emphasizes innovation in form and concentration on ideas over standard plot progression..

I'm waiting /lbg/.

The Wizard of Oz/Olympia

>fantasy adaptation and 1938 montage documentary
No. Already preceeded by Nanook of the North and In the Land of the Headhunters.

What was the first feature-length art film, /lbg/?

A film that exceeds 70 minutes, isn't an adaptation, features social realism, and emphasizes innovation in form and concentration on ideas over standard plot progression..

I'm waiting, /lbg/.

What's the answer /lbg/

What was the first feature-length art film, /lbg/?

A film that exceeds 70 minutes, isn't an adaptation, features social realism, and emphasizes innovation in form and concentration on ideas over standard plot progression..

What was the first feature-length art film, /lbg/?

A film that exceeds 70 minutes, isn't an adaptation, features social realism, and emphasizes innovation in form and concentration on ideas over standard plot progression.


The Discovery is probably the best Netflix Original feature.

Whiplash is great, Damien Chazelle makes inspirational films for creatives. Someone said earlier that they're like football films in the way that they're inspirational to a very specific group of people.

>typical australian poster

Look at /lbg/ squirm and try to dodge the question when they know I'm right. They know I'm always right.

i actually only saw it for the first time a couple of days ago

I never tire, I choose to sleep. I never hunger, I choose to eat.

I will always be superior to you physically, intellectually, socially, and especially sexually.

I am corporeal perfection!

bank holiday ayyy

So is this the sort of autistic soul-sucking personality-fellating industryfagging drag I'm thinking it will be
A fun place where I can just see what other people are watching, post actual opinions as well as memes and jokes without people screeching that I'm misrepresenting an episode of BCS if I say "a 30 minute montage of Mike shooting a sniper rifle into the air"?

you better leave while you can


What was the first feature-length art film, /lbg/?

A film that exceeds 70 minutes, isn't an adaptation, features social realism, and emphasizes innovation in form and concentration on ideas over standard plot progression.

I have no idea, what's the answer?

Slept, you're a curious case.

fucking kill yourself

Cool, what's the answer though? I wanna watch it

Slept, watch The Temptress from 1926 and tell me what you think of it.

Watch it and tell me what you think of it, Slept.

>this is your life on autism, samefagging sixteen hours a day against imaginary persons you digged up from archive

Looks good, i'll watch it tonight
Can't remember the last time someone on here actually gave me a decent recc tbqh

What is it with the Griffith fag all of a sudden. Not that I mind its actually nice that someone is talking about actual films. What is his best film?


There are no bests. Every single one was ahead of everyone else by decades

Start with Judith of Bethulia and work up chronologically.

DW Griffith will not be erased from history!

He will be remembered!

Haha, that was my favorite Cameron film.

>Judith of Bethulia
>no seeds on ptp
>4gb version has no seeds on kg
>only options are a sus 300mb copy or a youtube copy
Don't suppose you know where I can find a decent ripperoo do you?

I cannot help. I already own the near-entirety of Griffith's filmography.

upload that shit f.am


oh wait I found a vhs rip that might be ok

based slavs

>vhs rip
>might be ok

best i'm gonna get without buying the dvd

No you don't. You own the rights to screen the films privately, ya dingus.


megautist recommend me a movie too!


Has /lbg/ voted in the Empire Magazine top 100 poll yet?


Watch A House Divided from 1931 and tell me what you think of it, unknown poster.

megaautist recommend me a movie made after 2000!

Watch 2 Days in New York from 2012 and tell me what you think about it, unknown poster.

this actually looks good, cheers

Who is the user that adores the umbrellas of cherbourg? I'm seeing it at a local theater this afternoon

Why did you ask me to recommend a movie after 2000 then

that was someone else

I love it but I haven't posted about it in a long time so I'm probably not who you're looking for.

Is it a special event or is it just a rep cinema screening it for fun?


I need proof because otherwise the condescending "this actually looks good" means you're making fun of the modern picture

It says your pic is 404'ing.

is this why they call you an autist? i didn't mean to be condescending, sorry

Why do I keep seeing Umbrellas of Chebourg every time in these threads for the past few months? Over and over and over and over it's either being rated or watched on somebody's profile every time they post.

Watch an actually good musical. Like pic-related. Why don't they show or remaster this?