Problematic with Moshe Kasher

Is Sup Forums enjoying Problematic with Moshe Kasher?

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could this guy have a more problematic name? I mean geez, i had a grandfather who was in the SS and i just wish the (((producers))) of shows like this could be a little more sensitive

Now it's back. What's going on?

it kills me knowing that it's this guy who gets to fuck natasha leggero anytime he wants...

Really? I assumed he was gay.

Genuinely fucking disappointed at this whole thing. I used to listen to him on The Champs podcast years ago and always thought that he "got it". After watching that abortion of a video, he's pretty much as clueless and tone deaf as the rest of them.


Waldo looking motherfucker.

Surely you mean anytime she consents.

Jewiest jew in history.

What's the point of looking like this much of a faggot if you're straight?

To lure women into a false sense of security.

so what's the point of this? white people aren't allowed to take parts of other cultures and experiment with them?

I thought vegans were bad for shaming people on how food was made, but shaming people for liking certain types of music or culture? what is accepted, then?
>Stop appropriating black culture!
and what, reinforce my own white culture? should I take pride in my whiteness? Should i have White Pride?

holy shit the jews aren't even hiding it anymore

because it's literally advertising for some no name douchebag

This guy looks and talks like a fucking faggot but has a GOAT name. Moshe Kasher! Don't get me started Leggero too.

Jewish Record Producers pushed all the black culture onto white masses.

So in other words its the Jews fault?

Kek. Kike BTFO. If you want the full and hilarious story look up her interviews about getting barebacked by her Chad in Australia compared to how she talks about her betabux

I really don't understand this shit. Are we supposed to not share our cultures? Should we be segregated? I'm not sure what they're arguing for with this cultural appropriation shit. Sounds like they want cultures to stay far away from each other.


No. Only Jews can. Whites can fuck off.

eww look at the wrinkly jew fingers

Discussion is not advertising you retarded paranoid newfag. You're not that important get over yourself faglord god.

Can someone explain to me why it's actually bad that one culture embraces another culture? Isn't that a positive thing?

The thread was created by a paid marketing company. While people here might actually be normal posters, none of them acually created the thread.

Mosher is literally using Sup Forums in order to gain fame by being deliberately inflammatory.

Seriously, if you think that Sup Forums isn't being used for marketing purposes you're fucking delusional.

>The uploader has not made this video available in your country.
>click dislike

I'm still here, dum-dum. And, no, I don't work for Moshe Kasher.

Because fuck white people. Seriously, it's just white people hate. They don't say this shit to any other race.

>The thread was created by a paid marketing company

Like Comedy Central would EVER think it's worth wasting their TIME and MONEY on YOU!


>name is Moshe
>talking about what is "problematic"

Was Sup Forums right?

Segregation is the true path to diversity.

I always thought cultural appropriation was where a government actively suppresses or replaces the culture of another country, or said people. Kinda like what China is doing to Tibet. There's nothing wrong with imitating another culture providing your respectful and do a good job of it. After all, it's one of the good things about multiculturalism. Everybody sharing and mingling with each other through various cultural festivities, foods, tradition, etc.

>Elvis, Stones and Beatles stole their music

Notice how its only goyim who sling mud at.

Don't talk about it

Why embrace a culture that:

1. Isn't yours
2. Is inferior

You don't see Apple "embrace" United Airlines culture...

White people have no culture.

What is the percentage of jews in America? Because according to Hollywood it's at least 70%.

Why is liberal humor the worst shit

>le rap XD

>germans, french, swedish, swiss, irish, dutch, etc. don't have culture
really makes me think

>those dislikes


less than 2%. I believe it's 1.7%

How many more dislikes must they get before they delete the video like MTV?

Here he's talking about it and he actually seems to be a smart guy, he's agreeing with everything Joe says and can't really offer any intelligent counter points on the topic, but avoids saying anything too stupid in his defence. Maybe he's invested in this idea because he had a brain fart moment where he actually sympathised with this movement, and now he has to back his brand?

>unfunny leftard propaganda
>kikes pretending to be white
checks out. one question though, how do they reconcile the concept of multiculturalism and muh cultural appropriation?

yeah it's like he forgot that making jokes or being funny was the most important thing. he wasn't afraid to say something edgy back then

That's the point I guess. Balkanization and endless tension. Push for policies that ensure society will be nowhere near homogeneous with no dominant groups in site and tell them all to keep the fuck away from each other to prevent any natural common culture from developing.

They don't, they go together to fracture society and keep it constantly swinging between different groups that have no choice but to cling to shallow identity politics rather than deeper political ideas.

Purge the nu male scum.

So what do those Jews want from white people? We should let in refugees of all colors and races etc. but we shouldn't embrace their cultures so... ah, yes. We should just die out. White people should shut up and die out. Thanks, kikes.

i really want this phase where everyone has to take a shot at whitey so everything is "fair and balanced" to end. nobody needs to apologize for being white.

Much preferrable to a McDonalds-y, post-cultural, post-ethnic soup.

And the only supposed moral argument for said soup is that it would supposedly end inequality and hate etc and lol no people are wired to distinguish and rank and hate on each other, you can never solve such fundamental problems so why destroy culture under the false premise of doing so?

I wasn't advocating for it. I think both flooding countries with foreign immigration to tip demographics and prattling on about appropriation are bad, it's just the latter is a means to keep the former from being anything the elites can't control. If that post-cultural, post-ethnic soup happens they can't very well use immutable wedge issues to control demographics nearly as well.

I mean, you have Democrats straight up telling their constituents their jobs are to "tell white people to shut up," or even laughing to applauding crowds about white suicide rates. It makes it hilarious when they start wondering why they're losing the white working class as if they're just as incapable of introspective awareness as the people they love to proselytize to.

Go to 1:25.
He actually posted here.

They want Maoist struggle sessions.


He looks a lot uglier than he did in the promotional material.

I used to hear this guy I on podcasts. I wouldn't be surprised at all if he was a regular here.

>Unironically listening to some nu-male that loathes himself and every white person

Are you a minority or a cuck?

>Unironically using nu-male and cuck

Are you a twelve-year-old or an autist?


>Whites don't have culture!
>He says as he wears western clothing designed in Europe and USA, listens to music produced in Western world on instruments invented by whites and uses language which is the cultural backbone of many developed white countries in the world

I honestly don't understand this fucking meme. What's culture for those illiterate fucks? Wearing traditional outfits? Cause we got those too.

I'm fucking baffled by the fact that those people are allowed to publicly marginalize and shame history, achievements and culture of an entire race and get away with it. I'm pissed off at the fact that they're hypocrites.

Nice projecting, now fuck off back to your safe space of insecure numale faggots that have to listen to people who sound smart while being spoon fed with some pseudo science.

Autist, definitely autist.

>diversity is good, we should all share our culture and live together

Found the nu-male cuck.

In all seriousness those insults are here to stay because they rather accurately describe a lot of leftwing ideologues, both figuratively and literally. That much is obvious based on the way people bristle when they're thrown.

White people were so good at spreading their culture it became the norm for a lot of people and they no longer recognize it as anything but.

at least this is not mainstream opinion, only these dumb snowflakes.
Remember when those asian girls who weren't even japanese protested that kimono exhibition, and got schooled by actual japanese women?

I have scottish heritage, I would never get upset if an asian guy wanted to wear a kilt, power to him.
It feels like we agreed that the melting pot was going to work, that sharing culture is good but all of a sudden these people have decided that would eliminate racial tensions and isn't okay anymore.

cucks on suicide watch

Never underestimate the left's ability to dig even deeper into their mound of bullshit. They completely write off the opinions of natives from cultures they claim to be protecting now thanks to incidences like this. They now flat out say Japanese or Indian or Egyptian people don't understand because they've never lived in a white supremacist society so only the opinions of westerners of those nation's descent get to whine, bitch, and cry about appropriation. Japanese people being alright with sharing kimonos doesn't work anymore for them.

>white people

Yeah after they steal it from another culture LOL.

>posting on a website that's a ripoff of a Japanese site



>comedy central jumping on the SJW shit even though its been a dead end joke since forever


How does someone get to this point where they completely deny a whole continent has its own set of different cultures?

I don't understand how they don't realize this shit is only going to backfire at this point. Either making people laugh was just a front and they're going full bore with the propaganda, or they've gotten so arrogantly self-assured they're no longer trying to be subtle anymore.

They are though.


tip toppity kek

Can subsaharan african stop appropriating Mediterrean culture?


This is exactly why the shit in the OP works, because you faggots are too concerned with pot shots like this. Instead of shut down his bullshit you go for a passive-aggressive bitch tit-for-tat move.

Couldn't think of a more jewish name if I was trying to make fun of them.

>Either making people laugh was just a front and they're going full bore with the propaganda, or they've gotten so arrogantly self-assured they're no longer trying to be subtle anymore.

They are still in free fall mode after the Trump election. Like when a kid gets unexpectedly smashed in the face by a rogue ball on a playground and theres that moment where they are just standing there shocked before they start crying


>white people

I bet you think Elvis invented rock and roll.


LOL, still pushing this meme? They're glorified sand niggers.

It sounds like a character in a Mel Brooks movie



Nah, apparently it's just about a respect of culture. I think the example they used was Iggy Izalea talking black, acting black, etc to sell albums creating a negative stereotypes. The same with dreadlocks, although no harm's coming from it, the obliviousness of "Hey, I'm going to wear dreadlocks because they look cool" and unironically thinking Bob Marley invented them while he smoked bowls is disrespectful without knowing its history.

Do Israeli Jews hate American Jews?

>culture = Elvis
You fucks all have the same old boring examples. No, Elvis does not constitute the entirety of culture. I'm not surprised you think that though given you have no clue in regards to Italian history and most likely just read "Arab invasion," somewhere and went off assuming like the retarded donut you seem to be.

FYI, Elvis being inspired doesn't mean anything to those who came after him.

Probably right, but there are enough faggots who unironically think this shit these days.

Dreadlocks aren't an African only thing though. Many different cultures wore them independent of contact with each other.

>dislike ratio in the comments
hahahahah get btfo kikes

Niggers didn't invent dreadlocks.

Moshe has already stated in interviews that he comes to Sup Forums and has attempted to use Sup Forums users as content for his show.

Sholling here for a reaction isn't far fetched

He doesn't need to do that or come here for it anymore. The "anti-semitism," he seems to fish for is going mainstream all over the web thanks to scum fucks like him, and he has no one to blame but himself.

>there are people out there right now who unironically believe this

Isn't this video cultural appropriation because they're white people rapping?

Yes, but they're self-aware so that makes it okay.

No joke, this is actually what I believe is behind the huge resurgence in white identity politics. We are being asked daily to take stock of and identify with our whiteness and a lot of us are deciding that hating ourselves isn't exactly a good idea.

Thanks, kikes.

Threadly reminder this guy is a beta provider cuck whose wife is only with him because he's rich/"privileged" and she actually still fantasizes about her Aussie conman ex and talks about it publicly.

That and whites are the only people having this demand thrust upon them. Nobody is telling blacks or Asians to deconstruct their immutable qualities until they're neurotic messes who genuflect on reflex.