Despite the huge number of currently airing police procedural series...

Despite the huge number of currently airing police procedural series, the networks are looking for yet more shows of the same genre to put into production. They want a non-serialized cop show the likes of Law and Order and CSI, but it must have a unique gimmick to set it apart from the others.

What's your pitch, Sup Forums?

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Panty detectives!
Two lady cops do their job wearing only panties!

Ghost Cop. A cop has a partner that only he can see. This obviously presents many opportunities - the partner can snoop and gather evidence unseen or serve as backup.

Literal Person of Interest reboot (PoI: DC perhaps)

stealth-serialize for the first season, then full-blown arcs spanning entire seasons

Fuck was that show GOAT-tier

If he's a ghost than I'd presume that he would also be untouchable. He'd make a great spy but how would he be able to "gather evidence or serve as backup"?

A lieutenant, George Baker, runs the 64th precinct of the NYPD. The twist? He also runs a bakery selling high class pastries to wealthy socialites in uptown Manhattan. Over the series run Baker will use his knowledge of chemistry and science in order to solve crimes such as arson and murder. Together, he and his 12 squad members will work to staunch the growing tide of crime in the city. The pilot will set up his nemesis, Doctor Branson, a wealthy doctor who patronizes his store often. In the first episode, Baker must use his knowledge of temperatures to deduce when a fire broke out in an arson case. In the season finale, "Jelly Filled Murder" (all the episodes are bakery related puns), Baker is framed when one of his jelly filled donuts is filled with poison and given to the mayor of NYC. He must work to prove his innocence and eventually, it is found that Doctor Branson was the one who actually poisoned the donut before fleeing the country.

The show's name? "Baker's Dozen"

Two detectives. One is an alien, the other is wheelchair bound indefinitely.

Someone fund this.

Take the classic buddy cop trope and multiply it so instead of it just being two detectives, there are 30 detectives who all have to work on the same cases together. Scenes where the two detectives would normally be discussing the case in a parked car are replaced with scenes where the group are all in a police bus, yelling over each other and getting nothing done. No single character will get any significant character development.

Every episode will follow the same pattern of:
>a crime is committed
>the suspect is never clearly shown and there are always red herrings set up to throw the audience off
>the detective group are sent in to analyse the crime scene and will wind up unintentionally tampering with the evidence due to the sheer number of people handling everything
>the group finally manage to catch a lead, which always leads them to a dead end
>the suspect, who is always the most obvious looking criminal is shown to the audience, and they manage to escape

After which, the group are shown squabbling in the precinct before the episode just kind of... ends. No plot lines from previous episodes are ever followed up on.

A show that follows a criminal rather than the cop. People loved Breaking Bad and Dexter, why not make it into a non-serialized show?

Maybe the show is centered around a certain gang or cartel and each episode is a certain heist or operation

fucking genius

Fucking kek

I already wrote an outline for this. Two buddy cops get into a firefight with a mad scientist who is using experimental weapons, one cop dies and his consciousness is transferred into their car, thereby creating COP CAR

Identical Twin Brothers: They're cops. Also, they're exact genetic clones of Adolf Hitler.

Incubated in the same batch and leading vastly different lives, one is a hyper-nerd bordering on neckbeard and the other a rabid SJW.

They work homicide in Jerusalem.

A super gritty realistic serial killer is being tracked by the police. Not like shitty autistic faggot being friends with Hannibal or any cartoon shit like Dexter. A realistic serial killer who is psychosexual and cannibalizes his victims, is also a necrophiliac and we see what he actually does to his victims. Real sick shit, but audiences will eat it up.

Literally rush hour

That's it you just sign up Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker for 12 episodes on Netflix or some shit it will sell like hotcakes

I think there's a British cop show that's done this already. The guys partner is dead but he still sees and talks to her I think

Star Wars Cops.

Internal affairs

The mains are busting crooked cops and trying to reform the system to prevent corruption, all the while dealing with being hated by the rest of the force for being "rats".

The junior partner is an young idealist who wants the police to stand for something again, the senior partner likes the challenge/thrill of investigating cops because they know all the tricks and so are the hardest criminals to beat. The captain is a jaded old bastard who's tired of fighting a losing battle and ends up being arrested in the season finale by the mains.

Jeff Goldblum had a tv show where he talked to the victim. They manifested a corporeal form that only he could see but it was all psychological.

He was pretty good in it.

Traffic Cop series

Solve crimes of the highway every episode with high speed chases. Track down who littered a cig butt, catch illegal immigrants, bust drug runners, get offers of sex for being let off with a warning.

Basically make Super Troopers a series, it can be more serious and still work

i'd watch it, fucking love rush hour.

Not those specific plot points but watch Line of Duty.

That's what Chips was, without the camp humor.

Imperial cops or Republican cops?

I want an episode of law & order where they act like actual detectives - they get given a case file, sit around the precinct all day reading case notes and getting coffee, complaining the lab is taking a week to do tests.

No chase scenes, no gun battles, no interrogations while intense royalty-free violins build in the background. Just actual boring police work.

Probably Republic Cops.

>5-6 episodes per season

wtf is this shit

The story of a cop who hands his cases to some illegal immigrant who used to be a top-notch detective in his home country and takes all the credit for it.

Half the show is about the guy trying to get legal papers done, but having to work leads for the cop (who might or might not be crooked) at the same time.

This should pass the diversity test no problem.


Also some nauseating camera work but otherwise good series

The Wire.

Secret Service show

Just serialize fast and furious. A team of elite drivers work together to catch people ordinary highway patrolman can't. Drag Racing, robberies, dirty cops, maybe one is secretly a bad guy working to undermine the team, maybe a couple super-criminals. Really important to nail tone down here

Doesn't that already exist, although not with Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker?

Just do another season of Southland. Shit was kino

Cruisin', Liberty University PD buddy-cop dramady

Being in desperate need of new officers, the Detroit city police department recruit a new team of down syndrome and retarded men and women to help out. At first they are given simple, basic tasks, but over time the new recruits demand to be taken seriously and have them deal with tougher, harder criminals. Rather than taking the easy route and make it a crude comedy it would be a serious police show with down syndrome cops trying to arrest some of the hardest criminals in the city. There will be death, love, drama, and lots of retarded shit going on. The show offers lots of diversity because of the lack of down syndrome people represented on television so any butt hurt people will be shot down because it's a serious drama and not a comedy.

Current name is "Detroit Downs"

Follow the police of a young single female nudist community.

will there be full penetration?

There needs to be more shows with tards in it. or midgets I love those guys

with a TV budget, the cars will all be 90's wrecks.

White cop and Black cop partner up in the 60s BUT Black cop is racist towards whites, Black Panther type, White is not racist, he just hates everyone equally. Both end up bonding slowly.

I want to do one based on Laura Joh Rowland's books about the shogun's chief magistrate in Tokugawa-era Japan. In before weeaboo; they were surprisingly good books, and a lot of the intrigue was driven by the social system and norms.

make it about the B-team to the movie fast and furious guys.

they all want to be like the cool guys with the fancy cars and gadgets, but they're stuck with shitboxes and DIY equipment.

It sounds like a retarded anime. kys


The cops have to use a Wii U controller to solve crimes or shoot their guns

Directed by Shigeru Miyamoto

Health Inspection cops. Just incredible food every episode.

this, adds to the drama if they aren't the fastest, maybe have to get creative with their card and driving strategies

The setting is a generation ship headed for another world. The people on board are slowly getting more and more stir crazy in a ship that wasn't built big enough and filled with dissidents and undesirables who didn't want to be there in the first place, and it's up to Main Character and their associates to keep order.

just 48 minutes of full penetration in various places associated with the police, like an interrogation room, or a cop car, or an evidence lockup

>Just 48 minutes of full penetration

There's a show already. It's called "your mom and me"

Show where they solve really old cold cases that everyone else forgot about

I don't know if I'm being bated but they literally already made that show
Cold Case

so a night rider reboot?

No. KITT was never a real person. And this car doesn't have turbo boost and shit, it's just a Crown Vic with a guy's soul inside it

A Knight Rider reboot was done, and it didn't do well.

KITT was an AI, not a ghost though.

>the ending


A Criminal Minds spin off where the special FBI unit only catch pedophiles.
The big bad is a sex ring servicing the rich and powerful.
The leader of the special FBI unit is secretly a member.

because they used a goddamn fatstang insatead of a pontiac