this was the best sitcom of all time
This was the best sitcom of all time
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More like the worst. The Big Bang Theory of its day.
>this was the best shitcom of all time
>remove all charm, likability, comfiness and humor
>multiply the annoyance levels by tenfolds
>make the main characters annoying baby boomer stereotypes
Congrats, you now have That 70's Show.
you're not wrong
but laura prepon was hot
If you like masculine (wo)man
This opinion is so fucking wrong
seinfeld, raymond, office, malcom , always sunny are better
One of the comfiest sitcoms. Eric is a qt.
No, it's not.
That 70's Show cries itself to sleep every night wishing it was Malcolm In The Middle or Frasier.
Yes, it is.
lol, maybe i do, the recent spate of Sigourney Weaver posting works for me
No, it's not times an infinity.
Yes, it is times and infinity plus 1.
No, its not infinity to the infinite power.
But infinity plus one is just infinity.
That is also just infinity.
I always wanted to bang Kitty
Meh, Frasier was better. So was Friends. And Seinfeld.
Man, That 70's Show wasn't even top 5.
Its a more infinite infinity like the sets of whole numbers versus prime numbers.
Hey, there! Hi, there! Ho, there!
>this was the best rip of all time
The best parts were when they imagined themselves in other sitcoms of the era.
This scene made me sit up, take a deep breath, and say "mmm, that's fine kino." with the satisfaction you get from coffee.
I thought that show was only for gays and women
That show had way too many unlikeable characters, and sadly they're not done in a funny relatable way like in Seinfeld
Ey dere Bab you wanna piece-a-pie?
Way better than That 70's Show.
it is
Only the dad was genuinely funny, and even then in small doses
>but laura prepon was hot
Laura looks like someone else in this picture. If I scroll past it, but not focusing on her face, it's reminding me of someone else, but i can't fucking place it
Ok now find a a show with zero (0) Jews working on it
a show in which the laugh track ruined it for me. I'd like to think im smart enough to know when to laugh...
What is Seinfeld?
Hyde is jewish too, so was the character who replaced Topher
Complete shit and irrelevant
Feels like its the same production company. Same style, same non-jokes boosted by a liberal application of laugh track.
Is it the same creators involved? Wouldn't surprise.
>>take FRIENDS
no thanks
>implying Ashton Kutcher isn't jewish either
They all were bar fez
What the fuck was that guy's problem anyways? Always hated that fucker.
i like the show when i was in high school now i cant watch anything with a laugh track its so annoying and repititive you hear the same laughs too it gives the show such a fake vibe
>as opposed to real tv shows that aren't pre written and filmed
Wrong. This is the best sitcom if all time
who is this?
He came from some facist 3rd world shithole where his only countryman who we ever meet is English
He was also a creeper
I didn't ask.
Was he Cuban
They never say, running joke I'm pretty sure
American Hiro
that Hyde actor is fully white and Christian irl
>oh it's the I'm christian not jewish meme
>being a jew is about religion
I thought the mastersons were scientologists
You know those shows where you think it's funny as it was airing but then you rewatch and realize it wasn't that good and you only liked it for nostalgia? That 70s Show was one of those shows.
That would be this
and then
There's many sitcoms out there that aren't fraisier and friends.
scientology is the religion of ireland now?
you can take yourself out of it though with something like IASIP. You are constantly jolted back into the fakeness with something like that 70s show or friends.
Stopped being good as soon as Donna ran away to California.
Up until then, great stuff.
>It's the final few high school graduate burnout seasons.
Almost wish there was a sequel to this to see how they all turned out in 10 years.
Is it true that Topher Grace was a cunt to work with though?
Riki Lindhome from Garfunkel and Oates, maybe?
Why was Red considered a good father by some when his daughter was a massive useless cunt?