What would you like to see next for Francesca Capaldi, career-wise?
What would you like to see next for Francesca Capaldi, career-wise?
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who is this bitch?
your mom
bout to cum
Tasteful but erotic panty scenes.
Could you post an example of a tasteful, but erotic, panty scene?
12 year olds should not look this comely.
((((they)))) don't even try to hide it
Doesn't get any better than this.
red pusy
based pusy poster
Is this a new cunny on the rise?
The only thing on the rise is my pants!
because they stink to high heaven!
How is this crap even related to television and movies?
She's an actress from television and movies.
why doesnt G get posted anymore bros
i heard shes a titmouse now
>All actress and actor discussion should pertain directly to their roles and careers. Off-topic discussion will be deleted.
All I see is some pedos who don't talk about her carreer at all.
I can't help it if these numbskulls won't discuss her career with me.
why don't you add something to the discussion then?
Why don't you stop ramming your perversions down other people's throats in order to cope with your depression and self-loathing as you wallow in the knowledge that you are ugly, mentally-underdeveloped, unloved, unliked, and that no female of any age will ever willingly touch you because they find you physically repulsive and frightening?
Shut up, ERROR.
wow that's a lotta words
Because i can
Who are these stud muffins?
cats and cloister
How about showing a little compassion, man?
Isn't this the girl who cried after getting a black doll for Christmas?
I don't know who those people are. I'm out of the pedo loop now that I no longer visit #ooo and #waifu on IRC.
kek, i member that
she could play her in the inevitable;e biopic
Voice acting as the Devil.
pls no bully
i'd like to see her do some work with the BBC
>old enough for kisses
Some Doctor Who?
i want to have sex with her!
>old enough for kisses
I think being my wife would be the most solid career choice she could make at this point
>I'm out of the pedo loop now that I no longer visit #ooo and #waifu on IRC
>tfw fell down the rabbit hole for a bit but pulled myself out
thank fuck
If you're not going to discuss Francesca Capaldi's career, please exit my thread. Otherwise, you leave me no choice but to report you. Thank you and good day.
>what's next for her career?
why are you demonizing ugly people? ugly people can't help being born ugly.
I'd like her to see my basement.
giv redhead gf
>she should be my wife
do you have a miniature stage production set up down there?
I would like to see her in a movie of some sort.
i want a redhead daughter
In order to turn her pussy red, right?