So why was she and the blind guy not acting creepy despite being in on it? Other than "because there had to be a twist".
Get Out
> Other than "because there had to be a twist".
That's it bro. It's film language to set up your brain so they can trick you.
revive, thread!
why would the girl act creepy? she had to lure him to the house
the blind guy was the one dude who seemed to treat him like a regular person so yeah it was just a twist that he ended up being the one to buy him
Is she still a coalburner even if she had a prupose to do it?
>why would the girl act creepy? she had to lure him to the house
Well exactly. It would make sense for them all to try normal to not scare him away. Unless they all simply weren't able to due to being secluded.
Or was it all part of the hypnosis thing? To make him feel discomfort?
*try to act normal
It's part of the psychological thriller angle. The behavior of most people is not meant to be strictly realistic. They're set up to make the viewer understand the protagonist's anxieties.
They weren't acting that weird they were acting like old people
Remember the two black people at their house were the grandparents so they were very old PLUS they were all fucking lunatics
why wouldn't you GTFO after the first night of staying there? You get hypnotized by the mom, every black person you come across is crazy and unhinged (sprinting at night, freaking out and telling you to leave, disconnecting your cellphone and laughing and crying) and the party obviously revolves around you.
Yeah the girl's job is literally to interact with the outside world, and she's done it before, so it makes sense that she's 'normal'
Dunno about the blind guy though
I assume niggers acted creepy because the surgery is imperfect and their motor functions could not be completely natural
to get his guard down and hear him talk about photography - whole thing he wanted was his "eye" for photography so he needed to have an open conversation with the man first - couldnt get that by being creepy anbd eyeing him up right off the bat
did anyone else get caught off guard by the obvious product placement in this movie?
Microsoft products, yeah. Was there anything else?
What the fuck is wrong with people these days?
Just do as the cop asks you to do and there wouldn't be a problem. Too many armchair lawyers these days.
Why would the fucking gooks hardcode their disgusting subs onto the images? Fuck is this world coming too.
He was going to, she was the one that made a thing out of it. Probably to discourage the cop from looking any further into their dealings, disguised as a racial thing (and of course to set up the tension when the cop car arrives at the end).
As for the creepy - she knew him well by this point and knew how to act around him and other black people. And the blind guy wasn't interested in the colour of his skin, only his skill and talent, which isn't usually seen as creepy to talk about. That was still him eyeing him up in his own way though.
I agree. As fucking obnoxiously #BLACKLIVESMATTER as this scene was, it played perfectly into the final scene.
But the final scene was a let-down because of it. It would have been poetry if it had the racist cop in the police car .
The fact that they twisted it, made the whole ordeal feel a little cheapened.
That pussy was on point. I just assume some families are weird, especially drunkards
this movie is a legit 6/10 average horror movie, but keep in mind that it is not really scary at all
also plot twist they weren't racist, kinda the opposite really
>The fact that they twisted it, made the whole ordeal feel a little cheapened.
Ending was great the way it was, probably the closest i'm going to get to feeling like a black guy in America.
>probably the closest i'm going to get to feeling like a black guy in America.
I felt that too, maybe it's just that the thought of the protagonist failing and the girl getting help is much more scary than 'oh boi, wasn't dat a close escape'
She looks like a hot tranny
I dug it, found it interesting even if you gotta' let things slide realistically. It's strongest quality was the fact that it was perfectly cast. The main guy comes off as just a nice dude and you root for him, his gf comes off as a hot but you can see the crazy eyes dont do it bro. spoiler (I knew she was in on it from the start, like around the first time they had a convo about him being her first black bf)
>that pussy was on point
After luring how many other black guys? I doubt that.
Some very credible sources told me that you had already shat your pants three times by the time this scenes happened.
>these stupid fucking audio jumpscares
So were they bidding in thousands of millions. Also, where were the original subconscious being held.
This fucking nigger face every goddamn day
Slaves trade was plugged a lot. I thought that was illegal but I could be mistaken.
Why would those white folks get a brain transplant into the house niggers just to do chores all day long?
The guy was enjoying the exercise. Also maybe they only do it for appearances when trying to lure another one in.