how come there's so many jews in hollywood?
i want a real awnser. none of that Sup Forums shit
How come there's so many jews in hollywood?
>so many jews in hollywood
[citation needed]
>i want a real awnser. none of that Sup Forums shit
but user...
Jews run hollywood, it's simple as that.
All of the main studios, except Disney, were founded by Jews
When the jews sensed sentiments against them growing in Weimar, many of them left for the US and they were the first to start studios and create Hollywood.
read the culture of critique by kevin macdonald
Your great grandaddy had a sign in his shop window that read no irish no niggers no jews, Hollywood was one of the few places they could get work, their kids also worked in the business and so did their kids and their kids
Nah, you put them there
because they let them own Hollywood
>Disney is now ran by them
>Disney now pushes Marxist ideologies
Walt is REEEEEEEEEEing from the afterlife
there's a big problem with asking for the answer and saying none of that Sup Forums shit. After all, of all sad words of tongue or pen...
There's nothing wrong with admitting the truth
Now, explain why the shopkeepers didn't want any Irish, niggers, or Jews without using terms like "ignorance" or "bigotry". Explain why these three specific groups were on everyone's shitlists at the same time.
Jews got a hold of it in the early days of cinema. Without jews hollywood wouldn't exist and we wouldn't have great big budget movies.
Cuz they were rejected from broadway
that sounds like a good thing
Just nepotism, no grand conspiracy but they see themselves as a special group and work to hire and protect each other but get away with it because they look like 80% of the population, so having 80% of them isnt noticed.
This, the major film studios were all got founded by European born Jews. Only exception is Disney which was the latest major studio.
So you have that, then you have the fact that people tend to be naturally biased toward their own kind. Which you can argue is wrong or racist but there's no way you're gonna remove it. And finally LA like New York is just very Jewish.
Wow thanks you
>doesn't want Sup Forums answers
>specifically posts a Sup Forums thread
What did Sup Forums mean by this?
Im irish and a lot of our people are fucking states. We didnt send our best, however a lot of the tension was due to them being catholic.
they have the highest IQ of any population with an average of 115 and they don't have any religious teachings against money lending like christianity and islam so they are often over represented in businesses
Patrice O'neal talks about it if you're really curious. It's essentially a mafia. People don't usually speak out because they value their careers too much, Patreeky didn't give a fuck
> hasnt received any Sup Forums responses
Hello (((moderate apolotical))) left defaultist.
Most Ashkenazi Jews who emigrated to the US came in the late 19th and early 20th century, mostly to escape poverty and pogroms in the Russian Empire.
Sup Forums was right again?
>none of that Sup Forums shit
But i thought you said you want the real answer
Well what the fuck did Irish do besides Drink too much?
and now hes dead
They had to fix that terrible image of a jew in pyjamas behind fences starving to death who got his picasso stolen 3 years ago.
It worked but no one is buying it.
They were nepotistic, disproportionately involved in crime, culturally prone to being violent both in petty situations and starting long-lasting blood feuds and vendettas, they along with the jews and scots were disproportionally responsible for selling and pushing slaves, sometimes directly abducting them. Like the other user said, they'd be devout Catholics despite living lives of sin and vice. They did not assimilate and their previous culture was not compatible with US culture of the time. "Multiculturalism" pre-histrionics was about refining your base culture by exposure to and study of the strengths and weaknesses of external cultures, not forcing people who were guaranteed to hate each other all together. So people kept distance from types of immigrants they didn't like.
Also being inveterate drunks as a cultural practice didn't help much with that whole excessive crime rate thing.
Because the theatre was originally where all of the beautiful/handsome actors and actresses were and white people ran it.
TV and film was considered shit tier so they let the Jews have it.
Fuck off antisemite
>Without jews hollywood wouldn't exist and we wouldn't have great big budget movies.
So you're saying jews ruined cinema?
>they have the highest IQ of any population
No, they really don't. Israel is on the same level as the other raghead shitholes.
The devil's in a rush
Just asking that why is widely considered antisemitic. So, OP that question itself according to your reddit logic would be categorized as 'Sup Forums shit', faggot. Lurk more.
Jews love controlling things and having nan ingroup with their fellow parasites. They wish to control the media to spread their Marxist thought and evil ways.
>Walt Disney is Gay
always give the job to the tribe
Goy, not gay, you silly homo.
Being catholics.
Ignorance and bigotry,fuck you.
Also humans being shit to each other in general
To be honest, Jews are far better actors/directors than fucking Aryans
(((people i disagree with)))
>actually telling people to explain why [insert dumb mindless peasants from history] hated minorities
The unwanted party is ALWAYS blameless and the party sick of their shit is ALWAYS evil.
You're still a child.
But if we're counting Irish as minorities, then all of the other white nationalities who hated them were also minorities.
>dumb mindless peasants
Isn't that "classism"?
But I'm sure that your moralistic single perspective on what happened in their lifetimes derived more from modern political propaganda then any actual contemporary records and writings is far more accurate, enlightened, and practical than their immediate personal experience and dependence on the peaceful continuation of their livelihoods to survive.
the good jew directors are
Not that user, but it's generally a good idea to know why things happen instead of just take for granted they just happen without reason. If you can't stay honest and explain it you're in no position to lecture anyone about it.
>OP: tell me about the jews without telling me about the jews
Fuck off op
Kubrick hated his jewish ancestry
No? Pitch the greatest aryan actors vs the greatest jews and the aryans win easily
Directing... well it's kinda hard to compete when the jewish racket only hires other jews for the job
I'm serious
And literally thought that Hitler was right. You could even say that Kubrick was /ourguy/.
The real brain teaser is why this is considered unspeakable to ask.
Nepotism. That's probably pretty much it.
The early film industry was actually not very profitable and mostly just seen as some art novelty at first. Many Jews, either by luck or by having the foresight to see the industry being hugely profitable down the line, took to film and basically the rest is history.
Because then it would be harder to promote white genocide with the idea that everyone in Hollywood is white.
I once checked several people the list declares as jews. They weren't.
Except it's not. Hollywood Jew jokes are a dime a dozen. You're confusing angry rants about "those damn kikes" with someone curiously wondering why there's such overrepresentation.
Sup Forums believes in the one-drop rule, so even if your great grandfather was Jewish, you'd be on their list.
It isn't, you're just an alt right SJW acting like a victim.
cringe laughed
The lies about certain people being Jewish isn't the funniest part of that list to me, it's the inclusion of Hulu and the omission of Netflix, despite Netflix being significantly larger at the time.
Name 10.
>misusing SJW to co-opt a successful insult
>unironically using cringe anything
You're making it very obvious you come from another site.
Not at all, just your preoccupation with Sup Forums tells your not being from a neutral position.
You are a cringey SJW though. alt right babies often do this thing where they call things "unspeakable," (usually things they speak about all the time) to push their own victim narrative. Everyone on Sup Forums is an SJW, don't get mad about factual descriptions of your own behavior, your whiny cringey SJW baby.
Because there isn't.
>one group of people dominate an entire 'industry'
>industry colludes and allows only one philosophy/viewpoint/political ideology
they didndu nuffin and if you say otherwise your Sup Forums/
> alt-right
Welcome to Sup Forums, have you met our leaders Richard spencer and milo?
Not who you're arguing with but just stop mate. Its embarrassing as shit.
This thread is just one huge disinfo exercise
>muh pol
>muh alt-right
In the 1900s, New York was more or less home to the entertainment industry as a whole. Irish, Italians, and Jews all worked in the industry since it was considered work for "the lower classes" not fit for WASPs. To be an actor at the time was synonymous with being like a stripper today. You did not want your kid to be on vaudeville. (there were of course exceptions to this "rule" as there were respected actors at the time, but they were largely Shakespearean actors).
In the 1910s through 1930s, Jews start making inroads into the financial sector. Hebrew culture is very into nepotism and helping "their people" so upper class Jews would bankrollJewish productions/actors/writers etc.
In the 40s, Hollywood became more popular and it was an easy transition from vaudeville to mainstream cinema.
>this bullshit "chart" made by that one angry Sup Forumstard.
This, im not Sup Forums and even i find the jewish hollywood rule inappropriate
It's not a factual description because nobody who calls themselves a member of the alt-right gives any fucks about the extremely nebulous definition or propagation of social justice. It's an insult designed to turn that dynamic around on someone who does care about it.
The fact you're trying (and failing) to co-opt it just shows your side is losing the digital culture war to such a point you're forced to realign your vernacular language around your enemy's terminology. It's little more than a glorified "NO U!" argument at this point.
go back to re ddit
Also the pertinent fact that no-one actually calls themselves alt-right. It was a totally random and inaccurate term given by the media.
Allows for the control of huge amounts of money on a ever worsening products, breeding ground for jewish nepotism and the commercial side of propaganda
The alt right has their own definition of social justice, you moron.
>actually implying alt righters aren't SJWs just because instead of fighting the opreshun of minorities they fight the opreshun of white males
Go downvote a youtube video you delusional mongoloid simp
>This, im not Sup Forums and even i find the jewish hollywood rule inappropriate
Of course it is. It's insane to say otherwise.
What reasonable person finds it's ok to have one group run the entire media?
Are you saying you're pro affirmative action/forced diversity?
Illiterate nigger detected
>ignore how most parent companies are not owned by Jews
>ignore how this is just yet another example of paranoid scapegoating
>ignoring the fact that even if it was remotely true, it wouldn't matter
>ignoring how autistic this concern is
>ignoring how it makes you like a fucking retard to complain
If you need to ask this question, you probably have some personal issues with Jews.
How about talking about ideas instead of semantic bogeymen like 'pol' or 'alt-right'
One is accurate and just, the other isnt. Dont fall into relativistic idleness.
Well the important factor is that they don't run the entire media. Rupert Murdoch's empire, Netflix, AT&T (who now owns shit like Time Warner, HBO, etc), and a few other huge ones aren't Jewish. There's a disproportionate number of Jewish owners, but they're far from running the entire media. That's literally a neo-nazi lie designed so anything the media does can be blamed on le jooz.
I'm saying I'm anti-racketeering
Not that user, but there are def alt right sjw manbanies out there. This board is full of them.
>What reasonable person finds it's ok to have one group run the entire media?
It's not "one group" any more than it would be if only white people ran it. But like said, what's the alternative you propose, exactly? Quotas?
>but they're far from running the entire media
He could just be pro-talent and not nepotism.