The Wonder Woman concern trolling whisper campaign is in full swing spearheaded by Disney/Marvel shills.

A. Use social media to ask where all the Wonder Woman advertising and marketing tie ins is.

B. Accuse WB/DC of not having any confidence in the movie and skimping on the ad campaign.

C. Accuse WB/DC of being sexist/misogynist and wanting Wonder Woman to fail so they don't have to produce any more female lead superhero movies.

D. Call for a boycott of Wonder Woman and Justice Leauge to punish WB/DC and send a message that women deserves to be pandered to as hard as men.

E. Captain Marvel finally comes out and is the most succesful female lead superhero movie ever proving that Disney/Marvel cares about women and is the feminists media conglomerate of choice.

F. Disney/Marvel wins again!

Other urls found in this thread:


>Use social media to ask where all the Wonder Woman advertising and marketing tie ins is.

They specifically cut a trailer and attached it to every screening of the biggest movie of the year (Beauty and the Beast)

Anybody claiming they are skimping on marketing is either outside the target demographic or a literal Marvel Paki.

Can't even drink a damn Dr. Pepper without seeing that movie promoted. It might not have a large amount of tv commercials but it has plenty of tie ins.

>not drinking Mr Pib

Are You Wondering Where the Wonder Woman Marketing Is? Yeah, Us Too

You Aren’t Imagining It, ‘Wonder Woman’ Really Isn’t Being Well Promoted


>wearing gold chains

oy vey

>whatsup fellow 4channers. I'm one of you and totes not from WB matketing
>Please commit these talking points to memory
nypa faggot
This movie looks like shit starring a hateful rat-faced kike.

WW looks like it will be another epic mature film in the DCEU that will stand the test of time. It was Win written all over it. a great new WW, the ww1 trench warfare setting is very exciting, plus chris pine and ares. i think it will end up with Deadpool level sales numbers and i would consider that a success. it probably wont have the empty headed humor to go higher than that and she isnt in a dgenerate romance so she wont have the Harley Quinn appeal to todays sjw sluts to bring about repeat viewings like suicide squad but it could have a big appeal to the beauty and the beats crowd if they get the trevor romance down right.

fuck marvels interns.

I want the movie to be good. I think Wonder woman could actually be pretty decent, a 6-7 maybe 8. But it's true I've seen way more marketing for Justice League than Wonder Woman. It doesn't make sense unless they assume it'll work for both movies

>wanting Wonder Woman to fail so they don't have to produce any more female lead superhero movies
wtf i love dc now

You really think publications like

"The Mary Sue" + Buzzfeed + Jezebel etc

Dont actively look for shit to complain about? Ainy shills, just feminist cunts who are desperate for vaccuous clickbait.

But hey i still think WW looks terrible. We'll see in a few weeks i guess

Mediocre leading actress
Mediocre director
Mediocre Writers
Worst producers ever
Awful casting
Mediocre theme
Mediocre cinematography
Awful trailers

Yes, Marvel is responsable for all this shit

Grown men actually went to see beauty and the beast? Pathetic

Warner hires this "model" as Wonder Woman and everyone has to say amen
and if you don't like this is shill


Marvel shill here, you don't know the half of it

How long until Disney is responsible for the shitty script of BvS?

When Snyder has his "hail Hydra" moment and reveals that he's been a Disney double agent all along.

>pretending Marvel shills are responsible for the end product
You have to accept that the DC stuff is being mismanaged by WB.

Marvel shills didn't force WB to have an advertising agency get final editing cut on Suicide Squad. People who actually care about the comics wouldn't even think of doing that.

Why would Disney/Marvel shills demand WW marketing?

There it is. The 'blame da Jews' meme!


The amount of mental gymnastics necessary to believe there's a huge anti-marketing campaign against the DCEU is utterly staggering.

Especially considering the movies have been just plain bad. All of them.

even Cara is a kike?

>she will never force your worthless goy ass to suck her chosen feet

>Not taking your girl to see it

Fucking kek

>Grown men actually went to see beauty and the beast? Pathetic

Believe it or not Warner are trying to market this movie towards women too

>Believe it or not Warner are trying to market this movie towards women too

marketing with this?

The problem with WW is that they sent it to die against movies that are gonna crush it, no matter how good it is (which I doubt is much anyway).
I do not really understand studio logic sometimes, but they know how to make the money, I guess. Maybe it's some tax scam or something.

I don't care what anyone says, imma watch the SHIT out of WONDER WOMAN

Looks good as hell

Will this scene be in the movie?

>Surrounded by Pirates 5, Baywatch, The Mummy, The last Knight and Cars 3

Fucking hell they really are sending it to die

>Disney shills are responsible for our movies being shit

Every time

>jews in Hollywood
how surprising
do the same thing with Marvel and guess what

>media complains about the lack of advertising
>Warner releases 3 TV spots a few hours later
>Starts claiming they invested even more money for ads than for Suicide Squad

Damage Control Entertainment at it again

i'll be waiting to see those in theater pics of a near empty theater on opening night for wonderwoman

Warner said no to Emily to play Wonder Woman

No, they're just responsible for you being an indoctrinated, brainless stooge.

You've probably never stopped to think about what a crock of shit "With great power comes great responsibility" really is.

>>Surrounded by Pirates 5, Baywatch, The Mummy, The last Knight and Cars 3

And Captain Underpants


>$900mil locked

Can someone explain does this means?

Mr. Pibb isn't available everywhere. Dr. Pepper is owned by Snapple, and agreements with the soda makers are done regionally. That's why in some areas, Dr Pepper is bottled by Coke, and others it's bottled by Pepsi. When it's bottled by Coke, Pibb isn't available in that region. When bottled by pepsi, Coke manufactures Pibb to compete.

>drinking soda

Are you dense? Are you retarded?

Ben said no because he had already fucked her during Gone Girl. He wanted new pussy.


Please elaborate on what the fuck you meant by that

DC so far has made most of their money in the first week.

If it has good reviews, then it'll truck along regardless of the rest.

This is the same director that kike hershlag tried to get to direct thor, this js going to blow

Well if it's gonna blow might as well get a woman to do it.

Complaining about not being marketed to enough. Consumerism is a hell of a drug.

Marketing schedules are planned out months in advance and are set in fucking stone. If you think they cut and released 3 TV spots in a couple of hours because someone bitched on twitter you're a fucking idiot.

This is the same director that did Monster.